Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are people saying that Obama is playing the race card?

when Hillary Clinton was the first one to even bring up the issue of race when she referred to Dr. Martin Luther King and his accomplishments crediting Former President, Lydon B. Johnson. Excuse me but LBJ was not the one enduring racial hatred all he did was sign the bill.

Why are people saying that Obama is playing the race card?
he wasn't until both clintons began using it
Reply:Duh,Because he is.A Politician of that level will play whatever card is needed even the ones up their sleeve.
Reply:They are both playing the race card. What one of them should have said is that LBJ signed into law US government sponsored racism also known as Affirmative Action.
Reply:Oprah used MLK in a speech at a rally for Obama. Saying he will fulfill MLK's dream of a black man as President. That was before Clinton made her remarks.
Reply:It was Obama that began it. What she was saying and I chokingly agree with her is that LBJ made it happen. MLK would still be marching to this day if LBJ had not signed what he had signed. That is not taking away anything from MLK and the cause, it's only saying that he had help and the right kind of help at that.
Reply:Because what she said should not have been construed as a racist comment. She stated a fact. The fact is that to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a president had to sign it into law. She did not take away from MLK's role of bringing about the atmosphere of change. However, certain people turned it into a racial thing and that is unfortunate.
Reply:Yes that piece of 'white bread ' should be ashamed of herself I mean all she was saying was black people need white people in power to protect them from evil white people

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