Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is Barack Hussein Obama scared to debate Billary Chelsea Clinton unmoderated?

Personaly, I support McCain but Obama seems to duck any challenges that don't allow him to read from prescripted Q-cards.


Is Barack Hussein Obama scared to debate Billary Chelsea Clinton unmoderated?
As if somehow another debate is going to tell us anything the first 21 didn't.

The only answer left is steel cage match.
Reply:Scared? Not no, hell no. It is that he is SMART. He can't be wasting his time on bowing to Ms. Daisy's ridiculous requests. He WANTS to go out and talk to the people of the USA who are in a big mess, thanks to Dick Cheney, and his little puppet Georgie.

Obama is not ducking anything, and he can even ignore the bigots who are trying to force hatred.

He's a mover and shaker, he can't let Hillary's drag slow him down. He's on a roll, and nothing can stop him now.

Read it and weep! Hillary's a cooked goose. Feed it to Bill.
Reply:Yes He's a Coward Who Panics Under Pressure.

Obama likes to carefully craft his message and a debate format does not let him control his message that he is "The One". Too many questions undermine his propaganda that everyone in Washington is corupt accept him, that the USA is a complete disaster and only he can save us, or that he is representing anything new, better or different.

Debate is not the best format for espousing rehetoric, and Obama does not want to compete with Hillary on issues because she understands issues and is pragmatic with solutions, and Obama is not.
Reply:You have a valid question and the way it was asked is very unnecessary. Senator Obama didn't have a choice in his middle name, his white American mother and Kenyan father gave it to him, he chose Christ as his Savior.

Anyways, getting back to your valid question...Senator Obama can probably find a better use of his limited time by reaching out to the voters of Indiana and North Carolina directly. Of course, Senator Clinton wants more debates, it's free air time for her. Since her campaign is still in the red, she wants all the freebies she can get.

It's just strategy.
Reply:Get a grip.

The only candidates who would be pushing for a debate at this point in the campaign are those that are behind.

Hillary needs the free exposure, Obama doesn't.

Hillary does well in debates, but they agree on the big issues, so there is nothing left to cover.

It would be a spitting contest, and Obama doesn't want it to devolve to that.

They have debated 24 times. Enough already!
Reply:It isn't cowardice. It is wisdom. When you are in the lead and it looks like you are going to wrap things up soon, why would you want to expose yourself to your opponent? Especially if your opponent is an opportunist, this is true. Hillary seems more like a professional wrestler than a candidate for the President. She wants everything to be her way. Sorry, but even if she does get the nomonation, there will be no coronation.
Reply:Oh yeah...support McCain..we really need to be at war for 100 more years and we need to invade Iran! Take care of McCain and don't worry about the Democrats...Obama will be the nominee...and McCain will win! The Democrats are stupid....Kennedy, Kerry, Richardson...
Reply:Unmoderated of course he is afraid. Don't you know he voted for a ban on handguns and she actually knows how to shoot. I guess some Dems just want a cowering US President and others of us want a tough ***** that can actually lead the country.

Reply:NOOOOOOOOOO What are you 15??? no,he is def not weak, he has more important things to do then listen to that women contradict what he has to say.... like when he said Penn was a racist state, she had to open her big mouth not even knowing what the hell she was talking bout
Reply:Yes he is a pussy like all Democrats are. Barack Hussein Obama scared to debate Billary Chelsea Clinton wait John McCain gonna knock Obama's teeth so far down his throat he will have to drop his drawers to chew his food.
Reply:Too bad you didn't see him smash Chris Wallace's Obama countdown clock. People were saying he was afraid to face Fox news.

Where have all those people gone?

Oh, I see. Now they are saying he is afraid to debate Hillary after twentyone times.

Reply:I believe his analogy to the schoolyard is appropriate. It takes strength to walk away from a bully. It's kind of like declining an invitation from a pig to roll in the mud.
Reply:He has done all he can to tell the voters about him and what his policies are. What else would the electorate want to know? Debating too much, too often is like chewing the gum you've already stuck under your table.
Reply:I don't understand how he can have a hard time debating a fellow democrat its pretty strange imagine when he has to debate an enemy
Reply:How the hell is a Harvard grad and a law professor gonna be scared to debate. Aren't u tired of debates?
Reply:That's right, they should take their cues from John McInsane McBush McRetard. At least he takes his cues from Satan.
Reply:he does not want to her call him a "scary black dude" for the 22nd time seems reasonable to me
Reply:Yes seems like it....
Reply:no--he just has better things to do and focus on

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