Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are the Kennedy's trying to bring Camelot into this race?

This is the camelot card. Camelot was ridden with adultery, graft, murder, cheating, lying, backroom deal making... Let's just get it straight. Clinton's pale to JFK, Joe and Ted. At least Jackie got paid by Onassis.

Why are the Kennedy's trying to bring Camelot into this race?
JFK was loved by those who lived through that era. In my lifetime, which goes back to Harry Truman, he and Reagan stand taller than all of the others.

I'm neither an Obama supporter nor someone who particularly cares for these OTHER Kennedys, but JFK did a lot of positive things in his short administration, such as getting us through the Cuban Missile Crisis and initiating important civil rights legislation.

And although I won't vote for him, Obama does indeed have charisma and gives a brilliant speech, just like JFK. His positions are too liberal for me, but I have great respect for the man.

And I believe he will be our next president. I hope I will be proven wrong by not voting for him.
Reply:An incomprehensible question, matched by an inscrutable answer! A marriage made in la la land! Report Abuse

Reply:I agree with the professor. Isn't there a separate Yahoo Answers, Whacko? Report Abuse

Reply:Don't forget, you're dealing with an alcoholic senator who's only claim to fame is his name and his deplorable driving habits.
Reply:What you're describing here is simply washington politics...
Reply:Very interesting! I wonder what you said.
Reply:I agree with Wahoo. The Kennedys are just trying to validate their existence once again. I have no use for them. And I'm Irish Catholic.
Reply:Camelot was a fable. So are the Kennedy's. Had JFK not been assassinated their legacy would would have been much different.
Reply:Well, maybe because they do not have much else to do, and it is their rights to do so. However, they are no longer winners but sorry losers.
Reply:the kennedy's are finished, and have been for thirty years. once the fools who bought into the kennedy lies in the 1960's are finally dead, no one at all will care what any kennedy has to say ever again

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