Monday, May 11, 2009

Do Republicans realize that Hillary Clinton has a card to play that no one else does?

Her husband was William Jefferson Clinton, and when people see her, they see Bill. Sorry to disappoint, but the 90's were great times. Even during the bad times Mr. Clinton had a 74% approval rating and Minorities loved him.

My Minority predictions for Mrs Clinton on 11/04/2008:

Latino Americans 58%

African-Americans 94%

Women 55%

Do Republicans realize that Hillary Clinton has a card to play that no one else does?
You are right, and that is why she will be elected president.

74% approval for Bill Clinton to George W. Bush's 24% approval.

That is a slam dunk, because Rudy Giuliani is a huge supporter of George W. Bush, which is going to kill him in the general election.
Reply:Yep, and that would be a slam-dunk victory if the first two groups you mentioned would actually get out and vote in numbers comparable to the Republican base.

But they don't.
Reply:Other than the high approval rating your quote, what exactly did Clinton do that was so great?

Let terrorists have a free hand?

Start a war in Bosnia we're still involved with?

Let genocide sweep through Africa?

Sit back and let a Republican Congress run the economy of America?

Have adulterous trysts in the White House?

What exactly did he do to be considered so great?
Reply:Bill Clinton is not running.

And the perceived "good times" were actually a time of ignoring problems and kicking the can down the road. Ask Calvin Coolidge, whose presidency was about as "substantial" as Clinton's.
Reply:We still have OUR President Bush! The people will rally around him or face GITMO and torture.
Reply:The 90s actually werent that great but the majority of people percieve them to have been and that is what matters. The truth is that much of the 90s economy was fake and fell apart- Dot Coms and a slew of corporate book cooking scandals that came out at the turn of the century prove reality but people dont look at things with evidence but with "well it seemed alright until 2000" never looking at why things fell apart.

Osama attacked throughout the 90s and in the late 90s gave an interview in which he said that the lack of response to those attacks and the hasty withdrawal from Somalia (Clinton and Dole share this one) showed him that not only could he attack at will but could defeat America because its people and leaders lacked the will and resolve to fight.

I am sorry for people who dont like this but both points are facts not opinions and partisanship shouldnt keep us from seeing the truth from time to time.
Reply:A woman who relies on the fact of who she is married to as a major selling point in how strong she will be as a PRESIDENTIAL candidate is NOT sending a positive message to the voters. What if HE dies? After all he just had a cardiac bypass not too long ago? What if they get divorced? Their marriage is notoriously rocky? This is not a feudal society where politics is forged by marrying off your daughter to the local prince.

Sorry...I think you are wrong. If Hillary "uses" her marriage, she will lose.
Reply:Similar to the 1968 election, you had an unpopular war, Vietnam, with an unpopular Democratic President, Lyndon Johnson, which made people yearn for the older, more prosperous times. The Republicans nominated a figure from the past, former Vice President Richard Nixon, a figure of the popular Eisenhower administration because I think a lot of people wanted to go back to those days, figuratively, rather than nominate someone new because they thought Nixon could bring back those times.

Likewise 2008, you have an unpopular war and an unpopular Republican President, George W. Bush, so the Democrats line up behind a figure from the popular Clinton administration, former First Lady Hillary Clinton, because people yearn for those days again and they trust her more than they trust someone new.
Reply:Well, in the women category you have a lot of catching up to do because 73% of them say they won't vote for her right now.

Hispanics and blacks vote democratic because they are more afraid of each other than they are of the evil honky.

Good times?

A fractured intelligence community that even he admits contributed to 9-11.

A military cut by 50% that had to be rebuilt at triple the price.

The DOT com bubble.

Rampant Junk bond trading.

Wag the dog.



Paula Jones

Juanita Broaddrick


The rebuilding of Saddam's military

Bosnia (What exit strategy was that? We're still there)

Elian Gonzales

WACO etc. etc. etc. etc.

These were the great times? It that were true, I would shoot myself right now if I were you.
Reply:Ok, and your question is???? You do realize that Hillary has a 50 percent disapproval rating don't you. That means 50 percent say they do not like her and would not vote for her.
Reply:Bill Clinton passed NAFTA, Gave China Favored trade Status, and passed the largest tax increase in history. The Liberals are livid over Free Trade, and yet they blame Bush for it. Careful what you wish (vote) for.
Reply:Bill Clinton can be a very powerful card for Hillary. However there is some downfalls to playing it. Not only is Bill only the second president in history to be impeached, but he left office in a very sleezy way. He pardoned several of his old friends that were wanted or in prison for financial scandles that his wife may have been involved with. Bill could also be her downfall in this campaign.

Here's a question for you: Why would Latinos, African-Americans %26amp; Women vote more for Hillary then Barrack Obama. He is a very good-looking, very charismatic leader that I think would pull in a far greater number of minorities then Hillary. If Obama gets the nomination it will be a much cleaner presidential race then if Hillary gets it. She is way to polarizing and she is not afraid to play dirty, ugly politics.
Reply:She ain't Bill.

Wait till the taxes hit you.
Reply:I'm sure Republicans know all about Slick Willie, after all the times he's stuck it to them in the past. Both sides are obviously going to use Bill to their advantage. But, if those groups you mentioned come out in force to vote, then Hillary should have the advantage.
Reply:Hillary hasn't gotten the gay/lesbian vote. Maybe her "card" is coming out of the closet.
Reply:Are you saying that minorities - especially blacks - and women are voting for someone that isn't even running?

Hillary isn't the faintest shadow of what Bill was. Surely these groups are more intelligent than that.
Reply:They are sadly mistaken if they think Hillary will put up the numbers like Bill did...This is exactly why voters need to educate themselves on the candidate rather than their spouses, whomever they should be! Hillary would be the worse thing this nation has seen in a LONG voters will not vote for her regardless of whether they are democrat or republican!

choosing ice skates

'worlds greatest dad' frosted pint glass made by xpressions?

I bought one of these last january in a Clinton cards, Im told that birthdays also stock them. I cant seem to find one anywhere. Not worried about price or if its second hand.

desperate to find one for sentemental reasons.


'worlds greatest dad' frosted pint glass made by xpressions?
hi you can try they do all sorts of nice things like this, maybe try ebay also, you never know you might just get 1

If Hillary Gets Behind In The Votes, What Will Her Next Ploy Be?

She has already played the Victim, Race and Gender Cards.

Will Bill pull the next strategy by having a medical emergency for the Sympathy card?

The Clinton Machine will do whatever they have to, so how far will they go?

If Hillary Gets Behind In The Votes, What Will Her Next Ploy Be?
yep, obviously it brought out voters of all. I think she blew this one, but again notice how the blacks are behind Obama. It is a raciest run on the Dem ticket. We all claim is does not matter but in hearts of hearts it matters !!

Yep best idea for Bill to be hospitalized but they know that so the machine will have to be creative.

This is while watching the Dem S.C. vote return. maybe Edwards and her plan on getting together?
Reply:Do you remember the movie Blazing Saddles when Cleavon Little holds himself hostage at gunpoint and befuddles the towns get the idea.
Reply:She will possibly blame it on Israel and their Palestinian conflict or maybe on the US' allying with the UK or Australia. Or she will just say the vast right wing is smearing her all over
Reply:slap Obama.
Reply:She will do anything to win those votes. They did "anything" while her "other half" was in the white house.........those papers will never be released to the American Public. I don't trust either of them one red penny.....oh i should say, one red amero.
Reply:...They might even find it necessary to tell the truth, but how would one know?
Reply:The Clinton machine will pound BO even more!
Reply:Yes...... she is prepared!!!!!

The Clintons have their old War Room running 24/7.

Their "secret police squard" is stalking Obama.

The Clintons have dirt on Obama and are getting more.

The Clintons have a deal with Edwards to stay in the race.

He pulls Anti-Hillary votes away from Obama.

Edwards is really helping Hillary.

Obama is FINISHED, after SC.
Reply:the clintons are lower than whale poop

nothing surprises me
Reply:Who knows, I think that woman is capable of sinking lower than the low to get whatever it is she wants.
Reply:She will "Double Down" raising her bet on the "Race Card" !
Reply:Obama came very close today to "invading her space", like Rick Lazio did when she first ran for the Senate, so she might try that trick again. Or, she might arrange for a non-white bimbo to be photographed with Bill so that she can play the most cheated-on woman in the world victim card, plus the race card - a real two-fer. She might accuse Obama of accepting illegal campaign donations from China......nah, she wouldn't dare. Anyway, rest assured, it will be something to make women feel sorry for her.
Reply:we haven't seen anythig yet the clintons havent pulled the big guns out yet
Reply:Medical emergency!!!
Reply:You never know about that one. People have strangely "disappeared" throughout her past when they've been a problem. Lol...if she's the only one left for us to choose from...we'll know what she did.
Reply:The Klinton Klan will attack.attack and smear

Didn't conservatives use their "Clinton did it!" card already with Foley?

Even though Clinton was with a consenting woman and not an underage paige ("cute butt bouncing in the air"..eww!) he was wrong.

But how many times will cons say "yea but Clinton did.."?

Heck, Romney still talks about Clintons bj like it's as bad as having multiple wifes or something..

Didn't conservatives use their "Clinton did it!" card already with Foley?
Despite the fact that Lewinsky was an adult CLINTON LIED, to his wife, to his country and to everyone else.
Reply:Republicans love Clinton, They can lie and give credit for all the great things he did to Reagan, who never really did anything,(communism had been doomed for 20 years before Reagan took over) and complain about the bad things he did every time a republican gets caught doing something wrong... which is a daily thing now.
Reply:I don't know why people just stop with Clinton when they want to dredge up garbage about past Presidents, Why not go all the way back to good old George Washington %26amp; his alleged affair! What I really don't understand is making a comparison between what one person did against what someone else has done. Each persons misdeed should be judged by that deed alone %26amp; there is no need to compare it with anything else. Comparison does not make the person any less guilty or innocent! Why bother, just take each case on it's own degree of guilt or innocence %26amp; let it be done. A sad truth is that a number of our past Presidents have had affairs %26amp; yet they were good Presidents. Many people in both houses have done things that were wrong but judgement should only apply to the current mistakes %26amp; not the mistakes of the past comitted by other persons %26amp; in a different time.
Reply:Yes, it is part of their OCD:

Obsession with Clinton Disorder.
Reply:They'll never give up their "Clinton did it" card. It doesn't matter if it doesn't match the game being played either, they seem to think it works in all situations. That card is so old and tattered it's as thin as a kleenex. Romney's a fricking idiot.
Reply:I will never vote for her or any democrat.

If Hillary takes it in 08, any bets on what that body count will be?

Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many "friends"of the Clintons.

1-James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an

apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness

in Ken Starr's investigation.

2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3- Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary

Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head,

ruled a suicide.

4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the

investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull

resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being

investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with

prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later

the Air Traffic Controller commited suicide.

5- C. Victor Raiser II. Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising

organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6-Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead

in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a

"Dear friend and trusted advisor".

7-Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the

woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died

on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in

the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several

Clinton fund raising events.

8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little

Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little

Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He

allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files

were mysteriously removed from his house.

9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a

"Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who

visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

10-James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging

suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11-Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head.

It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as

if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with

Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible

corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12-Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.

Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June,

1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his


13-Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14-Florence Martin - Accountant %26amp; sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was

Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head,

ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16-Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until

her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17-Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and

Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently in

the middle of his investigation.

18- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with

Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to

Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19-Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp.

Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15,

1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20-Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996.

Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of


21-Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22-Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care

Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane

crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council

personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

23-Barry Seal -Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no


24-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in

the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. Lawhorn was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25-Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a

purported suicide and his report was never released.

26- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1,

1994 when his plane exploded.

27-Kevin Ives %26amp; Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case.

Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, was due to boys falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to that case died

before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


28-Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck,


29-Keith McMaskle - Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov 1988

30-Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

33-James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to "natural causes".

34-Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his

pickup truck in June 1990.

35-Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in

a set-up robbery July 1989.


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr.

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel

40-Major General William Robertson

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams

46-Conway LeBleu

47-Todd McKeehan

Quite an impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what

happens to "friends" of the Clintons!

and this was not durind a war!!
Reply:Gerry Studds actually had relations with an UNDERAGE page. Foley was talking dirty to page that was actually of age.
Reply:Hey everyone else gets several cards, why arent we allowed one?

Even Hillary didn't care about Bill's bjs and she didn't mind him attacking women.

She had her own "fun" with Janet Reno %26amp; Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

And cute little Madiline Albright.

Bill %26amp; Hill are typical Democrats.

As long as they don't rape anyone again, it's none of our business.

Isn't it vicious the way the Clinton's are trying to play the race card against Obama?

The Clinton's are going to do or say whatever it takes to achieve the ultimate goal , you ain't seen nothin yet .Do we really want this kind of person in the White House ??????????

Isn't it vicious the way the Clinton's are trying to play the race card against Obama?
Oh, please. Obama plays the race card on himself.

Shut up. This is not even a well-formed question.
Reply:Whadaya expect from Hillary "I'll do anything to be President" Clinton?

It's only going to get uglier......
Reply:Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton, will say anything to win including playing the race card.

Nowhere can anyone prove where Obama has raised the race card.
Reply:I say 'drop it'. Make it a non-issue on both sides. Its divisive and it doesnt get us anywhere.


Obama 08
Reply:Obama supporters are to intelligent to fall for her crap
Reply:From day one, I have said Hillary will stop at nothing to get back into the white house, you get in her way she will take you out. You haven't even seen her worse side yet

If she will do her own party member bad. Wait until she get her teeth into a Republican. That where she will get her pay back.

they are preparing for Hillary and they hopefully will take her out. Vicious is a mild word to what she will do to Obama should he win S.C. just you wait and see. she still has some aces in the hole for him.
Reply:Obama %26amp; his Wife play the race card at almost every appearance. Listen to his wife %26amp; then speak about racism. I just want to hear about issues that pertain to my life from everyone left to right!!! I don't care what they did in grade school, high school, college,on the street, behind closed doors, the trash talk is getting out of hand %26amp; that will turn a voter off quicker than anything....%26amp; I apologize for the rant :))
Reply:get real....

obama wants to play the race card to get the black votes, at least for the SC primary...then he will want to forget abt race to appeal to the white voters...he is a phoney
Reply:yes. That was uncalled for.
Reply:Probably the following throws light on the matter:

Clinton, Obama Clash Over Race Issue

from The Associated Press

LAS VEGAS January 14, 2008, 12:18 p.m. ET ·

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have become embroiled in racially tinged disputes as large numbers of black voters prepare to get their first say in the Democratic presidential campaign.

The candidates and their surrogates are heating up their rhetoric, and it could prove to be combustible beyond South Carolina's Jan. 26 primary.

Clinton, on defense over comments that she and her husband made regarding Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and Obama's fitness for the White House, tried to turn the tables on her top primary rival. She accused his campaign of looking to score political points by distorting their words.

Hillary Clinton had said King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while Bill Clinton said Illinois Sen. Obama was telling a "fairy tale" about his opposition to the Iraq war. Black leaders have criticized their comments, and Obama said Sunday her comment about King was "ill-advised."

"I think it offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King's role in bringing about the Civil Rights Act," he told reporters on a conference call. "She is free to explain that, but the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous."

As evidence the Obama campaign had pushed the story, Clinton advisers pointed to a memo written by an Obama staffer compiling examples of comments by Clinton and her surrogates that could be construed as racially insensitive. The memo later surfaced on some political Web sites.

"This is an unfortunate story line the Obama campaign has pushed very successfully," the former first lady said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I don't think this campaign is about gender, and I sure hope it's not about race."

Clinton taped the show before appearances in South Carolina, where at least half the primary voters are expected to be black. On Monday, she planned to attend a union event honoring King's legacy in New York City.

But no sooner had Clinton said she hoped the campaign would not be about race than it got even more heated. A prominent black Clinton supporter, Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson, criticized Obama and seemed to refer to his acknowledged teenage drug use while introducing Clinton at her next event.

"To me, as an African-American, I am frankly insulted the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Hillary and Bill Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues — when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood; I won't say what he was doing, but he said it in his book — when they have been involved," Johnson said.

Obama wrote about his youthful drug use — marijuana, alcohol and sometimes cocaine — in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father."

Johnson later said in a statement released by the Clinton campaign that his comments referred to Obama's work as a community organizer in Chicago "and nothing else. Any other suggestion is simply irresponsible and incorrect."

Another Clinton campaign official, Bill Shaheen, resigned last month after suggesting Democrats should be wary of nominating Obama because his past drug use could be used against him in the campaign.

Obama, campaigning in Las Vegas, declined to respond to Johnson.

"I'm not going to spend all my time running down the other candidates, which seems to be what Senator Clinton has been obsessed with for the last month," Obama said.

His strategist, however, didn't spare Johnson or Clinton.

"I don't see why this is so much different from what Billy Shaheen did in New Hampshire," David Axelrod said. "Senator Clinton apologized for that. It's bewildering why, since she was standing there, she had nothing to say about this."

Clinton was not yet on stage when Johnson made his statements and she did not mention them when she emerged.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Obama's wife rose to his defense over Bill Clinton's "fairy tale" comment. Michelle Obama said some blacks might be skeptical that white America will elect her husband, but advised them to look to his win in Iowa.

"Ain't no black people in Iowa," she said during a speech at the Trumpet Awards, an event celebrating black achievement. "Something big, something new is happening. Let's build the future we all know is possible. Let's show our kids that America is ready for Barack Obama right now."


Hillary clinton and Bill Clinton playing the race card?

Here we see the first African American that can be the Dem's white house ticket and yet The Clinton's are playing the race card. I have no beef with Obama I think he is a nice guy but being nice and just relying on voters to vote because since on skin color is a stupid way to vote I vote on experience and what a president can do for the country.

I believe that Martin Luther King jr. is spinning in his grave right now he believe that whites and blacks will work together not that blacks should play victim whenever a problem should come there way.

Hillary clinton and Bill Clinton playing the race card?
Hillary not Obama. Here's why:

The Kenya Connection


January 10, 2008

In short, Mr. Odinga in effect offered to Islamize Kenya in return for Muslim votes, despite the fact that Muslims make up only 10% of the population, compared to the 80% who are Christian. Mr. Odinga himself is nominally an Anglican, yet he signed a document that refers to Islam throughout as "the one true religion" and denigrates Christians as "worshippers of the cross."

In particular, the burning of a church with up to 50 men, women, and children inside, while machete-armed mobs slaughter up to 600 more people, have evoked memories of the Rwandan genocide of 1994.

Who is behind these massacres? The opposition leader, Raila Odinga

Mr. Odinga's father, Oginga Odinga, led the Communist opposition during the Cold War and Raila Odinga was educated in Communist East Germany

His eldest son is named after Fidel Castro

Even more sinister has been Mr. Odinga's electoral pact with the National Muslim Leaders' Forum — a hardline Islamist organization that represents Kenya's Muslim minority

What, you will be asking by now, what does any of this have to do with Barack Obama? Mr. Odinga even claims that Mr. Obama is his cousin. Whether or not this true, the two men are friends and political allies.

In August 2006, Mr. Obama visited Kenya and spoke in support of Mr. Odinga's candidacy

Obama's grandfather was a communist who supported the brutal Maumau uprising in Kenya when many white settlers were murdered. His father was sent out of the country.

Look up MauMau Uprising with your search engine.

Get the truth out there or our country will be lost.

Globalists have endorsed Obama. The globalist agenda includes communism as a world government. Look at Cuba and imagine the entire USA and World as depressing as that pitiful island. This has to be stopped.

Here's how the article ended:

"Even more serious are the doubts raised by Mr. Obama's attitude toward Islam, which has so far received much less scrutiny than might be expected in a post-September 11 presidential election.

If Mr. Obama did not know about Mr. Odinga's electoral deal with the Kenyan Islamists when he offered his support, then he should have known. If he did know, then he is guilty of lending the prestige of his office to America's enemies in the global war on terror. We need to know exactly what Mr. Obama knew about Mr. Odinga, and precisely when he knew it."

What the hell is the Democratic Party doing by supporting such a candidate as Obama?
Reply:The Clintons will play the Race Card, the Hate Card, the Sex Card, and any other Card they can find or invent.
Reply:The black population is only 12 percent of the country. Whites make up 80 percent of the country. Playing the race card would not benefit Obama. I live in an area where most people judge you by the color of your skin before they ever get to know you. Unfortunately there are allot of people who will not vote for a black man, regardless of his character. I think that Hillary Clinton is well aware of this, and would use it to her advantage.
Reply:Its a shame that you have to be careful of what you say

as it turns into a race card. I don't believe that the Clintons

are one bit racist or anything like that. People takes everything wrong.
Reply:No, but they play some other games.

The Clinton legacy-- A must read for everyone - I am sure all of this is just coincidence!

This information has been public knowledge for many years and you may have seen it before.

This is what happens when you have dirt on Clinton:

1 -James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 -Vince Foster - Former white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 -Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman who had a serious disagreement with Clinton. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated,and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

5 -C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6 -Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992... after a serious disagreement with Clinton. Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted adviser."

7- EdWilley - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day after his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8 -Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9 -James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book"which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas. Although the book was seen by several persons, it disappeared.

10 -James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide He had ties to Whitewater.

11-Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her livingroom with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases,as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12 -Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide rulingof his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee. There were no powder burns.

13 -Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14 -Florence Martin - Accountant and sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airportdrug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15 -Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General.Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Waspregnant at the time of her death.

16 - Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9,1992. She died in a one car accident. She told a friend that Clintonmade advances.

17 -Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas DevelopmentFinance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middleof his investigation. Before his death, he claimed to have found a shatteringstory involving Clinton.

18 -Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "OctoberSurprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a shockingreport to Janet Reno three weeks before his death.

19 -Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death fromhis Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993. He wasinvestigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

20 -Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Causeof death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body wasfound locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

21-Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance,died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash. The plane had been tamperedwith.

22 -Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee, diedwith his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Again, tamperingwith the plane. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

23 - Barry Seal - Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas; death was no accident.

24 -Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left athis repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.Apparently he was dead before the car hit the pole.

25 -Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a purported suicide and his reportwas never released.

26-Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1,1994 when his plane exploded. Thishappened two days after an argument with Clinton.

27 -Kevin Ives and Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports say the boys may havestumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversialcase, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the two boys had been slain before beingplaced on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimonycould come before a Grand Jury.


28 -Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle apparently slammed into the back of a truck, July 1988.No one saw the accident and the bike was not damaged.

29 -Keith McMaskle - Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

30 -Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

31 -Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

33 -James Milan - Found decapitated. The Coroner, however, ruled his death was due to "naturalcauses."

34 -Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.

35 -Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July1989.


36 - Major William S. Barkley Jr.

37 - Captain Scott J. Reynolds

38 - Sgt. Brian Hanley

39 - Sgt. Tim Sabel

40 - Major General William Robertson

41 - Col. William Densberger

42 - Col. Robert Kelly

43 - Spec. Gary Rhodes

44 - Steve Willis

45 - Robert Williams

46 - Conway LeBleu

47 - Todd McKeehan

All had said to friends that they had seen too much. Quitean impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what happens to "friends"of the Clintons!

I want to add another piece of unsavory information: Clinton's bodyguards were routinely sent out oncrisis "containment missions", to threaten family members of the women who had announced they intended to go public with accusations of sexual harrassment/rape/groping. These family members were told all their lives werein danger if the accusations against Clinton went forward. The result? Silence.

I wonder if there is any truth to all this?
Reply:The race card the crying card the planting of questions card, and card they can get their cheating little fingers on, they'll play it to win. She even kept BILL around so she could stay in the race.

Bill Clinton has accused Obama of Not Being Black.

Bill should know: He is our "FIRST Black President".

(The Clintons were very Racist all their years in Arkansas.

But "changed" when Bill started running for President.)

I guess that's when Bill found out that he was Really Black.

Now it's Obama that belongs to a Racist Church.
Reply:The Clintons are not playing the race card.

Whites can't play the race card, only blacks.

Obama and his supporters are playing the race card.

The media is playing the race card.

Ask yourself this: Who has more to gain, if race is an issue?

Certainly not Clinton. Obama has everything to gain.

It's obvious what's really going on.
Reply:Yes they are and the gender card when they need to.
Reply:I think Martin Luther King, Jr. is spinning in his grave because neoconservatives are using his name to try to gain political power. Do you HONESTLY believe he would have wanted that?

By posting this, you are no better than you claim the Clintons are.

There is NOTHING wrong with what either of them said. King would have agreed with them. He would have considered you an opportunistic power monger.
Reply:You bet ! And the first thing she will do is provide amnesty to millions of illegals, sell more secrets to China and turn another $1000.00 into $ 100,000.00 like she did before. How did she do that ???

Maybe Bill %26amp; Hillary will invite you to their island that they purchased this year. Wonder if they use off shore banking ,so as not to pay taxes on those bucks,like many of our super rich.

What do you think about Clinton, when all else fails including the race card, to brand Obama unelectable?


What do you think about Clinton, when all else fails including the race card, to brand Obama unelectable?
I think that coming from someone who at one point was openly suspected of engineering the death of Vince Foster, was implicated in the Whitewater conspiracy, was suspected of staying with her husband despite being openly cuckolded (cheated on) only to make use of his political connections and who lied openly on TV about her experience in Bosnia, that calling anyone "Unelectable" is asking the American public to stomach a great deal. Personally, I think she's full of crap.
Reply:Obama is unelectable
Reply:Obama is and will be unelectable, I agree with Clinton.
Reply:Clinton is giving it her best shot. I guess all is fair in love and war and politics. No, I do not think that Obama needs to say anything like that about Hillary.

I am voting for McCain.
Reply:I think he's un-electable.
Reply:Obama is unelectable.
Reply:Sorry it is the Rep's and Fox news that branded Obama unelectable not Clinton.
Reply:Simply put:


I actually agree with her on this one.
Reply:It's a sign that she's running low on neg sell ideas. The aces in the deck have been played...none of them worked for any longer than a week.
Reply:He is unelectable! He will lose Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I am a conservative democrat in pennsylvania and everyone in my community (older working class democrats) are saying that they are going to vote for McCain if Obama is the nominee. If even 20-30% decide to do this Obama will not win. Ohio is very similar to Pennsylvania bc it is full of conservative democrats. He is just too liberal and does not have enough experience. Many people wont vote for him in florida bc he kept their votes from counting. Look at the polls - he does really bad in swing states. Even Michigan which has always gone democratic is upset with Obama so if 20-30% of Clinton supporters do not vote for him then there is no way for him to make up that amt. of delegates. Remember it is a winner take all state delegate system.

Hillary was just telling the truth, Obama will lose the election.
Reply:she is desperate and it shows. Obama in november by a 60-40 split.

Who used the race card? Obama or clinton?!?

Many people think it was the clinton's, but this is flat wrong! Its sad that hillary's record in civil rights came back to haunt her bid for presidency! She spent her life defending people like Obama to have an equal opportunity in this great country, but now when she run against one of those her integrity is questioned and her record has been tarnished and for what?! coz she said it took a president like LBJ to sign the civil rights act? and because her husband said that Obama's position on the war is a fairy tale?! These comments are not even close to criticism and nothing about them suggests anything racial!What caused all this media stir about race? Its obvious that Obama's campaign used the race card against hillary and the ultra- liberal fools fell for this scam, and oh of course the blacks nationalists as well!! Don't u think is by blaming Hillary for injecting the race in the race is blaming the victim?

Who used the race card? Obama or clinton?!?
What about Clinton saying that J.Jackson won S.C., trying to imply that Obama only won their because of his race.

What about Iowa, or Maine, or many of the states that Obama has just buried Clinton.
Reply:I hate to say this, but Billary brought this on themselves. It is too bad. But the reality is that Bill's unwelcome comments, and Hillary's refusal to stop her attack dogs from barking, has come back to bit them. Billary used the race card thinking that they were immune from a backlash. That was a bad political mistake. My respect for Hillary's overall competence remains, but my admiration and affection for her (and Bill, too) has diminished. And I'm no longer believing she has the required political wits, even if she does offer good policy skills.

Hillary did make that comment about LBJ, and even though it was leveraged by the news monkeys, it was definitely not very astute to say around MLK day.

Politics is hard and subtle. And candidates get tired, they make mistakes. I'm prepared to forgive any of them a few. But when the mistakes get larger, then I start to reconsider. Hillary still has the opportunity to regain my vote. But it's up to her to make good on faults I think she hasn't quite admitted to, at least not yet. We'll see.
Reply:Mulatto Obama?

Cracker hilary?
Reply:Out of the two Clinton did but i think it blew up her campaigns face.
Reply:I don't think Hillary is racist at all. As soon as you disagree with someone of a different race, you get labeled a RACIST. As if she couldn't possibly disagree with Obama because he's WRONG. This is getting pretty disgusting.

Clinton Portis, Deuce McAllister, or Jamal Lewis start Who?

I know Clinton Portis is a good runner but, he plays Dallas so I am leaning towards Deuce because he smoked Tampa last time and Jamal Lewis alway's kill's the Bengals I know this because I'm a Bengal's fan So I'm wondering if sitting Portis is in the cards what are your thoughts?

Clinton Portis, Deuce McAllister, or Jamal Lewis start Who?
Sit Portis out this week cause Deuce will run all over the bucs and Lewis has ruff times but keep him in also he should do better this week.
Reply:You should go with Portis.
Reply:Start Portis......Jamal Lewis stinks this year and McAllister is splitting carries (I hate it when coaches do that!)...HOWEVER - watch the injury report on Reggie Bush. It looks like he will play but kepp your eye on it.
Reply:i am a biggg football fan and fellow fantasy player but put Duece out there. Ya but he might be splitting carries so wat. He is still touching the ball 16-25 times a game and i mean its Duece it doesnt need a lot of carries to get big yards. 2 games back i think he went 6-116 if u ask me u dont need more then that. And he is catching the ball 2 and if he is ur RB/WR then deffinitly go with him he gets about 5 catches a game for about 10 yards per catch. Clinton Portis is a good runner but like u said there playing dallas and Jamal Lewis just isnt having that great of year
Reply:I have both Clinton Portis and Jamal Lewis on my fantasy team and Portis is the one racking up the points! I'd differently start Portis and sit out Lewis.

Nintendo Wii

Why can't Clinton run a positive campaign with no lies and innuendo?

Is she really that bad a candidate? Come on, let's try not playing the race card, the fake religion card, the fake NAFTA card, etc.

Why doesn't she simply focus on why she'd make a good President, the way Barack does?

Why can't Clinton run a positive campaign with no lies and innuendo?
wait... you *did* just ask that question about a "clinton", right? BUAHAHA!


give it a few... it's only going to get dirtier, brother!
Reply:Well she was WAY down and getting desperate. This is always the tactic of the desperate.

Obama 2008
Reply:Barak has no personal, Political Achievements credit to back his mouth?
Reply:because there is no credible answer to your question "why she would make a good president."

she keeps saying she's qualified, but has yet to list a single qualification. the only way she knows how to play is below the belt...attacks, lies, innuendo, you name it. she is "win at any cost" personified.

there is no leadership in that package, just someone trying to wrap herself up to appear so.
Reply:It's not the Clinton way..
Reply:Thats politics.........Obama does the same thing,so don't make him out to be a saint.
Reply:That's the only way she knows how to run a campaign
Reply:she can...see the link below for the main reason she doesnt need to lie(this time)
Reply:Barack Obama offers a vision (it doesn't have to be like this) that's attractive to voters. Hillary Clinton tried to, but she's not able to, so she resorts to negative campaigning.
Reply:It would be SO Fnice wouldn't it? But now since Barack lost Texas and Ohio it may get very very ugly. She started it, and I'm sickened by it. I hope that both of them focus on McCain.
Reply:She has nothing good to say about herself or her campaign.

Poor Obama! People keep pulling out the race card all around him, especially the Clinton campaign, right?

And people keep being negative, especially Hillary, right? And he is so clean and new politics and no negativity and never mentions ANYTHING about something so irrelevant as SKIN color. Poor poor Barack Obama.

Poor Obama! People keep pulling out the race card all around him, especially the Clinton campaign, right?
poor obama

Jazmen, wow, you have a serious problem!!! what did you ask xox out and she said no! You are seriously jealous of her. From your picture I can see why she would have said no!

Now I know who is following her around giving the bad flags.
Reply:He has been playing the game with an 8 deck shoe of race cards and now, they are putting him on a losing streak. I believe he will be hammered in Pennsylvania.

If i remember correctly he said " white folk " ?
Reply:Hillary no it's the media bringing this out....That Rev. just has tons of material that comes out new everyday....Tonight it was anti Italians too....This guy is to good to be true! A live bigot who's color of skin is not white or coming from KKK. He's put back Civil Rights bacl 40 years....and this guy is Obama's spiritual!
Reply:POOR OBAMA...........

he don't want people to know his REAL self.....

but guess what, people will know, that will be the difference in the out come of the election.........

can we still be friends?
Reply:OH, poor him, L.O.L.
Reply:I like Obama. I think he is a real politician. He is not giving a candy to become a president unlike Clinton. I think she have to learn how to learn respecting people. Why she always try to hurt a peroson? That is why she becomes not likeable perosn.

As for Obama, he has responded her criticizm and he has not tried to hurt her though and that I want to give him a point than her. Obama respects people very well. This is just one case.

I really liked Clinton at the beginning. However, my heart goes to Obama now.
Reply:Yes, that poor poor kid who grew up in Hawai'i and Kansas going to an elitist private school and then to the traditional Black colleges of Columbia and Harvard Law. That poor kid who is being attacked for having been in a Black church just being a good servant of God and it just so happened that his extremely good natured pastor decided to make one or two statements that have been taken out of context. Why can't we just let him be and embrace him, don't ask questions of him, don't force him to tell us what "change" he'll create. Can't we just "hope" that if we listen to his eloquence he'll magically clean up our world. And even though his scant record shows nothing to support his argument that he can reach across the aisle and bring people together can't we just ignore that b/c the evil Clinton machine is just being so mean to him and he's just so eloquent and new and fresh and Black and White and all of us. He really is all of us, he should be our president.
Reply:I know! And what's so funny about it... everyone thinks Hillary is the *whiner*...
Reply:Hillary keeps pulling out the Tonya Harding Card

Reply:But what angers you the most...... He's still beating Hillary and will be the democratic nominee.
Reply:How do you think he got into Harvard? or his wife into Princeton?
Reply:Poor Obama, the special-needs candidate! He has special needs and an Affirmative Action handicap. Don't hurt him! He's a poor black boy. Don't hurt his feelings! He will be hurt!!! AW!

How did he get into Harvard, and his wife Princeton? That's easy and it's in his book: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!
Reply:Aw she's a lying loser and you love her..................

Are Hillary supporters desperate because Hillary Clinton is a hot mess right now?

Her supporters are in panic mode on Y/A, dropping the race card and posting rumors.

After losing 8 states in a row and 21 altogether, Hillary herself is screeching and brandishing boxing gloves on national TV like a $2 dollar sideshow.

Hillary's campaign is broke and in disarray and has gone super negative.

She is behind in delegates and the popular vote.

Super delegates are jumping like rats on a sinking ship.

Are Hillary supporters desperate because Hillary Clinton is a hot mess right now?
Her campaign is obviously in trouble and she knows it.
Reply:The "hot mess" here is between your, oh never mind!
Reply:She is going to win Ohio and Texas and is just a little behind in Wisconsin. She also has a 20 point lead in Pennsylvania. I like her chances if you ask me.
Reply:Yes and it is becoming interesting to watch.
Reply:I think it is like that behind closed doors for real in her campaign headquarters and some of it is leaking out to the outside world too.
Reply:a hot mess ....?

In her pants suit ?

I wouldn't count her out till she bows out..

super delegates, remaining primaries...

much remains to be seen.
Reply:why are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? it's borderline creepy.
Reply:She is not a hot mess. Just a mess. Don't count her out yet that is how she wins.
Reply:I'm not for Hillary...but, it's not over yet. We'll see on March 4th what happens with Texas...Remember Hillary has won all the major states like New York, New Jersey, Cali. and Florida. She is expected to win in Texas, another big one.
Reply:It Ain't Over Till It's Over Honey...........

Was it right that Bill Clinton took up those old people's time in Iowa telling all those lies?

The he kept them there forcing them to sign a pledge card like a white headed Hitler.

Was it right that Bill Clinton took up those old people's time in Iowa telling all those lies?
Don't you know by now that Mr. Clinton has played mind games with us for many years? He's just doing what he knows best...we've always fallen for it. He could of been the same President that Bush is, but as long as he grinned, smiled and put his hands on our shoulders...we'd buy it. So...was it right that he lied, again? No, it never is. Did he lie? Dems will say no, Republicans will say yes...but Clinton never lies...he just...talks and many take it for the truth.
Reply:Your welcome...I'm glad you see it as honesty as it's my honest and best opinion on the topic...not typical BS. Report Abuse

Reply:Glad he chose to speak to intelligent people...I assume you weren't invited.
Reply:LIE!!!! Hey he is a politican that's his job he's paid to lie!
Reply:Let see some evidence ! Otherwise you are just a Rush clone!
Reply:forcing them?????????????????//////////

reality check please...........
Reply:with another round of Kool-aid. the Clintons will do whatever is needed!


What's the Clinton machine up to now?

The recent race card game is heating up. It should never have been brought into this arena; but the Clinton machine is heavily oiled and will stop at nothing! What are they up to now?

What's the Clinton machine up to now?
You give way too much credit to the Clintons. Within the Democratic Party, they do wield tremendous influence but, compared to the Rove driven Bush Machine of 2000/2004, they're more like a horse-drawn carriage. For sheer Machiavellian- if inept, manipulation, conspiracy, and intrigue, look no further than the GOP.
Reply:I hate Hillary but I can't help but laugh at arc's answer, so funny! I think the questioner IS on something or maybe just filled with piss and vinegar, hahaha!
Reply:Well ,Bill has benn making radio show rounds to explain what he really meant by Obama's " fairy tale " campaign. Same ole Clintons. Either blame someone else or deny that is what you meant. Hillary has been busy in Nevada's barrio explaining how she will make certain they will get more money for heating bills. Yes, indeed... we saw how well this worked with some Katrina victims. Suddenly, there was a tremendous spike in plasma TVs and Boze stereo equipment when that FEMA money was doled out.
Reply:If anyone listens to either of them, we are in big trouble.
Reply:If you must bash, then keep up with the latest. Hillary and Obama have called a truce on the race issue. That is yesterdays news, BTW.

What are "they" up to? SHE is trying to win an election and is not doing anything any other candidate doesn't do.
Reply:UMM You got your wires crossed Obama brought up race not Hillary .... he played the race card as i knew he would ....stay tuned for part 2 of the race card as it will come up again its early yet !!!!!!
Reply:Apparently they managed to get Obama and Edwards off the primary ballot in Michigan
Reply:a win for the witch at any cost !
Reply:I think I'd rather see Clinton than Obama(or whatever his name is) be president. She ran the Country back when her no good cheating butt of a husband was president, and we never went into no war. I vote Hilary. Personally I'd like to see a good Repub. but there isn't any..
Reply:obama put a foot in his mouth, by using the race card, and showed his ignorance that MLK could move the civil rights thing without LBJ's legislative help

obama annouced his truce yesterday
Reply:Probably trying to dig up more dirt on someone, but forgot to dig in her own backyard
Reply:Business as usual, lying, cheating and stealing.
Reply:I don`t know anyone who has anything good to say about Hillary C.

Hilary Clinton's elementary school report card: did see get a "needs approvement" in "works well with others"?

YEP! I have heard that and it still rings true today. She gets along with Slick Willy, only because they lead independent lives. Hillary is a loner, having no regard or respect for others.

Hilary Clinton's elementary school report card: did see get a "needs approvement" in "works well with others"?
How petty are we going to get. I mean really. an elementary school report card. Most children that age gets a needs improvement, in a lot of things, and children that young usually does need improvement in working with others as they have not had much opportunity to do so.
Reply:Your question does not make an ounce of sense, "did SEE get a "needs approvement"...............................

I believe you meant to type:

"she needs improvement" which you did not type..........just saying try proofreading your question before posting next time, your attempt at humor would be better.
Reply:You call this petty???

I call people who act like Obama chose to go to a Muslim school at the age of 6 PETTY.

Yep, we all choose our religion when we're 6 years old and tell our mom how it's going to be.

Reply:What child doesn't work well with others. Its called being a kid. This is ignorant and petty. You should find something better to do with your time, like perhaps learn grammar.
Reply:She is older now, but still hasn't learned. Her supporters haven't learned either. If you cross a Clinton get ready to be under a bus.
Reply:We would probably have Obama's elem. school report card too except he was in a different country! I think his would say "Does not work well with other races"
Reply:Your grammer is still at an elementary school level and needs improvement.
Reply:I guess McCain's would say " works great with others at the expense of his good friends".
Reply:Sounds logical.
Reply:no..we didn't but we saw an "F'' in patriotism for oBAAma!

Why did Hillary Clinton play the race card during her speech on MLK day?

Doesn't she realize that this unethical and snake like tactic just makes her look worse? Doesn't she realize that playing the tired old worn out race card for the purposes of politics and manipulation just makes her look like a bigger fool?

Why did Hillary Clinton play the race card during her speech on MLK day?
Because thats what liberals do. Play the race card. Why? because the democrats cant ever win without the black vote. They have to make republicans seem racist as part of their strategy. Fortunately, a strategy that people are catching on to.
Reply:You're actually playing the race card by saying someone else is playing the race card. Report Abuse

Reply:I don't see what you mean by "play the race card." She was speaking to a group of black people on MLK day. The whole event was about race.
Reply:becaus she isn't smart
Reply:I dont think that Hillary realizes much, after all she is married to Bill. But anyways, Hillary has to pull all the liberal tricks out of her hat(the race card is always top choice).Next trick will be grinding the President into the ground, blaming and finger pointing..

Hillarys behavior is very predictable and pathetic.
Reply:Actually, that whole plantation analogy has been used by all parties (Dems, repub, etc.) for quite a while but her choosing that perticular enviorment is quite interesting. It could be eventually in her favor or against her. But relize she is a Dem. and the crowd she was speaking to were too. She was winning their hearts and minds at that speach.

I have these holographic cards for sale or trade?

Infernal flame emperor x 2

Invader of darkness

ancient gear beast- ultra rare

ocean dragon lord - neo - daedalus x 2

cyber end dragon

sanga of the thunder

sacred phoenix of nephthys

dark flare knight

flame swordsman

masked chopper

mazera deville

silent swordsman lv5

traps %26amp; spells

life equalizer- ultra rare

fire darts- ultra rare

tri-blaze accelerator

shadow spell


barrel behind the door

japanese shield crusher

japanese thousand knives

all these cards are available. the only thing is i'm in clinton, north carolina. there aren't many players down here. so email me and let me know if you can use any of these cards.

I have these holographic cards for sale or trade?
If you are old enough sell them on Ebay.

Buyers are always looking for cards to buy and you make a little money too.

running shoes

Clinton TexMex Political Machine Harvests Thousands of Votes?

This doesn't even sound legal!

Monster political machines run by the most suspect of South Texas politicians are hard at work this election cycle, harvesting thousands of voters for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

A constable convicted of felony theft and a county commissioner under investigation for misuse of county funds are among the swarthy politicos using an intricate system of questionable electioneering to drum up votes for Clinton, for themselves, and for other cooperating politicians and contenders.

Most every South Texas Democrat running for office is supporting Clinton, offering resources ranging from push cards to rental cars.

Clinton TexMex Political Machine Harvests Thousands of Votes?
i don't put anything above them cheating.

hillary and bill made a whole lot of trips in texas. it was reported that hillary was going all around visiting different districts to see her elected "friends."

bill has already said that hillary WILL win in ohio and hillary has said that the momentum has shifted her way.

and to have a convicted felony drumming up votes for you?

how convenient.
Reply:Since they're even in the polls, looks like an even playing field.

According to news reports, the Obama camp has given some of the superdelegates about $700,000 in campaign funds, which could be perceived by some people as unfair influencing.
Reply:One has to wonder why any Latino would vote for her after her comments that they are only suited to minimum wage jobs.
Reply:at least she is white, so we will vote for her because she is white just like the blacks are voting for obama because he is black, oh let's not forget the muselums too.

this guy is not going to be president
Reply:Haha..Obama people are looking for excuses for why Clnton's going to beat Obama tomorrow

I like the Digg link better

(Difference is mine goes to AN ACTUAL news site and not to a ranting blog)
Reply:Why you think Bill has spent a whole lot of time down around the border in Texas, he is doing exactly what him and Hillary did, registering illegals, just like they did for McGovern when he ran for President. You can bet there will be thousands of illegal votes by illegal from Mexico.
Reply:It really doesn't matter because she's not going to win anyway.

Does Obama use Hillary Clinton as a shield ?

Instead of explaining his words, Obama threw the criticism back at his rivals...Will Obama use this card until the end ?

Does Obama use Hillary Clinton as a shield ?
Yes because she is experienced in 'sniper fire', and came out alive.

Every time Obama opens his mouth to speak his mind instead of reading a teleprompter like a drone, he continues to get himself into trouble.
Reply:Hillary made 100 million dollars since leaving white house! Who is the "Elitists"!

Obama 2008!

Ebony %26amp; Ivory President!
Reply:yes he does, if Hillary loses... the polls that you read that say Obama is winning over McCain will decrease and McCain will take the lead!
Reply:hell do it until the end

but in the polls hes going down

so it didnt work well this time for him

Is this another example of the Clinton LIE machine?

Outside a Pittsburgh campaign event, a reporter asked Clinton what he had meant “when you said the Obama campaign was playing the race card on you?"

Clinton responded: "When did I say that and to whom did I say that?"

The reporter replied that the former president had made the remarks during his interview with WHYY Monday night.

Is this another example of the Clinton LIE machine?
Wow, sometimes I wonder who Bill is really campaigning for his wife or Obama??? Sometimes, some of the things that come out of his mouth - sure doesn't sound like the President that I so much respected.

OBAMA '08.

Edit: Bill Clinton Revives the Bosnia Gaffe

Bill also suggested that his wife, who is running for president in part on her preparedness to handle emergencies in the middle of the night, might have forgotten details of the incident because she was 60, forgetful and tired.

“When they’re 60,” he said of reporters who, he believes, have overdramatized the episode, “they’ll forget something when they’re tired at 11 o’clock at night, too.”
Reply:YES. I just saw this on MSNBC, the speech he gave the race card nonsense, and them him denying it yesterday or earlier this morning.

Whenever I see Billary (both Bill and Hitlery) speak, I have gotten into the habit of tuning them out, or just turning the channel. I'm so sick of even seeing their faces or hearing their corrupt voices anymore. I despise both of them so much!
Reply:Yeah, those 2 are Bonnie %26amp; Clyde. I liked bill Clinton before all of this. But Hillary has exposed all of the BS. If ?bama wins pa, I hope all of the superdelegates will choose ?bama so that we can move on to the next part of the presidential run.
Reply:I had to wait until the final sentence of the article to see any mention of proof. That line should have been brought up first by the reporter, with transcript or video available for confirmation.

I am a little confused. Is there a part two to this interview, or what?
Reply:I'm more concerned about Obama's lies concerning his questionable affiliations with racist, anti-American kooks, thugs like Rezko, and proud bomber of the innocent, Ayers. Therein "lies" the real problem.

About the Race issue: It has never been about Obama's race - it is about Obama's Racism.
Reply:Maybe. Thats why our only *Hope* to keep out Obama is McCain.

Support McCain.

Reply:So where is the lie? It was Bill who said that?

Hillary Clinton's Race Card?

Do you think that Hillary Clinton's constant race card playing has damaged Obama's chances of winning white votes ?

Hillary Clinton's Race Card?
*****I think it's affected his chances, but not seriously damaged it. I think it's disgusting! She has stooped to a new low in Politics.
Reply:Obama and his wife has already been playing the race card as far as white voters see it. We hear in his speeches how he is going to place one race over another, dividing the races even farther. Our nation won't be healed until ALL AMERICANS are treated as equals. Special treatment should be reserved for the elderly and handicapped and mentally challenged.
Reply:it's obama who is playing the race card. hillary clinton haven't even brought up the sexism card until recently even though someone at one of her speech raised a sign that said "iron my clothes", the media did not even made an issue out of that. as if sexism is normal and acceptable.
Reply:LOL white people don't play the race card!! Neither do asians, Hispanic, Hindu... Hell none play the race card except for well lets see Only Black Americans!!! Get your head out of your azz because it's stinking!!! Whom god sets free is free indeed!! So don't look for a pay back from whites unless thats your GOD!!!
Reply:I think the only reason she's still in the race is because the good ole boys know they can defeat her with no probelm she need to drop out.They did not like her husband and if she win they gone bring up the same issues that her husband had you know the ole saying birds of a feather!
Reply:I definitely believe that she has done some damage. This started a few months ago. First slowly and now there are no more pretenses.
Reply:I think you have that backwards...Obama has played the race card all of his life.
Reply:No. A combined ticket (Obama - Hilary) will rectify that one.
Reply:Hold on "sweetie" let me think about it...

Help for melasma

Is the way I do Index cards wrong?

When I write the meaning of something on the index card, I write few important words to remember. Others write it in very wrong sentence which looks difficult to remember, but maybe I feel like wrting the long sentence is like writing the story so it may be easier to remember than remember few 2 words of the meaning of something.

For example I do like this, Hillary Clinton is Democratic, Spouse of Bill, Oppose Iraq war, 1st woman.

I lather write in sentence like story lather than remembering basic words? That remembers easier?

Is the way I do Index cards wrong?
You are writing the index card for your reference. The best thing to do is write it the way you find easy and most useful to you. Just forget about how others do it!
Reply:There is no right or wrong way to do it. Do what works for you.

The press and obama and clinton do we have it all wrong?

i would argue obama gets watched in detail about what he wears ,says and does. the press problem is there isn't much to dislike or question. he is level headed,calm, intellegent, educated, and honest. hillary is flighty saying contradictory things and seeming often unhinged. she however plays the female victim card, unlike obama who doesn't play the race card.

The press and obama and clinton do we have it all wrong?
all true
Reply:WE have to see through her tricks. She plays dirty. I'm not voting for her.
Reply:lexi l wtf does that have to do with him. since he's black he needs to help out black girls with stds? so how about hilary give up running and help out white kids who bad mouth their parents!!
Reply:Obama has a Cult like Following.Jim Jones Flock would have and did kill for him.They believed every word he said and hung to every word like the Obama Cult does today.The Obama Phenomenon is a lot like the Jim Jones Phenomenon.Lets see how many Deaths and or Suicides result from The Honorable Barack Obama.
Reply:So she doesn't get watched for what she wears? How about the time she was "showing a little too much cleavage" or when they asked "why is she always wearing pantsuits and not something more feminine?" How about the fact that the speech he made that got him elected was about the war being wrong but him voting against setting a deadline and the media hasn't covered it? Or how about them always saying that she's playing the race card when she's making a practical v. idealist argument? The list goes on and on. She's attacked constantly by the media b/c it's a lot worse to be seen as racist than sexist. Look at the attacks on Imus when he called the Rutgers girls "nappy headed hoes". They went after him more for the nappy headed part than the hoes, saying that he was racist. What about the sexist part, calling them hoes? Had he said that they were hoes he probably would have gotten away with a slap on the hand instead of getting kicked off. When you think of the struggle for equal rights you always think MLK but never Susan B Anthony or even César Chávez. Why? B/c blacks have hijacked race relations and the equality spotlight in America.
Reply:The media hold sway over all the candidates. Commentators give their opinion most often biased, and use clips to hilight what theyre saying.

The only way to get an unbiased opinion is to watch the candidates and make a personal decison free of others input.

The fact that whether a candidate has a particular trait that should be targeted shows lazy reporting and shouldnt be allowed to be influential.
Reply:The press is part of the media, and the media have long loved the Clintons. Somehow, the entertainment media forget that they are huge multinational corporations, and the Clintons surely want all democrats to forget that, too.

To be fair, Oprah, is more than a multinational. Her empire is at least as big as the lower tier EU countries.
Reply:You have it all wrong.

Obama's entire campaign is about the fact that he is Black.

She is the intelligent educated and honest one. He is a crook.

Hillary Clinton playing the race card?

lol ... "playing the race card"

Doesn't seem like Hillary Clinton is calling "working class whites" racists. She has been campaigning the last couple of weeks on the premise that blue collar white people "dont connect" with Obamas message. Is this newspeak for blue collar workers are racist?

and now she is saying she is staying in the race because anything can happen, and then gave RFK's assassination as an example. Is she implying some racists wacko might try and kill Obama? Is that what she is hoping for?

Hillary Clinton playing the race card?
White person: Why do you keep playing with race cards?

Black person: Because you gave them to me, a*s hole!
Reply:Well, I think she's taken a page out of the book of the Republicans (Ronald Reagan). Basically she knows that she can't win legitimately so she's going about it a different way. She even said (not in these exact words) that the only way she would win the democratic nomination is if Obama was assassinated like Robert Kennedy ( who was killed in June of the election year). Maybe this explains why she's still holding out.
Reply:It sure seems like you've sized Clinton correctly. But then, this working white class white preferred Obama from the start. I think she's going to be quite surprised to find out how many working whites don't buy into her nonsense.

Btw - you have some stunning insight. I don't know where you work, but you would make a good addition to the staff of Crossfire.
Reply:CNN strategists call it the "redneck vote". The uneducated blue collar whites who refuse to vote for Obama because of his race. They're keeping Clinton afloat.

After this campaign where did the Clinton legacy stand?

The white man that had no shame in using the race card even if it meant dividing the country and the Democratic party.

After this campaign where did the Clinton legacy stand?


- The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

- First president sued for sexual harassment.

- First president accused of rape.

- First first lady to come under criminal investigation

- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

- First president to establish a legal defense fund.

- First president to be held in contempt of court

- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
Reply:OK so how could current events change the legacy of being the only elected president to be impeached and the only president to be disbarred? I think it just added a little color to it, but no changes, it is still way negative.
Reply:Your answer is in your question.
Reply:Again, when did he play the race card? When he refered to Obama's voting record on Iraq (which is exactly as Hillary's) didn't support his words and therefore his claims were a fairy tale? B/c if that makes him racist, then wow I guess I shouldn't use facts anymore before Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson show up and call me a racist. As for the girl above me, I don't know if you know anything about American History but Andrew Johnson was actually the first president to be impeached and therefore no, Clinton was not the only president to be impeached. Do your research before making false claims. Hey, that works for the Obama supporters too.
Reply:oh, his legacy will still stand.

but his un-presidential-like, pitbull tactics in trying to get his wife elected will now become a part of that legacy too.

riding boots

Will the racial division backfire on Clinton?

I asked if anyone thought that maybe Ferraro's comments about Obama was done intentionally and it seems quite a few agree it was. I have to wonder would something like this backfire and make more white voters go over to Obama just to make a statement that they are sick of the race card being brought up ?

Will the racial division backfire on Clinton?
Its a deliberate strategy. Simple and devious. Its called race baiting. Get Ferarro to make an outrageous comment that will stir up the usual suspects - Al Sharpton, Jesse jackson, Charlie Rengell and joy of joys, Lois Farrakhan. If they succeed in getting all those guys railing about race on TV, Obama is sunk in PA. The price - Ferraro's resignation, but she's expendable and it was an honorary position anyways. Brilliant.
Reply:Yes it will and rightfully so
Reply:Hilary is done!!
Reply:Actually I think it's more likely to halt any white voters to go vote for Obama, as they become more racially concious especially those that link his statements of "defense" as using the race card; only to remind them of the not so popular Al Sharpton. Benefiting Clinton.
Reply:I actually see it come home to roost in the Obama camp.

Race and gender will play a has to.......not that it is right, it just IS.

Unfortunately it takes away from who and what each candidate truly brings to the table. That is all we should be concerned about.....what is best for our nation. The message should not be defined by its wrapping....I say take the wrapping off and read the message.
Reply:I think it can work either way, it depends on how each candidate moves forward.

Obama has to connect with Pa voters to try and make it close, or just cede Pa. and destroy clinton in NC (a strategy that only works as long as Fla stays unseated)
Reply:Gearldine was 100 % correct,,, The only people crying foul

on the dem ticket is Obama,, You would have to live in a

damn cave to not realize this race is totally about RACE and

GENDER, Your whole party has become the laughing stock

of the Country, You have a 1/2 black guy and 1/2 white guy

(which he denounces of Course) running against a tired old

ex first lady, who has as much experience at executive gov.

as a 90 yr blind grandmother driving the Pace car at the

Indy 500.. So please,, Howard Dean tried to stack the deck

and it blew up in his face,, your going all the way to the convention floor.. And then your party is done.
Reply:It might. Then it might backfire on Obama, if his campaign continues to pull the PC card at every opportunity.
Reply:No, I think it shows that Obama's campaign keeps playing the race card. His supporters are bullies and call anybody a racist for not agreeing w/ him.
Reply:Isn't it so far? She's made a mess out of everything. She should concede and take a permanent sabatocal!
Reply:I don't know. Will some of the Obama's peoples comments backfire and cause some of the people to switch candidates. The only reason this is staying a racial issue is because people will not let go of the race issue, which tells me that a lot of people are voting on race instead of policies and experience and need of the country.
Reply:i hope it have a big backlash on the hillary clinton camp . this race baiting need to come to a end in this election
Reply:The racial question will backfire on Obama, and the US. I said it 6 months ago, I say it today, he can't beat McCain. She had a chance, now we are doomed to at least four more years of republicans. Report me, violate me, it doesn't matter, If Barrack gets the nomination, Bush wins again.
Reply:Yes, it has backfired. Me and most of my friends will leave the democratic party if Hillary is our nominee
Reply:I think it will work to his advantage, as all he has said is that it was a dumb comment.

Cuppa, not all supporters call people who disagree with him a racist.

Do you think Wesley Clark is covertly working to undermine Obama on behalf of the Clinton's?

Bill and HRC have to play the party loyalty card, but it works better for HRC if Obama does not win because she would be the frontrunner in 2012.

Do you think Wesley Clark is covertly working to undermine Obama on behalf of the Clinton's?
If I were Obama, I would not trust ANY of Clinton's former supporters. Back-stabbing snakes in the grass all of them. I'll bet anything Hillary's people are scrounging like mad to find ANYTHING they can use against Obama to give to McCain while she's dialing the same hitman she used for Vince Foster
Reply:I doubt it very seriously. Clark is, after all, a Democrat. It is in his best political interests to support Obama. Same goes for the Clintons.
Reply:Good question, you may have some thing there, I know Bill doesn't like to loose, but that would be pretty low even for him. I think it would come out in the wash, an in the end it would hurt Hillary.
Reply:No, he was exercising his right to freedom of speech as Americans should.

Obama wasn't anywhere near him.

Celebrate your rights and quit being so worried.
Reply:I seriously doubt that Hillary would be happy with a McCain victory. If so, she's a power hungry nut.
Reply:No - I believe Wesley Clark is an Obama hitman.
Reply:No. I believe you are prone to baseless conspiracy theories...

Democrats 2008
Reply:No, I believe he is a bafoon like Obama!
Reply:it's possible.
Reply:Ha, that would be great. Unity indeed!

Why did H. Clinton play the ( don't pick on the girl card ) in the last debate?

I thought she was the strongest and smartest person in the world.

Why did H. Clinton play the ( don't pick on the girl card ) in the last debate?
She's weak when she has to stand on her own two feet. Take her off script, get her out of a controlled media opportunity, or put her in front of a skeptical crowd and she falls apart.

As for being as smart as everyone claims, how could she **not** be prepared for a question involving illegal aliens in her own home state? How is that even possible? Maybe because she thought she wouldn't have to answer tough questions? Maybe because she thought it was a just another staged event she had to endure on the way to her coronation?
Reply:I don't think she played that gender card during the debate, her campaign did it afterwords. It's silly though. She wants to prove she can be a strong leader she needs to take it and come back next time with a better debate. Taking stronger positions on issues would nice too.
Reply:You thought wrong,VERY wrong.PAW HIWARY GOT PICKED ON.Shes got no experiance running govt and talks in circles.will not answer questions but dances around them.When backed into a corner plays the paw picked on girl routine.Dont be fooled.
Reply:Back slid'n all the way up the hill G Bush?

"History teaches us that underestimating the words of evil, ambitious men is a terrible mistake," Bush said. "Bin Laden and his terrorist allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. And the question is, will we listen?"

If I am not mistaken, Bin Laden is not a threat to the US. So why on earth would G Bush use him like this?

Just goes to show how much this man is a lier!

Somebody prove me wrong please, come on cons rep, answer the question...

Did he just not lie to the world? To his country? To his fellow man?

Yes or No?

If War Denial is dangerous, then Bin Laden must be a threat! It would be nice if this so called man made up his mind for the better of our troops!

Sorry Bas;lkj;;...

I posted a question on yahoo Q/A form and figured this would be some great ammo vs G Bush.

Sending it to you if you want to use it, feel free.

Chew on this rant'R
Reply:Probably the first debate where she was made to have a stand on an issue. She couldn't come up with a consistent argument and the other candidates took advantage to highlight her miss as she's the front runner. Now, she's just going crybaby that the boys are picking on the girl. Talk about lack of accountability.
Reply:If she is so strong, why didnt she throw out her hubbie when the whole world knows he was cheating on her?
Reply:Because all the men ganged up on her. Why do you ask?
Reply:It's the liberal in her. Talk big and when it doesn't go your way whine and cry that they're picking on you.