Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Does Hilary Clinton suffer from multiple personalities?

One of them claims that the individual voters voice is very important and each American should be able to have a say in who is the Dem's nominie. Of course this is when she is talking about the Florida %26amp; Michigan primaries which she won (by defualt)

Then her other personality say its OK to discount what the people want by setting aside the results of their votes by playing the superdelegate card. She said it would be OK for the super delegates to choose her even if Obama recieves the most normal delegates and wins the popular vote because she is more electable. Thus not only discounting the voters from FL %26amp; MI but from every state.

I dont know maybe she is just suffering from PTSD from the sniper fire she was under in Bosnia

By the way I dont support either Obama or Clinton but just have to laugh how arragant she is thinking she can lie everytime she opens her mouth. Did she not think there was footage of her arrival or other people who were there?

Does Hilary Clinton suffer from multiple personalities?
Gee I never thought of that, you could be right.

So instead of the white house maybe the nut house?

Oh Yeah you get a star
Reply:If she has multiple personalities, I wish she'd develop one that could tell the truth once in a while and another one that would have enough self-esteem, courage or strength to throw out that lying, cheating so-and-so she's married to!! Oh! That's right!! She doesn't want anything to hurt her image!!! What a pitiful JOKE!!!
Reply:No, she's just evil and power hungry.
Reply:Well of course I do

No I don't

Yes I do

No I donT

tyes I doooo not

Reply:Isn't it true that Obama and his followers suffer from the same delusion
Reply:She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary - right ?

Her list of outrageous lies boggles the mind but, her followers eat up every pebble of turd that she drops along her merry way . . . .
Reply:No nooooo.

"It's the politics, stupid"
Reply:Are you kidding???? Dude, her multiple personalities suffer have multiple personalities....
Reply:no, but she does have a serious case of dumbass-itis...
Reply:Hillery is just head strong, she wants the Presidency sssooo bad she will do anything.
Reply:Grunf!!! well 57 million Americans suffer of mental disorder

Grunf!!! 80% of them are suicider Grunf!!! Grunf!!!

I don't think Hillary she's suicider Grunf!!!Grunf!!!

but try to be president of this country is only for crazy people Grunf!!!Grunf!!!Grunf!!!
Reply:whats a "hilary"?
Reply:no but obama is.
Reply:Maybe that's why she doesn't remember Bosnia snipers weren't there?

Maybe the other personality knows for sure.

I really felt this when she said "shame on you Obama'

I thought she had lost it.

Poor Hillary. Get well soon.
Reply:no, no,no,no,no,no... she is the best candidate for sure.

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