Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why is new york screaming about less money for homeland security?

New York politicians allowed up to one-third of the $20 billion in federal aid awarded to the city in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to be squandered right under their noses, an analysis by the New York Daily News found last December.

But that hasn't stopped some of the same politicians from complaining all weekend about a mere $80 million cut in New York City's federal anti-terrorism budget.

Senators Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer and Rep. Peter King say they're outraged over the new cuts, with Clinton and King teaming up to launch a post-card writing campaign against the Department of Homeland Security.

The bipartisan duo sounded a lot less angry six months ago, when the News uncovered evidence that billions in 9/11 cash had been misspent, gone unaccounted for and, in at least one case, was awarded to the Mafia.

Why is new york screaming about less money for homeland security?
New York thinks that it is the center of the universe. It is wrong.
Reply:Typcial vote pandering.
Reply:They are a bunch of arrogant liberal creeps!!
Reply:Because that's what politicians and government employees do.
Reply:It is all politics, if they can complain about Bush they will

Next it is less money they can waste.

And in the end, they don't care what other states want or need.

There is only so much money in the account, each state is suppose to get so much of thier own tax money back, so the people in Michagan want some of thier tax money back for thier cities, people in Utah want some of thier tax money in the program for thier state.

And there is only so much money to give out

Next they should be thanking the government for the money they are getting, since they don't have to fund this in the first place, Why can't the state merely pay this additoinal out of thier funds if they want the money spent.
Reply:New York is owned by Mafia. That is why!
Reply:Most people who stand around with their hand out have a lot more time to scream about not getting enough than those who work for a living. Look at another "New", specifically New Orleans.
Reply:Because we are a primary target and Congress has decided to start firing up the PORK again, using the earmarked funds as political payback rather than distributing them based on risk.
Reply:"Senators Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer and Rep. Peter King"

There's your reason.
Reply:DUH They want more money to sqander
Reply:as in the rest of the country and in iraq. they all piss it away and want more and there is no such thing as enough with any government whether ir be a city to the federal government. its all about greed and each entity has to outdo the other. case in point. out county wanted to move into a bigger building to put the agencies together. they bought a brand new highrise just finished downtown for twice its value and occupy one fllor out of forty-five. 45 percent to date is still empty. where are the other agencies they wanted together? they bought closed malls and moved them into them spending 100 million more.

family nanny

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