Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Clinton vs. South Carolina?

Today we heard Senator Obama give us a choice...so to speak. That is, he stated, "We have a choice in this country . . .," Obama said. "We can tackle race only as spectacle as we did in the OJ trial – or in the wake of tragedy. We can play Rev. Wright’s sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she’s playing the race card . . .Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, “Not this time."

He tells us to move on and basically forget what the Rev. said. However, we have not yet heard the end of the Clinton remarks in S.C. Is Obama practicing what he has preached to us today? What is YOUR opinion of Obama's speech today?

Thank you for your adult replies.

Bill Clinton vs. South Carolina?
We can move on, and I believe most of us want to. The issues of the election are huge. But, the Clintons will take this as our weakness and will find to put this in the media day after day with something small and insignificant that will blow up again and again. I am going to ignore the Clintons, won't go for their apologies and comments, and won't pay attention to a thing they have to say from this point out. And, I am banking on Obama to turn down any form of DEBATE with Clinton ever again in this campaign for the presidency.
Reply:I read the whole thing and listened to most of it during my commute. I was not impressed. He did distance himself from Wright’s comments, but since he did it so late in the game it came across as disingenuous.

I think we should have a discussion of race in this country, but both sides need to put away inflammatory talk like what Wright said. Only then will we be able to reconcile differences.
Reply:One must read and digest the whole speech. Merely reviewing segments that support one's preconceived notions about the candidate does not enlighten or inform.
Reply:Sure he would like everyone to get over Rev. wrights antiamerican, racist words. But when Bill said Fairy Tale-he had to apologize to the whole country including sharptoon. and when hillary said President Johnson signed the civil rights act, she was also called a racist and had to explain until she was blue in the face. Obama has set back civil rights 30 years. He is not bringing the country together, he is not changing anything, he is playing dirty chicago style politics.

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