Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why is the media giving obama a free pass is it because he is black i hope not,Clinton has done more us?

the media hate's hillary,thats is a shame,a very good woman like hillary has been called a racist by obama and bill clinton was called a racist 2.lol how can u call the clintion's racist and tell the amercain people your about chance? i'm a black man what pisses me off that obama has had a free ride.what else is sick is that obama people are telling the white people if you dont vote for obama you are a racist,come on people wake up and smell the crap that is going on here,like i said i'm a black man and if obama make s it to nov,with MCcain i will vote for MCcain,and so will almost 80% of the people that voted for hillary will to,obama has trashed the clinton's by calling them racist,so now the clinton's have to live with that sick word over there head just because obama was loseing he played the race card and played it well,is that the kind of man you wan't as your president,a man that will play the race card when things dosen't go his way? is that the way u wanna raise you kids

Why is the media giving obama a free pass is it because he is black i hope not,Clinton has done more us?
Why do I get the feeling from your post that you are pro-Obama and are just having fun pulling chains on here?
Reply:It's not about the Media outlets. The Clinton campaign wasn't successful. They had the wrong approach and didn't properly prepare for a real challenger.
Reply:He appeals to the masses, because he has the rhetoric of hope, and that is what the masses want to hear. They don't give much weight to anything else, the media.
Reply:I need proof, that Obama says that if you dont vote for him you are a racist. And everything you basically said, is just the opposite.

Your one confused person.
Reply:I agree. I think when it comes to results you'll see some with Clinton but not with Obama. Obama may be charismatic but what will he do for you. Really what will he do. If he's going to be our nominee I won't vote for him. I will spend my time and energy voting to make sure we get a bigger majority in the house and senate. If we don't get that it doesn't matter if a dem wins or not. Nothing will get done.
Reply:sorry man, but it IS race. notice how while Rumsfeld, Cheney, Asscroft, Perle, Bush all get trashed, Candi Rice and Colin Powell get free passes, even tho they were the public faces of both ignoring 9/11 warnings and bringing us to Iraq. the media just wants to line its pockets by getting more whites to watch the "news story" of blacks succeeding, and more blacks to watch because they will finally see themselves in roles other than criminals. this increases viewership and the size of the jewish media tycoon's wallets.
Reply:Hillary's a good woman? Wow.
Reply:Hillary Clinton all the way 2008!
Reply:I don't know....is the media giving Clinton a free pass cause shes a woman? and cause she is married to Bill? Cause I am pretty sure that if she was a man, and not married to a former president she would have no chance.
Reply:Us? The Clintons have done nothing to benefit me so please not stereotype all black people
Reply:I dont believe the media is giving him a free ride, although I think they will stir the racial pot as it suits them! I believe the only people who care that he is black are mostly black people. I'm white and I could care less about what color he is. He's got some good things going and I am probably gonna vote for him. It will be interesting to see what the black community says if he is elected. I believe they are more concerned about his color than what he can do for the country. The Clintons are bullies period. Also, what about the Democratic party's way they choose folks its a slap in the face to Americans and we just say "whatever dude "and let it continue. Later!
Reply:ok, but I would say rather do not vote than vote for the opposition--because that's what the republicans want to happen--they had said in the very beginning that they would"prefer" for Obama to win the nomination so that they can beat him in the general election. People just do not see that this entire race is manipulated by the media because I honestly do not think that Obama would have had a chance against her was it otherwise. I defend Obama inasmuch that I am trying to be fair--but from what I have observed so far, the media is creating a frenzy around him--but guess what? The media has an agenda--they're owned by bigwigs who have an interest in keeping things the way they were--taxbreaks for the rich and getting richer on the back of the poor--I am a white female and would vote for Obama had I not seen Hillary Clinton's plans for health care--I defend his plan to bring the troops home within 16 months, that is a lot more realistic--but still, I will not vote for Obama because there is something about him which I cannot verbalize or put my finger on.....

So reconsider when voting--this time around the vote is much more than just voting for a candidate which you don't like--it is about showing the current establishment that you are sick and tired of how thy run this country, waste your tax dollars, and leave people hanging when they need their government the most--and you cannot achieve that when you simply vote for the opposition because the candidate of your choice lost the nomination....
Reply:The media are made of Americans too. Don't blame them if they love Obama. Even the Republican media people love Obama. Can you blame them? They have an adulteror as a candidate LOL!

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