Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why is Fox News or Fox Lies obsessed with smearing Senator Obama with controversy?

Why are Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Clinton’s etc etc scare of the qualified black man running for president? They have to spread false rumors, lies, half truths and inject the race card/race baiting.

Why is Fox News or Fox Lies obsessed with smearing Senator Obama with controversy?
Jaz you can tell by the answers your getting, what kind of people your're dealing with. What's sad is so many more feel this way but they wont admit it. They'll grin in your face and call you a ***** behind your back. They'd rather have another 100 years of Bush than vote for Black candidate that's 100x more qualified to do the job. That's some serious psychological issues going on there. What's really sad is they think they're normal.
Reply:They are reporting facts. I don't think anyone is afraid of a qualified black man. I would vote for a qualified black man or woman in a second. The thing that scares people is not that Obama is black, but that he is not qualified. I don't care what color his skin is or what gender he is, he is not qualifed to be head of state.

Race is only an issue for people like you who love to play the "race card," as you put it. You assume that Obama is not liked because of his skin color and not because of his own obvious racism and ineptitude.
Reply:Dearest *New girl * "friend" JAZ:


Isn't Fox~

"Fair %26amp; Balanced"? :-(

Seriously ......

I feel you PAIN~ girl!

We must remember that~

Fox %26amp; many naive voters are

"Scared" of Sen. Obama.

(The TRUTH Hurts!)

Thus ........

the FEAR Factors/Smears are Amp'ed UP!

(Race, Religion etc.)

The excitement %26amp; success of Sen. Obama's

Candidacy is too much for them. Many

are really JEOLOUS of the effective

Campaign he is waging. Front-Runners

usually always get RIPPED UP!

It's much "easier" for Fox to Smear %26amp; LIE!

The Majority of our Electorate Vote By

Their FEARS~ instead of Intelligence!

Fox Staffers are the same!

Does this make ANY Sense to you?

Keep Posting Jaz!

PS: Personal to Jaz!

Re: "Slow Or FAST?"

I like it SLOW TOO~

EXCEPT I am *NOT Out Of Practice!

Reply:I find fox to be fairly unbiased. All they are doing is getting peoples opinions on everything. I watch fox news all the time and all they do is point out the things that actually are a stretch from a candidate. They slammed clinton about Bosnia and he commercials. I think your being too judgmental just because things are being said against someone you are supporting.
Reply:the global elites are trying to stack the deck prior to the national elections, so they don't have to worry which party wins the White House.

If you get to choose between two choices they approve of, you still feel like you have power over your government, and accept the outcome.

Some of you better get your heads out of the dirt, and wake up to what is actually taking place.

Newscorp(FOX) is bigger than most people think. And the owner is partnered with the Clintons on many of there projects.

FOX news stirring up contraversy about the Clintons, does nothing but gains them support.

Is anyone here really stupid enough to believe that people who own and are connected with multibillion$$ corporations gives a hoot about liberal vs conservative, or Republican vs Democrat for anything other than to lead the masses around like a bull by its nose??!
Reply:The Fox Network is a clear example of someone not wanting to give up power. This network is so bend feeding off fear, and division. Obama represents change in a lot of ways; this is something that Fox and a great deal of corporations don't want. Don't worry like my grandfather use to always say " A truth will stand-up when everything around is falls down."
Reply:first of all, it's a presidential campaign.. lots of smearing happens all the time on BOTH sides of the aisle.. with that being said, there's nothing smearing about Obama's voting record, there's nothing smearing about Obama's association with a known terrorist, there's nothing smearing about Obama's long-standing relationship with the likes of Wright, there's nothing smearing about Obama's refusal to denounce Wright's viewpoints, there's nothing smearing about Obama's foreign policy, and there's nothing smearing about Obama's tax plan... all of his negatives speak for themselves.. it's not smearing if it's true and meaningful..
Reply:It seems to me that he has done a good enough job on his own of creating questions about his credibility. I find it hard to believe that he attended that church for twenty years and did not know what Rev. Wright stood for. Apparently so does Rev. Wright.

Maybe the fear is not of a qualified black man running for president, but for this man to become president. I would happily accept ANY qualified person at this point.
Reply:I don't think I would use the term "qualified black man running for President" and Barak Obama in the same sentenced.

Most of the people injecting the race card into the campaign are the more liberal pollsters saying people aren't voting for Obama because he is black.

Me? I just don't see Barak being a good President based on his policies and what he has said
Reply:How is he qualified? Fox is the most unbiased news source. They have opinions from both sides.

Just face the facts: Obama is not experienced enough to be president. His empty promises easily sway people like you. Please tell me 3 accomplishments of Barack Obama.
Reply:Qualified? Now, Condi Rice is qualified. Obama is just a good speaker and that's about it. Heck half the folks on this forum have just as much experience as he does in running something. Senators barely know where their towns are in the state they are elected in for crying out loud.
Reply:I don't like his tax increases and redistribution of wealth. That never works, and usually makes it worse for more people. Those who own their own companies will certainly cut back and maybe even lay people off. I don't see any "change" there. I live in Upstate NY and we have the highest taxes, spend the most on education, have every government program under the sun, and guess what? Companies are gone and we have the 2nd highest poverty rate.

raising taxes does not raise more revenue...

Reply:Because Fox cares more about the republican party than they care about America.

Fox news and their allies are the ones who are playing the race card and race-baiting. The last thing they want is for race *not* to be a factor. The dirty hypocrites.
Reply:Fox News the National Inquirer of news. They are the month piece of the far right. They avoid the issues and attack the persons character. Why are the views of John Hagee ignored by Sean, Bill and company?
Reply:Just to clarify for you - in your list of people, only one is with Fox News. Since you didn't give an example of a lie one can only assume you don't have any examples. Therefore, your assertion is false.
Reply:because viewers are obsessed with it; when the viewers have completely picked over the topic it will be dropped; it sometimes takes a fair amount of inspection to decide where the lies, half truths, and racism is
Reply:The problem is not his race. The problem is that he is not qualified to be President. I have heard nothing that has not been true. If you have specifics I challenge you to post them.
Reply:Who do you work for? How do you make your money? What is your mortgage payment? How much taxes do you pay? I am try to figure out how many people like you are out there, and how you think? How are we producing people like you?
Reply:Please cite OBJECTIVE examples of the rumors, lies, half truths, and race-baiting. Otherwise, you're just stating your biased opinion.
Reply:Because they do it at some point to each of the canidate's. They always have and they always will. Doesn't matter that he is black he doesn't get a free ride from press smearing just like the rest don't either.
Reply:It's because Obama is the only candidate who will bring about real change. The right wing extremists don't want an intelligent liberal to get anywhere near the White House because he will likely succeed and set back the extreme right.
Reply:I would love to see the false rumors, there aren't any. If a qualified African American was running then we would see if anyone was afraid but since one isn't we don't know..
Reply:Did you know there's something called the remote. Didn't think you Obama supporters were that swift anyway.
Reply:those are OPINION programs and it's called sensationalism. that is why most them shout and scream while attacking any view they don't share.
Reply:Obama has ruined his own campaign. He didn't need help from news organizations.
Reply:Sorry Obama is not qualified.
Reply:Wow, maybe if you listen to them when not high on crack you would know what you just said is a load of horse droppings.
Reply:Why does Obama hate Whites?
Reply:Fox News ain't all that credible.
Reply:Obama has done this to himself. Stop being a victim.
Reply:Because they know he will whip McCain in a general election.

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