Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Since clinton got impeached over a meaningless lie can we get W for saying he caught the biggest pearch ever?

And the katrina relief was a way bigger disaster than monicas blouse so lets not pull the old morral christian values card on this one you evangelical friends of pat robertson.

Since clinton got impeached over a meaningless lie can we get W for saying he caught the biggest pearch ever?
so are you saying there are differences in lies? do you know what the definition of "is" is.
Reply:Well you tried that and lost the 2004 election and I don't think the rape of a woman is trivial. Sorry.
Reply:You mean the silly thing about Monica Lewisky? Adultery? Lying to the American people?
Reply:pat robo-son is an idiot, and ray naggin dropped the ball on katrina, next time try to have a really good question, like what is really in them hot pockets?
Reply:Did the fish touch him in an unpresidental way?
Reply:You like the president of your country to be caught cheating in the oval office, and lying to his wife about it. Katrina wasn't any more bushes fault than it was Clinton's, considering he was told the same thing bush was about the dams.

America needs old fashion values.

Get some class.
Reply:So what was the lie again? Can you be specific?
Reply:Bush has screwed the USA
Reply:W can say what he wants thanks to a little thing called the first amendment which gives you freedom of speech, press, and assembly
Reply:The moral Republicans jumped on the Clinton because it was about sex. They used this as there weapon of impeachment.

Bush has screwed the country with his lies but in eyes of the moral right wing Republicans he is saint because they Can blame the lies on press or Clinton.
Reply:What Christian values? Bush had sex with a gay hooker and none of them care.
Reply:I believe that one day, men and fish can live peacefully together


What a Dummy
Reply:We can get Bush for High Crimes and Misdemeanors!

Clinton was never impeached. No president has ever been impeached!

Now it is the CIA's fault? Bush knew there were no weapon's or anything else. Hans Blix gave his report to the Sec General, after the US REMOVED 8,000 pages of it!

He said they Iraq was involved in 9/11 and had ties to Al Quiada, which are both bald face lies!
Reply:I don't kno what u r talkin about but if it's something bad about bush than i agree
Reply:no free speech on here..so shut the hell up
Reply:Being a Florida resident I say the second term was stolen, this alone he should have been impeached for.
Reply:G W Bush was “mistaken”, had bad judgment with no intent to lie. ( Yeah I don't believe that either) So he can't be impeached for being and idiot!

Now if anyone could prove he had a hidden agenda, that would be different!

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