Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are there articles saying "white voters played key role in clinton's KY victory? double standard?

don't tell me that if there were articles saying "black voters played key role in obama's NC primary victory," there would be writers losing their jobs. just like the clinton advisor who lost her job when she said that obama is getting most of the black vote simply because he is black. (he was getting close to 90% of the black vote... tell me that is based on issues). the double standard in the country is sickening me and i feel discriminated against as a white. not to mention the incredibly outdated affirmative action. is this ever going to change?

how is it that a black person can be racist and nobody wants to call it what it is but a white person has to be extremely careful not to say the wrong thing because god knows if they accidentally criticize a black person, then all the jesse jacksons and al sharptons of the world will pull the race card and sue the crap out of them.

Why are there articles saying "white voters played key role in clinton's KY victory? double standard?
You got it, brother, there is a huge double standard in this country. The liberal media, which is everything except Fox News and talk radio, believe that all whites are racists and that non-whites are incapable of being racist. As you pointed out, over 90% of blacks vote for Obama and most in the liberal media never call it racist, but anytime Clinton gets more than 50% of the white vote, her supporters are labeled racist and bigoted by the biased liberal media.

Obama is just a less offensive version of Revs. Wright, Jackson and Sharpton. He believes the same things as those race-baiting activists, but he is more subtle about it.
Reply:Don't you remember? When Obama first started to run, Hillary had the majority of Black support. The question was, "Is he Black enough?" Black people are not just voting for him because he's Black. His political philosophy matters. I guarantee that if it were Alan Keyes or some other such Balck rightist, he'd do poorly. Black people do not support conservatives, since conservatives have NEVER been for them.
Reply:The real truth is, as a Kentuckian who is conservative, Hillary campaigned in Kentucky and Obama chose Oregon. Hillary was visible in the state and he wasn't near as much. O'bama knew he needed Oregon and Kentucky's delegates didn't mean much in the overall picture.
Reply:Because that is the fact and that statement will be also be made by the same articles after the general election: "white voters played key role in McCain's presidential victory".
Reply:No. I just did a search on "black voters played key role in obama's.." and got 1 million hits on Yahoo. Give it a try.
Reply:Dear me, cousin, it does sound as if y'all got issues. Why all the hostility? Ain't no skin off yore l'il ol' nose, now is it?
Reply:Double standard. But maybe it will do this country good to get played by a playa.
Reply:Because they'll say anything in order to beat Obama down. Pure Propaganda!
Reply:was oboma a black panther

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