Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are there articles saying "white voters played key role in clinton's KY victory? double standard?

don't tell me that if there were articles saying "black voters played key role in obama's NC primary victory," there would be writers losing their jobs. just like the clinton advisor who lost her job when she said that obama is getting most of the black vote simply because he is black. (he was getting close to 90% of the black vote... tell me that is based on issues). the double standard in the country is sickening me and i feel discriminated against as a white. not to mention the incredibly outdated affirmative action. is this ever going to change?

how is it that a black person can be racist and nobody wants to call it what it is but a white person has to be extremely careful not to say the wrong thing because god knows if they accidentally criticize a black person, then all the jesse jacksons and al sharptons of the world will pull the race card and sue the crap out of them.

Why are there articles saying "white voters played key role in clinton's KY victory? double standard?
The truth hurts and the messenger will get it in the end.

You are right, we all know you are right, but it is not politically correct. These days as you pointed out people are afraid of everything they think, everything they say, and everything they feel.

We walk on egg shells and wonder why most of America is on some drug for anxiety,depression,sleep on and on.....

We are not allowed to talk openly not freely without the thought going through are mind as if we are going to be attacked some how. This coming from a white person who had nothing to do with past discretions here in America.

What is going to happen when the angry black community come into power? This is the question everyone is wanting to ask.

We did nothing to these people, but still they hate us. What did we do to them for this hate?

I am not afraid of the typical black person, it is these haters that I am fearful of, and there are plenty of them!! Blaming everyone but themselves for everything wrong in there life's. Not taking responsibility for themselves. These are the ones I am afraid of! The jessi jacksons and the others that are full of hate.
Reply:Obviously you are unaware that there is still racism out here. A lot of them didn't vote for Obama b/c hes black. And I think your just trying to start ****. Hello have you not been watching the news, they've gone on and on about the Rev. wright thing, and they have said many times that the majority of A.A. voters are voting for Obama.
Reply:Yes, there are articles that say that about Obama all the time.


Affirmative Action has benefitted white women more than




Are you implying 90% of blacks would vote for Condaleeza Rice or Alan Keyes-LOL?

Or that NO whites are against Obama because he's bi-racial-LMAO?!
Reply:This is the song that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends

some people started singing it

not knowing what it was

and they'll continue singing it

forever, just because

this is the song that never ends......
Reply:Man..you are so right! I;m from KY. and you had better not say anything bad about a black person or a gay person...if you do, it;s a hate crime! I know far more blacks that are racist than i know of whites that are racist. As a matter of fact, MOST blacks that i come in contact with are racists....There now i;ve said it, does anyone know a good lawyer? p.s.........I;m as white as ""the driven snow" and i voted for Obama
Reply:'You feel discriminated against' lol. Your experiencing a minor prick of what black people have experience their entire lives. Cry me a f**king river.

PS: van glorious I love you, couldn't have said it better myself.
Reply:ditto van glorius
Reply:Look, I'm white and I live in Kentucky born and raised. I was part of the Obama campaign here calling people. If you think that race is not an issue, you are sadly mistaken. Many many of the people that I called openly said they would not vote for a black man. That is the truth... this country has not progressed as much as people like to think and it is worse here in Appalachia because they are years behind the times. It's like this. People are drowning in a river. There are two boats. One boat is carrying a white man and one carrying a black man. The white man is leaning back because he is afraid you will tip over the boat and the black man is holding his hand out to help you in. Many of these people would rather drown than to grab his hand. You can say what you want. You can claim that it's a double standard if you want to, but until you can know what it is really like for African Americans in some parts of this country, you really should just shut up!!!!!!!!
Reply:WHAT????? There are articles, radio broadcasts, news reports, etc stating that black people are only voting for Obama because he's black. I have to say it must feel good to get a dose of your on medicine.

"What is going to happen when the angry black community come into power? This is the question everyone is wanting to ask. "

The same thing that happened when the angry white community had power, the roles will be reversed.
Reply:Tell me one instance where you personally, lost out because of Affirmative Action. Don't blame Black people, blame your grandparents and great-grandparents...they were the ones who segregated or didn't do enough to make things better sooner. Now the playing field is being leveled, so just get outta your false reality and get to dancing to the rhythm of making it...no more overprivilege for you, no more living in your lily White world. You are a color, too pal so get used to understanding what the rest of the people have been having to strive against. Stop whining about your "White = Right" given advantages are being taken away and stop blaming everyone else when you know it is necessary. No one is out lynching your race or telling you to sit in the back of any bus or eating in the back of the kitchen. Instead of complaining about hardships of being White, why don't you learn your heritage and start a program for people of a perticular ethinicity. "White" isn't an ethnicity who have been disadvantaged...you experienced even a quarter of the discrimination other races feel in this country, you would probably be doing more than moaning and b!tching on Yahoo, you'd be popping pills and pissing yourself.

Grow up and do something constructive like form alliances and get the NAACP to recognize that "White" is a color, too and poor and disadvantage White people need help, also. They will hear you out, I assure you...as long as you don't flaunt your color all over them.

...and why are so many White people afraid of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? We don't give them no more credibility than White people do but sure enough they are always brought up...learn who more of our influential people are. Watch the State of Black Union this year on CSPAN...

...the problem White people have had in this fvcking country for centuries is they cannot define themselves and who they are as a people in making it unless they are fvcking with and stepping on another people...you don't believe it and wanna say its the past? Look at the foreign policy...

I will explain the 90% very plainly for you...for Black people, 43 White male presidents in a row is a pretty big issue, considering how they got in office, sometimes even while Black people were the majority in this country (before the Civil War) and couldn't vote!!!

choose roller blades

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