Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is the media trying to sink Obama by playing the "race card" again?

This is the headline on a lot of internet sites:

AP: Black lawmakers rethinking support for Clinton

The problem is that white superdelegates like, Sophie Masloff of Pennsylvania and Nancy Larson of Minnesota have also switched to Obama. Funny that we haven't seen headlined that read, "White lawmakers rethinking support for Clinton ".

I think the media is trying to stir the pot as so to cause a white backlash against Obama right before the primaries in Texas and Ohio. What say you posters?

Is the media trying to sink Obama by playing the "race card" again?
obama is sinking himself. GO HILLARY!
Reply:NO, it is NOT the media that is playing the race card....it is the "Black Lawmakers" that are playing the race card....all this time they were for HILLARY...NOW, all of a sudden they are for obama? Like all of a sudden they realized obama was a better candidate? YEAH RIGHT!! IT's all about RACE for these "Black lawmakers"!
Reply:What race card? It higher than ace of spade?
Reply:Hilliary needs those superdelegates,how is that bad for Obama
Reply:OMG!!! I just asked this same question.
Reply:Even if they are, I don't think it will have the desired effect. People are showing over and over again that they are tired of all that...
Reply:It would surprise me if they didn't. America is full of racism it's quite sickening. I don't know why they keep it that way in such a hug e and dynamic countyr, but what can anyone do about it? Obama didn't choose his dad and so shouldn't be bashed for it. But it would be another planet if politics were plyed without racism coming to spoil the fun. It's for good though. If Obama won the presidency, he would do it against huge odds and that would probably make him a truly big product of the American dream. Go Obama, go!!!
Reply:No one is making the case on the race-card, and as long as we don't pay attention to the case that is attempting to surface, the case won't be made. Obama is doing really good, and that credit is real and has no race or color attached to it.
Reply:Who likes a black anti-white fellow in the White who is undoubtedly supported by 89.9% of America's blacks. Does this make him right for the White House. Just becase we have dummy in the White House at this time doesn't mean we have to elect another loser to replace the one we are replacing. I think that Obama is all blow without results. I think his health plan will be a dusaster for all American.
Reply:Race is impossible to ignore in this country. Obama's been very careful not to mention it. But it's the most interesting and unique thing about him, so you would just expect it to be played up.

There's a game people play where they try to get friends of theirs to fight each other. You say to one guy that the other guy called him a name. You tell the other guy that the first guy is all mad at him over nothing. With each of them you pretend to be on his side against the other, but you are really trying to set them against each other. This is sometimes called 'Let's You and Him Fight'. The media does this in the US, trying to magnify differences, to hype issues that really weren't important to begin with, to make mountains out of molehills. Reporting about Obama's race is sort of like that.
Reply:Maybe. Could be. I sure hope so.
Reply:so -- are u helping them here or what ??
Reply:they see the light, speeches vs solutions

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