Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How many Hillary Clinton supporters are on mind altering drugs & have dysfunctional lifestyles & backgrounds?

Hillary and Bill Clinton are cold-blooded...Democratic Money Machines incapable of anything except furthering their own cause and filling their own pockets! Bill Clinton has all but, called Barrack Obama an out of control....Black Man...who needs to take a rear seat in a bus....that Hillary is riding, up front to the presidency! What happened to all the compassion he said he had when asked if he would ever vote for a Black Person to be president? His answer was: Should a Black Person ever run for president I would be the first person to support and help them get elected! What happened? Did he not figure a black person may really decide to run for president and all of this has him thrown him completely off guard believing there is not a snow-balls chance in hell a black person could really run or become president and he just plays an appeasement card to get the Black folk vote?

How many Hillary Clinton supporters are on mind altering drugs %26amp; have dysfunctional lifestyles %26amp; backgrounds?
I have to wonder if the people that are voting for her really do want to change the way things are in Washington. From what I can tell, she is nothing more than a liberal Republican pretending to be a Democrat.
Reply:They're all cold blooded, with the possible exception of Obama.
Reply:None of them.

Hillary will win, your fear is palpable. It is growing.
Reply:Bill Clinton said nothing of the sort. You're just one of those irrational Clinton haters that can't be reasoned with. Btw, I'm neither on drugs, nor have a dysfunctional lifestyle/background. And trust me on this -- I'm smarter and better informed than you are.
Reply:The ones who are dysfunctional are those that spend all thier time ranting about conspiracy theories in contrast to all evidence against a very effective president because they have nothing more constructive to offer.

Get a life.
Reply:Every single one of them.
Reply:All of them, dysfunctional people like dysfunctional company. If they had Hillary as president they would feel less screwed up.
Reply:By his own admission Obama took drugs....but he never said how many.
Reply:Probably at least 1.

The same can be said for any other candidate in the race, in either party.
Reply:I dont really like her..but I'm a feminist and want a b***h in office...no psychedelics here..maybe a bit dysfunctional..

but look at the selection anyway..its not like we have a great selection

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