Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Clinton on CNN claims Obama is politisizing the death of Bhutto. Yet NYT has her claims being equal to her ?

Yesterday New York Times had Clinton boasting of her exchanges with then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and with State dinners. She has been quoted saying she is her Interantional equal. As a woman , as a Mother, as a leader in a man's world. Yet Hillary '08 is hiting Obama hard for his take on the assignation. What gives?

The links are on your Yahoo politics pages if u upgraded.

IS capitalizing on a few visits and phone calls, then using the woman mother card any beter than Obama ? I am curious first if you have read any of these details. Then what you thought about it.

If not just how do you feel about these candidates ability to handle foreign concerns ? Is Hillary right saying she can be able to handle the diversity that comes across the Presidents desk? And is FIrst Lady a qualification you trust?

Thank you.

btw I purposely left out links. In my opinion we need more research and keeping up on current events is vital. Appreciate those who understand what I mean by that !!

Clinton on CNN claims Obama is politisizing the death of Bhutto. Yet NYT has her claims being equal to her ?
Clinton is at a lose as to how to fight Obama, it seems like she often accuses him of the very things she's doing. I think she is coming apart at the seems. It's rather interesting.
Reply:clinton bloviates, the world turns.

obama moves left of clinton, the drive-by media scowls.

let the libs implode.... less we have to sweep up later.
Reply:So far I've heard Hillary use it, McCain use it, Edwards use it, Giuliani use it, Richardson use it, Romney use and Ron Paul use it. And even tho' I can't vote for him because I have to aggresively fight for stem cell research, Ron Paul had the best take on Bhutto's death. All the chaos in the Muslim countries is now caused by the United States. Sorry folks, but I have to agree. And you can thumbs down me all you want. But the truth is the truth. If that little cowboy doesn't get out of the White House soon, all the candidates put together are not going to be able to dig us out of the hole we'll be in. We can no longer use the lives of our young men to force democracy on countries that do not want it. Let those Muslims (that are over there) run around barefoot in the sand and fight each other. Afghanistan should have been it and we should have stayed there. No Iraqi had anything to do with 9/11, so why are we there? And where is Bin Laden that Bush promised us? I'm just gettin' tired of being lied to.
Reply:Clinton has shot herself in the foot over this campaigning fight. Since she started as early as she did, she is now not only fighting against the other candidates, but herself too. I am not surprised by such an embarrassing response. She is falling like a rock
Reply:Questioner - Do you think that there was a remote chance of her being a part of or even winning an election. This was a planned CIA/Pakistani op. Bhutto is here with me in HELL, all I need is for GWB to get here I have a lot of pinapple for him. Hitler loves it GWB might too as well.
Reply:That's weird....

I thought it was SHE who had demanded an investigation!

As though she thought we would all fall for her little mini-drama in acting as though we needed HER to demand that Bhutto's murder (in Pakistan) be looked into!
Reply:Clinton is trying to milk it from both angles, as for her thinking because she ate a dinner at same place as Bhutto she is her equal that's a pretty pathetic assumption, but unfortunately simple minded Dem's fall for it.

As for Obama's aide claiming because the US and allies are in Iraq diverting attention away from Afghanistan this is some how the reason the assassination of Bhutto was successful is also pretty pathetic, as if it would have prevented something happening in Pakistan.

If you ask me, Both Clinton and Obama camp are being pathetic. Neither Hillary or Obama are capable or qualified to handle foreign concerns issues, Hillary would just be a puppet for Slick Willy who would mess it up more.

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