Saturday, November 19, 2011

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?

Top campaign contributors...

Clinton DLA Piper Law firm

Clinton Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Clinton Morgan Stanley Financial services

Clinton Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Blank Rome LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Merrill Lynch Financial services

McCain Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Greenberg Traurig LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama UBS AG Financial services

Obama JPMorgan Chase %26amp; Co Financial services

Obama Lehman Brothers Investment management firm

Paul US Army Armed services

Paul US Navy Armed services

Paul Google Inc Technology, Web site

Paul Microsoft Corp Technology

Paul Us Air Force Armed services

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?
I'll answer your question with a question. What do all these people (listed below) have in common? Answer: All of these current or former Presidents, Vice-Presidents, CEOs, Directors, etc. of these well known banking institutions are also current or former members of the Council on Foreign Relations (and many are also current/former members of the Trilateral Commission and have held high-ranking positions in government). I've only listed last names through (partially) those starting with the letter "K." The entire list can be found here:

*Emily Altman, Morgan Stanley Director, International Government Relations: Morgan Stanley (1994)

*Wintrop W. Aldrich, Chase Manhattan Bank President (1930-34)

*Richard Braddock, Citicorp President %26amp; COO (1990-92)

*J, Carter Bacot, Bank of New York CEO (1982-98)

Bank of New York President (1974-84)

*Kenneth Chenault, American Express CEO 2001-

American Express President (1997-2001)

*James Dimon, JP Morgan Chase President and CEO 2004-

Bank One Chairman and CEO (2000-04)

Smith Barney CEO

Travelers Group President and COO (1993-98)

Citicorp President of Citigroup

American Express Assistant to Sandy Weill

* Robert R. Douglas, Chase Manhattan Bank Vice Chairman (1985-93)

Chase Manhattan Bank variously EVP, General Counsel, Secretary (1976-85)

* Stephen Friedman, Goldman Sachs General Partner (1973-94)

Goldman Sachs (1966-73)

*Richard S. Fuld, Jr., Lehman Brothers CEO (1993-)

Lehman Brothers President and COO (1993-94)

Shearson Lehman Brothers President and Co-CEO, LB Division (1990-93)

Shearson Lehman Brothers Vice Chairman (1984-90)

Lehman Brothers (1969-84)

Member of the Board of Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Member of the Board of Lehman Brothers (1984-, as Chairman, 1994-)

*William B. Harrison, Jr., JP Morgan Chase CEO (2000-05)

JP Morgan Chase President (2000-04)

Chase Manhattan Bank President and CEO (1999-2000)

Chemical Bank Vice Chairman Institutional Banking (1990-

Member of the Board of Chase Manhattan Bank (1991-2000)

Member of the Board of JP Morgan Chase (2000-06, as Chairman, 2001-06)

*David W. Heleniak, Morgan Stanley Vice Chairman

*Thomas S. Johnson, Chemical Bank President (1983-89)

Chemical Bank (1969-83)

See charts of "Who owns the Fed" at the site listed below to see how these companies interlock:

I think US Army/Armed Services; US Navy/Armed Services; Google, Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; US Air Force/Armed Services are self-explanatory.

What does this tell us about the candidates? If nothing else, this tells me that Clinton, Obama and McCain are, as evidenced by their top/largest campaign donors/contributors, without a doubt linked to the CFR and, no doubt, will work to push the CFR/globalist agenda.

According to FEC reports, Ron Paul has received more military donations than the other three remaining Republican candidates combined. This tells me that our soldiers have overwhelmingly donated to the only candidate who has promised to end the war/situation in Iraq and bring the troops home, now. Many soldiers tell why they are supporting Ron Paul:

Google, Inc. employees donated to RP's campaign as did Microsoft Corp. employees (they must not agree with their globalist employers concerning really important matters). The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organization's PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families.
Reply:I'm voting for Ron Paul regardless. But after I saw these two vids and the lack of media coverage condemning it I realized his only chance is for citizens to break the system and TAKE IT BACK! Otherwise the powers that be really are "choosing" the president. Watch the vid and what happens to Nader before ya call me crazy. He did do an awesome job exposing it but the Media is about as free as the 2nd amendment. Warped.
Reply:Hmmm...that Paul is for America and the American people and the other three are for the rich corporations? You notice with McCain, Obama, and Clinton you see bank, bank, bank, bank? They don't give a crap about you and me. Ron Paul is the only one who does
Reply:That politics is all about money, regardless of who you are or who you claim to stand for. Somewhere money is involved and once money is involved, people or groups think that their views need more attention than others.
Reply:The three who have the best chance of winning will have finance and law firms constantly kissing their asses, while Ron Paul has the backing of two large technology firms and the military.

I'm going with the military...Ron Paul '08!
Reply:It tell me that

Ron Paul is the

only candidate that

does NOT have,

nor would NOT accept


from corporations that

are members of the CFR

(Council on Foreign Relations)!!

America truly needs Ron Paul!!
Reply:It tells me that the candidates are supported by large corporations or government agencies, to be marketed and sold like a can of beans.

Is this a news flash?
Reply:Goldman sach's really supports democrats(obama/clinton) , CitiGroup is so indecisive they Buy into both parties(clinton/mccain), and the armed services really likes Paul
Reply:What amazes me is Paul's supporters. N ow just why would the Military support Paul when he wants out of Iraq? Kinds blows Rush Limbaugh's theory about phony soldiers out of the water huh?
Reply:Looks like Paul would be the best. Too bad he can't win. 2nd would be Mccain. Atleast he won't weaken the military and raise taxes.
Reply:It does not tell me anything about them. It can tell me about the ones who are making the donations though.
Reply:If the person votes his/her beliefs, what these connections matter?

But you know the answer to this question is: they don't.

Rush Limbaugh - Write in '08 (hate me yet?)
Reply:Lobbyists STILL ABOUND...........I see no change in any political process with the major three contenders. Sickening. Bought and paid for I would say.
Reply:That the banking / financial industry wants to be bailed out again.
Reply:Golly! I would consider hiring Obama for a Cashier position if he passed a drug test.
Reply:This tells me to vote for McCain.
Reply:It shows that there's not going to be any "change" in 2008 regardless of who a person votes for.
Reply:They get all their money from the same firms and banks, so no difference.

Reply:It tells me Paul is probably the most honest.
Reply:Paul rocks!
Reply:support our troops vote Ron Paul!
Reply:that obama looks pretty good stacked up against clinton/mcbush--because their lobby list is a lot longer than you give credit for.

OBAMA '08!
Reply:i think arnold schwarzeneger should run for president..

who agrees?

family nanny

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