Saturday, November 19, 2011

Looks like a lot of Republican voters are voting for Obama to keep Clinton out of office. Is this fair?

I think it is too bad that Hillary will likely lose the presidency because Republicans are crossing over to vote against her, especially in Texas. Ohio also has an open primary, so I see the same thing happening here. Though I like Obama, the cards really seem stacked against Clinton right now. What I fear is that the Republican strategy will work. Hillary supporters will be pissed and vote McCain to spite Obama. Looks like this election could play right into Republicans hands, if Hillary and Obama don't come up with a plan to keep this from happening. That's right. I think Obama needs to help Hillary out. Hillary needs to help Obama out. The wisest thing for either one of them to do is start thinking about a president and vice president strategy. All we are doing now is dividing the democratic party, and that is the last thing we need right now. I voted for Obama, but if I were in Texas, I'd be voting Hillary. I don't like seeing someone get pummeled unfairly. Go Dems!!!!

Looks like a lot of Republican voters are voting for Obama to keep Clinton out of office. Is this fair?
Anything that moves Clinton closer to the green grass of home and away from the white house is fine with me. She continues to make promises that everyone with an IQ over 50 knows are never going to be met. She will give, give, give but no mention of where the funding will come from to do all that giving. It is an insult for her to continue to make statements that are so far from the truth.
Reply:This is baloney. You don't know one single registered Republican who is going to register as a Democrat to vote for Barack. Not one. I'll bet you a dollar you can't find a single verifiable instance. The people who keep saying this certainly wouldn't do it themselves.
Reply:With respect, I think you are misreading the situation. The Republicans Obama is getting are not voting for Obama so McCain will have an easier candidate than Hillary, they are voting for him because they like him and are rejecting the status quo. My Dad is one of those Obama Republicans.

Several political pundits have publically stated on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC that Obama is a much tougher candidate for McCain because both candidates pull from the independent crowd and McCain has issues with his conservative base.

Hillary running would get evangelicals out in numbers voting against her (for McCain). There is a real question whether McCain will be able to hold on to his independent base and win back the Evengelicals vs. Obama. Obama has vowed not to concede the Evangelicals and McCain has been dogged about not giving the Evangelicals any concessions.

Bush has a 28% approval rate, but got like 52% of the vote in the last election. That means that 24% of people who voted republican hate bush's policies and probably have a horrible case of buyers remorse. McCain is running on those policies that have made these voters dislike Bush. That won't help him with the indy crowd he is fighting Obama over.

Hillary's problems are her own. She would have had real problems in the general election because Republicans and Independents as a whole do not like her--- only Dems really like her. In the Dem race it has allowed Obama to build support among Independents to outvote Hillary's Dem base.

Hillary and Bill have pissed off a lot of Obama Independent supporters to the point that we would never vote for her this time. We need time to forget how much we dislike her. Obama can count on the rank and file Dems voting for him over McCain running on Bush's policies as the Dem candidate so he doesn't really need her. She also makes red and swing states redder, so she is probably not on Obama's list.

Hillary on the other hand with a negative rating that has been tracked between 46 and 58% in the last year needs a VP who can change peoples minds and make people who don't like her vote for her ticket. Her people think Obama could do that for her, but I disagree. I think a great deal of Obama's appeal is that he is not a tradional politician like Hillary or McCain. I think his support would evaporate as second fiddle to Hillary. Gov. Richardson might be the rare VP candidate who could fill Hillary's needs. That said, I think Hillary will not win Texas, so this is a little moot.
Reply:Obama will be easier to beat in the general election. That is why they don't want Hillary in the general election. The world leaders love both of the Clintons. The economy was good and the budget balanced under Bill. And he has had his trying moments during attacks (like the U.S. Cole attack). So it would be harder for McCain to attack Hillary then a nobody like Obama with no experience, and he hasn't sat on any major committee, and he missed half the votes on issues, and did not work bi-partisanly when he had a chance. Yet he says he wants to unite this country and can handle all the major problems facing us nationally and globally. I don't think so....
Reply:I'm all choked up.
Reply:ROFLMAOPMP ... You MUST be JOKING !!! RIGHT !!?!?!

Fear?? ... what a JOKE !!!

We just DO NOT LIKE Billary !!
Reply:That's why we have superdelegates.
Reply:You could have restricted your primaries to Democrats Only but chose not too. Next time don't wait till the last minute to change the rules, which by then will be known universally as Pulling a Hillary
Reply:We did it in VA and it worked great. Texas Rep vote for Obama will give Obama the win easy. Clinton knows it and is trying to hold Ohio, which will make no difference.
Reply:Hillary Clinton is the one who needs to change her tune. From the beginning, her arrogance and pandering nature has made her look bad. The smear campaign her supporter are currently throwing against Obama is making them look even worse - THAT is why people are voting against her at any cost.

It's my vote and I can do with it what I want. I am a disillusioned republican voter who is voting for Obama and will be voting for McCain if Clinton wins the nomination.
Reply:Don't forget that the Florida decision to move the primary up and accept the disipline from the Democratic National Party was made by a Republican Governor and republican state legislature where Hillary Clinton is hugely popular.

Republican's are brilliant there is a reason why the only Democratic Presidents in the last 40 years have been Carter and Clinton and Clinton was due to Ross Perot in 92'.
Reply:A vote for Obama in the primaries is a vote for McCain in the General. The Republicans have repeatedly stated 'Clinton is formidable."

There is a solution: Clinton for Pres., Obama for VP... then later, Obama for Pres, Michelle for VP... and the cycle continues. However, people are voting with emotion, not rationale. All's fair in campaigns... note how Obama is condemning the 3AM ad---he stated it was fear tactics....then he copied it. That kind of 'Change' , that kind of Judgement won't be what I vote for.
Reply:Your assumptions are not true.

Most Obama supporters are Democrats who see Hillary for what she really is - a fake, elitist, career-politician who will say and do anything she feels is convenient at the moment in order to ascend to power.

The "cross-over" effect is exaggerated. Those who are crossing over are doing so because they like the honesty and conviction of Senator Obama, not because they hate Hillary.

You do know that in most states, registered Republicans can't even vote on a Democratic ballot, right???
Reply:So far HUCKABEE is the choice for those not voting for McCain ...

YET............... when the nominee is picked at the Republican convention

THEN regardless of how Republicans voted..They will do everything in their might and power to assure the Democrats DO NOT get back into the White House....
Reply:I heard that the Rep. who don't like McCain are going for Hillary and some (going for McCain in Texas) are voting for Hillary just to keep things interesting since its obvious who will be the Republican nominee. I don't think either way is fair. People should vote for who they WANT to win. This is disappointing.
Reply:no it is sexism
Reply:Same thing happened the other way around in open primary States to bump off Romney and Thompson, thus ensuring that there were no true conservatives in the race. No matter who wins the November election it is a guaranteed victory for liberalism.
Reply:Limbaugh was saying and pushing his listeners for the opposite
Reply:i;am a democrat but i don;t like clinton.she acts as if she is better then everyone else.besides we don;t need anymore clinton;s in the white ask if it;s;s not fair how she is trying to destroy if the shoe fits wear it.she deserves to be booted out of the election.
Reply:Yes it is fair. A person can vote for the Democrat or Republican they would rather have as president. If this is happening then they are saying they don't want Hillary to have a chance at being president. If the Democrat nomination was already decided I would cross over and vote for the republican I would prefer rather than waste my vote on a Democrat. Just shows how many people don't like Hillary. I heard a republican say hopefully the Clintons will be gone forever. Also the Clintons are so hated by republicans that Hillary would never get anything done.
Reply:Republicans and fair election do not go together
Reply:In each state the democratic party decides on who can vote in the primaries. Consequently, in the states where the democrats allow republicans to vote, it is perfectly fair that they should do so. If some Hillary voters don't like that, instead of going nuts and voting for the republican candidate, they should ask their local democratic leaders to change the rules for next time.
Reply:You're a very intelligent person.

We need more women in the office.

The world needs a women's touch!

Reply:Admittedly... That is what I am doing here in Cleveland on March 4th. I have NEVER declared myself a Democrat. However, let's face it.... McCain is already the Nominee. I would rather have Obama than Clinton if The Dems do win the White House. And in my research... I've discovered that Obama, though Liberal, is really not a bad guy. Shrillary is the same ol' same ol'. We have had 2 decades of Clinton's and Bushes. It really is time for change. Now, do your homework.

Let's compare the record:

From the Library of Congress:

Hillary Clinton in her one full term(6 yrs.) and another year campaigning, has authored and passed only 20 pieces of legislation in her term of six years into law. They range from naming a courthouse after Thurgood Marshall to naming a Post Office after Jonn A. O'Shea.

Obama in his first 8 Months sponsored over 820 Bills. Introduced 233 Bills on Healthcare Reform, 125 Bills on Poverty and Public Assistance, 112 Bills on Crime Fighting, 97 Economic Bills, 60 Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bills, 21 Ethics Reform Bills, 6 Veterans Affairs Bills and many others. In his First Year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 Bills and co-spomsored another 427. These Include: 1) the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 that became Law, 2) the Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-prliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act that became Law, 3) the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that passed the Senate, 4) the 2007 Government Ethics Bill that became Law, just to name a few. In all, since he entered the Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 Bills and co-sponsored another 1096.

Why is this not being discussed heavily on the blogs? Obama supporters should be copying and pasting this all over the net and inundating all the Hillary Blogs with this. When people take a hard look... she is not a hard worker. She represents more grid lock and laziness.

This man WILL get things done. His record PROVES IT.

Pass this on to as many folks as you can this weekend. Everyone on your address books, all blogs. Get the truth out and help make things right!

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