Saturday, November 19, 2011

Clinton, Obama and the race/gender card?

I've seen a lot of posts about support of the Dem nominees and the demographical breakdown of who's voting for who and why. There are several questions about why black people vote for Obama...etc. The overwhelming majority of the answers to these are like, "I don't vote for him because he's black, its because he's the best, etc." And the same for Clinton, just substitute "woman" for "black." Generally speaking of course.

It is an insult to assume that a Dem votes for ___ just because of ____ . .....right?

So here's the question.

When Obama or Clinton loses to McCain in the general election, what will the excuse be from Dems?

Too many "good ole boys" couldn't handle having a black or woman president?

Double standard...?

From the same Dem supporters who are insulted that they are being accused of voting on race or gender, will be accusing Reps, of the very same thing.....

I just want that whoever loses, that they take the loss like a man... (or woman) and not cry foul

Clinton, Obama and the race/gender card?
I really hate to say this, but Obama will be our next president ! Why,,,,,because the news media is totally in the tank for this guy ! Just turn on any news station and you will see this, he is getting ten to one coverage over Clinton, and when the media is through beating Clinton up, they will turn on McCain !
Reply:people think in race are you, are in the past. We are not in 1965. We have different challenges: one of them is to be united.
Reply:I'm democrat and I'm tired to listen Obama's and Clinton's

high school BS

I'm going to vote for McCain as a punishment

for the Dem. Candidates..

we are in war and McCain is the only one to understand

what it's mean come back home from the combat zone

and I believe he will do everything to help our Soldiers

to get back too a normal life for the rest is only politics
Reply:After Bush destroyed a country and went against his promise to not get involved in overthrowing a government, I thought enough people would be mad and the Republicans will lose the next presidential election.

But now...the Republicans will win the ticket again if Obama wins the nomination. America is not willing, ready or able to let a black man become the next president.

I am not prejiduced, just stating the facts.

So, Mc Pain will be the next president, unless Hillary wins. Then indeed history will be made.

Does anyone really think a black man could win the election when the big bucks will go with the Republicans?

I don't think so....
Reply:im a republican but i do like obama and will be voting for him
Reply:I t could be that its already a done deal. The REPUBLICAN$ strategy is , they won`t elect black,-they won`t elect a woman! so what`s that leave? WAKE UP AMERICA!!
Reply:i know. thats why I wish Al Gore were in it
Reply:i'd support both clinton and obama.. but i can only choose one.. why is that ur making this negative.. what about if mccain loses, will he take it like a man????? i understand that this is a first but my golly give me a break already
Reply:The Dem will have know one to blame but themselves. They will be so tried out from their fight, that McCain will just walk away with the title.
Reply:Your logic is inherently flawed.

So when I vote for McCain, my vote as a *woman* for a *man* counts for nothing -- Afterall, its just *white* voting for *white,* right? Wrong -- afterall, if I can marry a person of color, I can sure vote for one.
Reply:I'm a Obama supporter but if he looses and Clinton is the nominee I'd support her. Mccain is too much of a right-wing nutjob to even think about voting for.

Why does Michelle Obama pander to black people?

Barack always tries to steer clear of the race issue (although his campaign loves to play it up and then blame the Clinton campaign for playing the race card). But Michelle always gets up in front of black people and stirs their racial pride as a way of getting them to vote for Barack. She overtly plays the race card, but no one critcizes her fr pandering to black folks. Why?

Why does Michelle Obama pander to black people?
Because just like Bill Clinton, spouses are used to do the dirty work that the actual candidate can't do. Only difference between Michelle and Bill in terms of this, is that Bill gets more media attention when he speaks. But Barack has pandered to the Black population before.

No media outlet wants to target Michelle on that. They will look racist if they do.
Reply:she's a democrat...
Reply:The candidate's spouses always get a little more leeway. Look at what Bill says and does for Hillary?
Reply:because her last name is not clinton. the media is responsible for brain-washing black americans into believing that the clintons are the only racists people in america. the sad thing about it is the majority of us believe it.

whenever black america need the media to take a stand and use their voice to speak out about racism, they pretend it doesn't exist.

sorry media, your "let's all join together and hate the clintons" tactics are not working for me.

HILLARY CLINTON in 2008!!!!!!!!
Reply:- Why do the republicons are so desperate to create "division" in the democratic field to reign and win election with their strategy of "politic of fear"?

- Why the republicons think they could succeed with their "racist card" to win election by accusing others?

It's not gonna be the same as you did in the last election, and you could feel it with those two great candidates Clinton and Obama who gonna make "history" in the American society ...

Keep trying and distracting people's mind with the real facts: "recession in our economy, poverty in its all form and debt for us and our children before they even born" ...

Many republicans see and support their party before they stand and value their country; what a shame!
Reply:Because it's impossible for Barack to do this himself without generating huge controversy within the non-black communities. He wants to solidify his support for the black vote, he cannot do this himself, and his wife certainly appears more in touch with the black community anyhow.

It really makes sense to do things this way, and it's tough to criticize a black woman for rallying black voters. Clinton has already been burned on the race issue. This hurts her especially due to Bill's credentials within the black community, and her hopes of riding his coattails there being dashed.
Reply:To gain votes its no different than Huckabee pandering to the evangelists.
Reply:Because they are fighting for the black vote. Simple enough. Barack himself panders in this area when he gives speeches using the cadence of a black preacher when he doesn't ever talk like that in real life. But the Clintons are looking for the black vote too, they counted on it too much and now have to fight for it. I know we're supposed to say that race doesn't matter, but clearly it does. Look at South Carolina.
Reply:Because he does not stand a chance of getting elected.
Reply:Um, before you post, why don't you check out what parties/ groups/conventions have invited Michelle Obama to speak? I assume that you haven't done any checking on this, all the speaking engagements on her calender, because she does not "always get in front of black people".

You sound like a racist troll here.
Reply:Pandering? How silly. Do you know what it means?

Who do you want her to play up to Lithuanians?

Hillary Clinton switches her accent on and off according to where she is. Why is she pandering to Northerners today and Southerners tomorrow?
Reply:she wants them to vote for her husband.

Nintendo Wii

Looks like a lot of Republican voters are voting for Obama to keep Clinton out of office. Is this fair?

I think it is too bad that Hillary will likely lose the presidency because Republicans are crossing over to vote against her, especially in Texas. Ohio also has an open primary, so I see the same thing happening here. Though I like Obama, the cards really seem stacked against Clinton right now. What I fear is that the Republican strategy will work. Hillary supporters will be pissed and vote McCain to spite Obama. Looks like this election could play right into Republicans hands, if Hillary and Obama don't come up with a plan to keep this from happening. That's right. I think Obama needs to help Hillary out. Hillary needs to help Obama out. The wisest thing for either one of them to do is start thinking about a president and vice president strategy. All we are doing now is dividing the democratic party, and that is the last thing we need right now. I voted for Obama, but if I were in Texas, I'd be voting Hillary. I don't like seeing someone get pummeled unfairly. Go Dems!!!!

Looks like a lot of Republican voters are voting for Obama to keep Clinton out of office. Is this fair?
Anything that moves Clinton closer to the green grass of home and away from the white house is fine with me. She continues to make promises that everyone with an IQ over 50 knows are never going to be met. She will give, give, give but no mention of where the funding will come from to do all that giving. It is an insult for her to continue to make statements that are so far from the truth.
Reply:This is baloney. You don't know one single registered Republican who is going to register as a Democrat to vote for Barack. Not one. I'll bet you a dollar you can't find a single verifiable instance. The people who keep saying this certainly wouldn't do it themselves.
Reply:With respect, I think you are misreading the situation. The Republicans Obama is getting are not voting for Obama so McCain will have an easier candidate than Hillary, they are voting for him because they like him and are rejecting the status quo. My Dad is one of those Obama Republicans.

Several political pundits have publically stated on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC that Obama is a much tougher candidate for McCain because both candidates pull from the independent crowd and McCain has issues with his conservative base.

Hillary running would get evangelicals out in numbers voting against her (for McCain). There is a real question whether McCain will be able to hold on to his independent base and win back the Evengelicals vs. Obama. Obama has vowed not to concede the Evangelicals and McCain has been dogged about not giving the Evangelicals any concessions.

Bush has a 28% approval rate, but got like 52% of the vote in the last election. That means that 24% of people who voted republican hate bush's policies and probably have a horrible case of buyers remorse. McCain is running on those policies that have made these voters dislike Bush. That won't help him with the indy crowd he is fighting Obama over.

Hillary's problems are her own. She would have had real problems in the general election because Republicans and Independents as a whole do not like her--- only Dems really like her. In the Dem race it has allowed Obama to build support among Independents to outvote Hillary's Dem base.

Hillary and Bill have pissed off a lot of Obama Independent supporters to the point that we would never vote for her this time. We need time to forget how much we dislike her. Obama can count on the rank and file Dems voting for him over McCain running on Bush's policies as the Dem candidate so he doesn't really need her. She also makes red and swing states redder, so she is probably not on Obama's list.

Hillary on the other hand with a negative rating that has been tracked between 46 and 58% in the last year needs a VP who can change peoples minds and make people who don't like her vote for her ticket. Her people think Obama could do that for her, but I disagree. I think a great deal of Obama's appeal is that he is not a tradional politician like Hillary or McCain. I think his support would evaporate as second fiddle to Hillary. Gov. Richardson might be the rare VP candidate who could fill Hillary's needs. That said, I think Hillary will not win Texas, so this is a little moot.
Reply:Obama will be easier to beat in the general election. That is why they don't want Hillary in the general election. The world leaders love both of the Clintons. The economy was good and the budget balanced under Bill. And he has had his trying moments during attacks (like the U.S. Cole attack). So it would be harder for McCain to attack Hillary then a nobody like Obama with no experience, and he hasn't sat on any major committee, and he missed half the votes on issues, and did not work bi-partisanly when he had a chance. Yet he says he wants to unite this country and can handle all the major problems facing us nationally and globally. I don't think so....
Reply:I'm all choked up.
Reply:ROFLMAOPMP ... You MUST be JOKING !!! RIGHT !!?!?!

Fear?? ... what a JOKE !!!

We just DO NOT LIKE Billary !!
Reply:That's why we have superdelegates.
Reply:You could have restricted your primaries to Democrats Only but chose not too. Next time don't wait till the last minute to change the rules, which by then will be known universally as Pulling a Hillary
Reply:We did it in VA and it worked great. Texas Rep vote for Obama will give Obama the win easy. Clinton knows it and is trying to hold Ohio, which will make no difference.
Reply:Hillary Clinton is the one who needs to change her tune. From the beginning, her arrogance and pandering nature has made her look bad. The smear campaign her supporter are currently throwing against Obama is making them look even worse - THAT is why people are voting against her at any cost.

It's my vote and I can do with it what I want. I am a disillusioned republican voter who is voting for Obama and will be voting for McCain if Clinton wins the nomination.
Reply:Don't forget that the Florida decision to move the primary up and accept the disipline from the Democratic National Party was made by a Republican Governor and republican state legislature where Hillary Clinton is hugely popular.

Republican's are brilliant there is a reason why the only Democratic Presidents in the last 40 years have been Carter and Clinton and Clinton was due to Ross Perot in 92'.
Reply:A vote for Obama in the primaries is a vote for McCain in the General. The Republicans have repeatedly stated 'Clinton is formidable."

There is a solution: Clinton for Pres., Obama for VP... then later, Obama for Pres, Michelle for VP... and the cycle continues. However, people are voting with emotion, not rationale. All's fair in campaigns... note how Obama is condemning the 3AM ad---he stated it was fear tactics....then he copied it. That kind of 'Change' , that kind of Judgement won't be what I vote for.
Reply:Your assumptions are not true.

Most Obama supporters are Democrats who see Hillary for what she really is - a fake, elitist, career-politician who will say and do anything she feels is convenient at the moment in order to ascend to power.

The "cross-over" effect is exaggerated. Those who are crossing over are doing so because they like the honesty and conviction of Senator Obama, not because they hate Hillary.

You do know that in most states, registered Republicans can't even vote on a Democratic ballot, right???
Reply:So far HUCKABEE is the choice for those not voting for McCain ...

YET............... when the nominee is picked at the Republican convention

THEN regardless of how Republicans voted..They will do everything in their might and power to assure the Democrats DO NOT get back into the White House....
Reply:I heard that the Rep. who don't like McCain are going for Hillary and some (going for McCain in Texas) are voting for Hillary just to keep things interesting since its obvious who will be the Republican nominee. I don't think either way is fair. People should vote for who they WANT to win. This is disappointing.
Reply:no it is sexism
Reply:Same thing happened the other way around in open primary States to bump off Romney and Thompson, thus ensuring that there were no true conservatives in the race. No matter who wins the November election it is a guaranteed victory for liberalism.
Reply:Limbaugh was saying and pushing his listeners for the opposite
Reply:i;am a democrat but i don;t like clinton.she acts as if she is better then everyone else.besides we don;t need anymore clinton;s in the white ask if it;s;s not fair how she is trying to destroy if the shoe fits wear it.she deserves to be booted out of the election.
Reply:Yes it is fair. A person can vote for the Democrat or Republican they would rather have as president. If this is happening then they are saying they don't want Hillary to have a chance at being president. If the Democrat nomination was already decided I would cross over and vote for the republican I would prefer rather than waste my vote on a Democrat. Just shows how many people don't like Hillary. I heard a republican say hopefully the Clintons will be gone forever. Also the Clintons are so hated by republicans that Hillary would never get anything done.
Reply:Republicans and fair election do not go together
Reply:In each state the democratic party decides on who can vote in the primaries. Consequently, in the states where the democrats allow republicans to vote, it is perfectly fair that they should do so. If some Hillary voters don't like that, instead of going nuts and voting for the republican candidate, they should ask their local democratic leaders to change the rules for next time.
Reply:You're a very intelligent person.

We need more women in the office.

The world needs a women's touch!

Reply:Admittedly... That is what I am doing here in Cleveland on March 4th. I have NEVER declared myself a Democrat. However, let's face it.... McCain is already the Nominee. I would rather have Obama than Clinton if The Dems do win the White House. And in my research... I've discovered that Obama, though Liberal, is really not a bad guy. Shrillary is the same ol' same ol'. We have had 2 decades of Clinton's and Bushes. It really is time for change. Now, do your homework.

Let's compare the record:

From the Library of Congress:

Hillary Clinton in her one full term(6 yrs.) and another year campaigning, has authored and passed only 20 pieces of legislation in her term of six years into law. They range from naming a courthouse after Thurgood Marshall to naming a Post Office after Jonn A. O'Shea.

Obama in his first 8 Months sponsored over 820 Bills. Introduced 233 Bills on Healthcare Reform, 125 Bills on Poverty and Public Assistance, 112 Bills on Crime Fighting, 97 Economic Bills, 60 Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bills, 21 Ethics Reform Bills, 6 Veterans Affairs Bills and many others. In his First Year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 Bills and co-spomsored another 427. These Include: 1) the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 that became Law, 2) the Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-prliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act that became Law, 3) the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that passed the Senate, 4) the 2007 Government Ethics Bill that became Law, just to name a few. In all, since he entered the Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 Bills and co-sponsored another 1096.

Why is this not being discussed heavily on the blogs? Obama supporters should be copying and pasting this all over the net and inundating all the Hillary Blogs with this. When people take a hard look... she is not a hard worker. She represents more grid lock and laziness.

This man WILL get things done. His record PROVES IT.

Pass this on to as many folks as you can this weekend. Everyone on your address books, all blogs. Get the truth out and help make things right!

If Hillary Clinton gets Universal Health care?

and we all have to start carrying around our Health Cards on our person whenever we leave our own homes (Did you even know that was a requirement in her previous "PLAN"?)

Is it true that in order to have a unique UPC bar code for humans, the only number not yet taken is 666?

does that make us common citizens the beast

or is it health care that already has been the beast all along?

If Hillary Clinton gets Universal Health care?
In a state dominated by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, a privately owned central bank is a beast of a military industrial complex. If politicians don’t have to consult citizens or tax them directly to fund government programs, such as wars and welfare, then maybe politicians can, and do, implement whatever programs they wish. After having the central bank expand the money supply in response to demands for welfare from subjects and demands for warfare from a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, the state may declare that it has become impossible for the central bank to honor a previous guarantee to exchange a paper currency for a fixed quantity of a commodity with an intrinsic value such as gold; and that from now on paper currency will enjoy legal tender status based on the full faith and credit of the state. In practice this means that the state may now have the central bank print an endless supply of cheaply printed paper to be used in exchange for valuable goods and services. By trading an endless supply of cheaply printed paper for valuable goods and services, a beast of a military industrial complex makes available to the state money required to finance a continuing series of wars.

Expansion of the money supply leads to more paper currency chasing after the same goods and services. More paper currency chasing after the same goods and services leads to inflation of the asking price for goods and services. Inflation enables a beast of a military industrial complex to embezzle the purchasing power of savings as the quantity and quality of goods and services that may be purchased by a fixed quantity of paper currency decays over time. Inflation may also drive up the price of labor such that subjects find themselves being pushed into higher tax brackets; and end up paying a larger percentage of their income to taxes. Massive spending programs paid for by the state with loans from the central bank may lead subjects to a future where in the majority of their taxes are being spent on making massive interest payments on an even more massive national debt.

By frequently invoking dubious threats to national security and or interests, a mercenary plutocratic predatory few use war and military spending to justify taking a lion's share of tax money and to disguise and or justify a strategy of redistributing national income in their favor. Maybe this strategy of redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top is carried out by a combination of drastic hikes in spending for warfare, and equally drastic tax cuts for the wealthy. Drastic hikes in spending mainly benefit a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. Drastic tax cuts for the wealthy are made mainly to help a mercenary plutocratic predatory few garner support for a continuing series of wars from those amongst the wealthy who do not profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. This combination creates large budget deficits. Large budget deficits create a massive national debt that forces the state to use an ever greater portion of taxes collected from subjects to make interest payments. As a result spending for welfare is cut and the rich grow considerably richer at the expense of middle and low income people.
Reply:America deserves Universal Health Care.
Reply:That is completely stupid. And as much of an anti-Hillary person I am, I must admit the fear of 666 does not even make it on my long list of problems with Hillary or reasons to vote against her. Grow up.
Reply:Wow what a freak show,

but it sounds biblical there are two heads to the beast and one lies and promises the world everything then that beast dies "it was lying". The second head as I recall consumes the first head. Then the new Beast promising world peace delivers hell on earth and WAR.

Plus you have to take the mark to get goods and service and health care is a good a service. Without the mark card you would be denied work, plus your employeers will demand to swipe the card for medical reasons and you will be known by all.
Reply:your free colonoscopy will show your true colors
Reply:No more than having to carry a drivers license or other form of ID does....this is about a dumb a post as Ive seen.....congrats
Reply:If Hillary get her way these are thing that WILL happen.

1. Most of the really good doctors will either simply retire or

not accept Government provided health insurance plans.

Don't believe it ? Check and see how many now already

don't accept Medicare as payment.

2. Access to state of the art equipment like MRI, PET and

CAT scans will go from being done immediately to taking

weeks if not months.

3. Quality of health care will decline for all due to #1.

4. All other health related care costs will go up do to the

interference of the government programs
Reply:Old Scout what do you have against America?
Reply:its not true...nonono
Reply:You can't be serious. Are you 5? Did you grow up on a farm with your mother home schooling you?

This has to be a joke.

Just in case it's not a joke:

Don't worry, everything is fine. Health Care is NOT the boogy man and is it not gonna GET you.

Oh yeah, and 666 is just a number that comes after 665 and before 667.

Senator Clinton; Is she McCain's trump card in 2008?

Where are the Clintons?

Since conceding to OBAMA and the concession speech, where is Hillary? Bill?

Many think that OBAMA's picking up of her debt got him her endoursement, but did it buy her loyalty?

It is no secret that McCain and Senator Clinton are great friends, and it easy to see that there path for the future is right/center of Obama...they basically agree.

Will Senator Clinton be a closet Republican this year? Will she coach and help McCain, since she did such a great job of nearly defeating the Liberal Democrat?

Senator Clinton; Is she McCain's trump card in 2008?
Her and McCain are long time friends. I don't think she will. Because she's confident by letting Obama fall on his face w/out her support. She will be the pre-emptive nominee in 2012.

Over half of her supporters said they would stay home or vote for McCain- either those 9 million votes that Obama lost.
Reply:I didn't think anything under the sun and moon would get me to vote for Obama, but if McCain takes Clinton as his VP, I will do it gladly.

Clinton, in any position of power, is a disaster of monumental proportions just waiting to happen.
Reply:Nope, this is too much of a wild conspiracy theory.

She will not help McCain, and I don't really believe that it would help McCain that much.

Believe Obama pretty much has the presidency sown up, unless something really bad happens.
Reply:no. she does not agree with mccain on most issues. she would not want to play 2nd fiddle to someone who is fine extending the war in iraq for another 100 years %26amp; doesn't support women's reproductive rights. thank God hillary is not on team mccain. -*D*
Reply:nice spin in your fairy tale


Obama and Hillary are set to begin campaigning together this weekend
Reply:We can only hope she does as you suggest.
Reply:I wish she would support McCain.

Bill Clinton Attacks Obama using the experience card.? Experience we can could not trust vs a new ideal?

Obama said it best that he is about new experience and real changes. Shut down the fmr Pres. What do you think?

Bill Clinton Attacks Obama using the experience card.? Experience we can could not trust vs a new ideal?
I don't think Obama or Hillary have enough experience.
Reply:I think this clearly shows that any one who votes Democrat Hates America


Why would Hillary Clinton change her Campaign Manager at this time.?

The "reported" reason is that they are in need of more people. Then why would she eliminate one. The fact that she fired a Hispanic and hired an "African" American seems very much like a played "race card". Particularly since, she is currently seeking votes from the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia states, which have a heavy African American voter base. Seems like a slap in the face to me.

I doubt very many African Americans are that foolish to vote for a person because on the color of ones skin.

Why would Hillary Clinton change her Campaign Manager at this time.?
First there is no doubt that Hillary Clinton will lose. The fact that Bill is her husband has choked that off. I do not believe that people are that distracted from reality that they wont see that as a major problem.
Reply:Because they are losing and she is hoping beyond hope that she will snatch a few votes away from Obama.

Not going to happen
Reply:Trouble in Paradise.

Cause she thought...months ago...even a year ago...she would have been printing up invitations to Whitehouse dinner parties.

She is having trouble dealing.

And a campaign the person in charge...of winning the ball game for you

So get a new manager.

This is all unexpected.

Remember...the Clintons are not use to losing. Ever.

Expect...some terrible stuff real soon

tick tick tick....
Reply:Hillary is simply being out campaigned by Obama. I don't think it had to do with race. I think she is furious over her recent decline so some heads had to roll. She knows that if she doesn't do something quick, it's all over for her.
Reply:She will remain as a senior adviser. Solis Doyle said she was stepping aside as Maggie Williams takes over and cited the strain of the extended fight for the nomination.

``This has already been the longest presidential campaign in the history of our nation, and one that has required enormous sacrifices from all of us and our families,'' Solis Doyle said.
Reply:She's taking on water and losing ground.

Heads will roll...
Reply:Because, like a true Clinton, she is blaming her abysmal performance as the supposed front-runner on someone else. Of course, she's also pandering to the black community.
Reply:She changed managers because she is starting to lose. It's quite simple.

Added later: It is quite simple. Why do Americans have to turn everything into a conspiracy?
Reply:because the last manager she try to make bill clinton happy
Reply:The big buzz is that it has to do with spending (as well as the fact that she is doing poorly). Apparently the campaigns spending is way out of control.

I do not think she believes she will gain any votes with African Americans for doing so (she tried to pass it through the press with little attention to obviously is embarrassing to her).

The majority of people in the nation will not pay this alot of attention. It is not much of a strategy to gain votes.

It won't help her. Obama has this.
Reply:Well if you doubt many African Americans are that foolish, Poor old Obama in trouble. LOL. You may want to rethink that one. But Hillary black lady not going to help her, The A.A. will never leave obama. unless he is Killed as some say that will happen .But, I don't believe that one either.,as that would start a civil war.Who would be that crazy?
Reply:It's just another one of Hillary's stunts. Before every primary and/or caucus, she pulls out a dirty little trick from her campaign bag. This is just her latest one.

Hillary is only parading her new African-American manager around to try and garnish votes in D.C., Maryland and Virginia from African-Americans.

And by the way, she did not fire the Hispanic campaign manager, Soliz, she's still working for Hillary.

So don't be surprised to see Hillary parading Soliz in from of the cameras when Hillary goes to heavily-populated Hispanic states.

If Maggie Williams, her new manager, were so good, then why didn't she hire her from the get go?
Reply:It seems pretty obvious to me Hillary is merely having a different hand of race cards being dealt to her.
Reply:She is changing her advistory becuase she is loosing. When the clintons began to loose that get mad and do whatever it takes to win.
Reply:Hillary is in panic mode right now. The campaign is falling apart, the money is drying up, and Obama is on a massive popularity upswing.

She might as well drop out at this point and save a lot of people, a lot of time and money.
Reply:African american will stay with obama. Hillary messing with her campign manager it show is she scared.

thas the idea. i totally agree on the race card.

Obama's Soon to be Downfall - just in time for all these listing of primarys? yea.... nice name hater!
Reply:You have got to be kidding me.

The person she assigned was a long time confidante of Clinton..since way back in the early 90's. The move if anything is surely not new nor unexpected. Many blacks new of her. It's not about playing the race card, it's about winning.
Reply:She needed a new one that can gather the "sheep" that are starting to follow that idiot Barack Hussein Obama .
Reply:desperate people do desperate things.
Reply:She will do whatever she has to, to win votes. That's one of her main faults.
Reply:You don't have to dig deeper just feel your surroundings. CNN support OSAMA opps the other Muslim (Muslim by birth will always be a Muslim) OBAMA as what I figured every time they aired politics. And OBAMA promised to CHANGE the Whitehouse into a BLACKHOUSE and what else the United States flag into what color? The young ones never learned the history of America. Learn your history and make your choice.
Reply:to you.. But you're probably just a hillary basher probing for bs to post about her. Give it up. Haters make her famous

The GOP-controlled House "has been run like a plantation.".Has Hilary Clinton started playing the "RACE CARD"?

At a Harlem church on Martin Luther King Day, she said that Bush's presidency would "go down in history as one of the worst" and that the GOP-controlled House "has been run like a plantation."

The GOP-controlled House "has been run like a plantation.".Has Hilary Clinton started playing the "RACE CARD"?
STARTED playing the Race Card ...Hilary is a buffoon, who has no reason even being in office. If she wants to look at presidency's that would go down as one of the worst, she just has to look at her cheatin sack of poop for a husband ...
Reply:Hilawry Rodamn Clinton is campaigning, and she said she wouldn't/wasn't. Can you believe she lied?

Spouting such nonsense to a Harlem church audience gives you everything you need to know about her character -- or rather, her lack of it.

I'm hoping to see some rival take her down a notch and point out such trash.
Reply:Shes played the race card and the stupid card at the same time.
Reply:When politicans start appealing to the lowest common denominator . . . They get elected by their base to run for higher office.
Reply:Old Hilary after being away for a while as her real self has returned,and yes sticking her size twelve shoe in her mouth as usual,some things never change,ofcourse she was pandering to a black audience, especially on M.L King day,I'm surprise she did'nt do it in Rap,what really is interesting is the audience do not see right through it,quite the contrary they flew to her side to defend her,it is this kind of no class behavior from the left that has given Republicans the White House,The Senate and the House of Representatives

Who would be most likely to cheat at cards ?

Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama ?

Who would be most likely to cheat at cards ?
Hillary... she has more experience!
Reply:Both are equally likely, and both would.
Reply:Hillary Clinton, face it kids, she is a veteran politician and knows all the tricks. Barrack Obama isn't a vet yet, but he is learning and he has other people to take the flack for him.


But, so what? If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Reply:Who you would want to play strip poker with?

Why is Hillary Clinton such as soar loser?

She launches attack ads

She distorts her opponents views

She lies about opponents records

She cries to garnish sympathy vote

She pulls out the race card to try capitalize on the white backlash vote

she is all about dirty politics's and tactics

She went back on her word about Michigan and Florida

She is a total hypocrite and a Liar

Why is Hillary Clinton such as soar loser?
Sore. That's our Hillary. Old school politics.
Reply:I was researching this Michigan and florida problem. Didn't she agree to not allow these two states to have a voice in the convention time?

Why she go back on her word now?

I think if you agree to something you should always agree to it.

Is it because she's losing that she go back on her word?

I don't like this woman hillary. She seem to be very bad bad person.
Reply:Your right. When she loses, she soars! All the way to 2nd place.
Reply:I don't have problem with her .It's the way the game is played today. If Obama supporters can't handle the small amount of heat that the Clinton's are applying to their collective fannies then they will positively wither if Obama is the nominee[he's not going to be] and the Republicans apply the heat.
Reply:Well ever since she started losing,she decided that this was the only way for her to win
Reply:Because she's Cruella DeVille
Reply:He doens't have as much humility as she claims. You think Hillary's a sore loser, just look at bill. He's losing his mind and his dignity again.

They don't know how to conduct themselves with integrity, and do we really want them running our country........

Reply:First of all its because shes a Clinton secondly it was not that long ago that she was the "anointed and chosen and inevitable one" of the Democratic party. Now her "rats" are jumping ship and she is desperately trying to keep it afloat.
Reply:Sounds like Hillary! She is showing her true colors...
Reply:She's not use to losing
Reply:WOW! I guess you do not like Hillary. I think you need to take a good look at your candidate. Do you really think you know everything about Mr. Obama? Think again and please read and study his voting record in the Senate. Besides saying "Present" most of the time because he could never make up his mind shows what kind of President he will make. He is indecisive, full of rhetoric and dreams, with no substance. God help us all if he is elected.
Reply:I don`t agree with you, I think you are just afraid that Obama will lose, that bashing Hillary is the only way to make you feel better!
Reply:This isn't a basketball game, i would be pissed if i were losing the presidency too!
Reply:She is pissed off because the republicans are voting 4 0bama, because they think he is even more unelectable than she is. She usally is ever so polite and friendly.

running shoes

Are we really sure on who we want to vote for president. I think it is time for a woman but not clinton.?

And a black president would be nice, but not sure right now is the time. Since most of the jobs are being given to the black and imagrents and the white man is turned down even if he is more qualifed. So the race card has been turned around. I think the real question is who can not be swayed by bad politics and what are there priorities. As there is so many things wrong. Who really has those qualities

Are we really sure on who we want to vote for president. I think it is time for a woman but not clinton.?
i think netime is the right time for an intelligent, well-qualified president (especially after that train wreck we call our 43rd president). i can't vote at my age, but if i could, i personally like John McCain, despite my being a democrat. as long as I think they're right for the job, i don't care what party they're from. i totally agree with what george washington thought about political parties. it just clouds our vision on who really is the best candidate. people will vote for a complete moron, just because theyre from their personal party, not even bothering to find out about the other more qualified person. just be an informed voter and don't think about the things that don't matter (but unfortunately are what we base our decision on neway).
Reply:Neither race nor gender matter to me. If I feel the person running for office is really interested in my welfare, then that person, if nominated, will get my vote. I have voted both parties, I'm not dedicated to any one party. At this time I am not thinking Republican, for the present, I have had enough of this party! However, since it is about 14 months until the election, I think it too soon for anyone to make up their minds. I'm still blowing in the wind, waiting until something decisive happens to help me in my voting selection.
Reply:I never base my vote on race or gender. I think sometime we will have a woman. We will not have a woman elected in 2008.
Reply:You are right, I wouldn't mind either but not the ones running this time. Hillary is riding on Bills coat tails and Obama is even more racist than KKK Robert C. Byrd. At least Byrd doesn't show his racisms. Obama used to have a racist web page and has made speeches that said if he didn't get elected, there would be racial riots.
Reply:While I am not opposed to either a woman or an African American as president I don't support either of these two current candidates.

I could support C. Rice. She would take care of both traits!
Reply:Either way, the next election will make history.

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?

Once again Obama has countered what she thought was momentuem with a huge Trump card. How brillant was the timing of the Ewards endorsement?

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?
Slimy sound bytes just won't hack it with the American People any more, except the shallow end of the pool.

Hillary and Bill don't believe that we can remember what they claim for even 24 hours.
Reply:Yes. A politician through and through. Typical.

Pretty sure Hillary knew Edwards was going to endorse Obama.

Did you expect Edwards to endorse Obama before WV?? That would've been a disaster. Obama would still have lost there and it would have looked like Edward's endorsement had no effect.

The Clintons way out of their league? A former president who beat the incumbent president and Republicans twice? I don't think so.
Reply:It could be that they're dealing with a bigger snake than themselves, who is consuming them. It's sad to watch that whole brood of Democrats and to think that people could like any of them, especially B. Hussein Obama.
Reply:Clinton would make a great president But not right now. Not Obama Either. We cant afford to have a designer president right now! I think its ignorant of them to even run. They should just step down and let a real man do the job. John Edwards!
Reply:No, I think that the Clintons are doing just what they planned from the beginning and that is too use Bills influence on the Polititions that make up the super deligates too get Hillery elected. I STILL FEEL THAT THAT STRATIGY WILL BE SUCESSFUL. call it favorable that Obama was sanctioned by a nothing one term hypocrite senator? Okay then.......I guess I'm still trying to get my arms around how low the expectations of a liberals brain can be.
Reply:I think Obama is the minor leaguer here. Edwards really supports Hillary, but Obama promised him the VP.
Reply:Funny thing is...Edwards had more positive things to say about Hillary than he did Obama.
Reply:obama is paying john edwards

Hillary for President!

Bill for first ladY!
Reply:Hillary sucks. Obama rules!
Reply:The utter childishness of both the Obama and Clinton supportters is frightening.
Reply:And obumma is wayyyyy out of his come November. Class dismissed.
Reply:Hilary sucks
Reply:They are wayyyyyyyyyy out of time.

How dirty can it get Clinton has expressed support for immigrants and greater family reunification?

The Los Angeles Times continues its reporting on Hillary Clinton's epic fundraising. At this point in the election cycle, Hillary has raised more money than any candidate in American history, and she's getting it from an unlikely source: the poorest sections of...Chinatown (you just knew another Clinton fundraising scandal would involve China somehow.) Of course, there's much of the same shadiness going on with these contributions as there was with the Norman Hsu scandal: poor immigrant donors who have no discernible way to make the contributions they have, donors who cannot be tracked down, donors who's neighbors don't even know they exist, donors who don't even know why they're donating, and, my personal fav, donors who donated because a Chinese neighborhood organization formally involved in human trafficking told them to:

Dishwashers, waiters and others whose jobs and dilapidated home addresses seem to make them unpromising targets for political fundraisers are pouring $1,000 and $2,000 contributions into Clinton's campaign treasury. In April, a single fundraiser in an area long known for its gritty urban poverty yielded a whopping $380,000. When Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) ran for president in 2005, he received $24,000 from Chinatown.

At this point in the presidential campaign cycle, Clinton has raised more money than any candidate in history. Those dishwashers, waiters and street hawkers are part of the reason. And Clinton's success in gathering money from Chinatown's least-affluent residents stems from a two-pronged strategy: mutually beneficial alliances with powerful groups, and appeals to the hopes an dreams of people now consigned to the margins.

Clinton has enlisted the aid of Chinese neighborhood associations, especially those representing recent immigrants from Funjian province. The organizations, at least one of which is a descendant of Chinatown criminal enterprises that engaged in gambling and human trafficking, exert enormous influence over immigrants. The associations help them with everything from protection against crime to obtaining green cards.

Read the whole article. Clinton's "two-pronged" strategy is known best by the term "flat-out exploitation." Here's the other "prong":

The other piece of the strategy involves holding out hope that, if Clinton becomes president, she will move quickly to reunite families and help illegal residents move toward citizenship. As New York's junior senator, Clinton has expressed support for immigrants and greater family reunification. She is also benefiting from Chinese donors' naive notions of what she could do in the White House.

I'm both surprised and pleased that the LA Times is continuing with its examination of Hillary's fundraising exploits, which, in this instance, again include improper donations. I wonder, however, like Macranger does, if the Times is covering the story so diligently now so that it's old news by the time the primaries roll around. That may well be true, but it seems like under each new rock you turn over, a new Clintonian scandal crawls out. Will it hurt her? Unfortunately, probably not. It's been this way for years

How dirty can it get Clinton has expressed support for immigrants and greater family reunification?
Does any one besides me think that there is something wrong when the candidate with the most money is picked to be the winner well before the election . I don't just mean this election it's been this way for a long time, it seems like we elect the best fund raiser or the person who is connected to the wealthiest backers.
Reply:there is nothing wrong in having one family reunified

if u r legal immigrant
Reply:Altho I won't vote for her I'm sure Hillary is going to be President. At least things seem to be pointing that way. I read an article that said ALL the GOP women support Hillary's run for Pres. That doesn't bode well for any other candidate. I think we're all in for a shocker soon as far as exactly how far reaching her voter base truly is.
Reply:These Candidates raising this much money is obscene . How can a good and decent Candidate ever run for President or any other office . There needs to be changes in this electrical proses
Reply:ok and whats wrong against being for family unity to begin with? did your mother not love you

What will be the excuses offered when obama is denied the democratic nomination?

I believe that he will be derailed by the clinton machine as they have not played all their cards just yet.

What will it do to the disinfranchised in the party?

What will be the excuses offered when obama is denied the democratic nomination?
One thing for sure if the nomination is handed to Hillary over the popular vote for Obama a major break in the party will happen. The backlash of the people will effect not only the run for president but many of the super delegates will be thrown out of office when they come up for election. It could also spark racial violence. There is no excuse that wil satisfy the people if their votes are ignored. The Clinton machine will have destroyed the democratic party. The Republicans will enjoy the largest margin of victory in a long time. Hillary could not even keep her family together how can anyone expect her to unite the country.
Reply:It will be racism without a doubt only this time the democrats will be blamed
Reply:main excuse might be his lack of experience or if polls change that he might no be able to take on McCain (that is if polls change)

Help for melasma

Obama is obviously the frontrunner. Should we allow the race-card entered by Rodham Clinton to continue?

No matter how suttle, race is being challenged and entered into this race by Rodham Clinton. She is a female who is no doubt desperately trying to get elected. Should we really give her the attention on this. I think not. What do you think?

Obama is obviously the frontrunner. Should we allow the race-card entered by Rodham Clinton to continue?
Clinton is only hurting herself thus far.

If she insists on making this a racial issue I do not think anyone is going to be able to stop her. She has the attention of the press.

I think however, that doing so will only hurt her in the end (especially with African Americans), and lead to further evidence that Obama is a man of integrity (so far her sleazy and rancid attacks throughout this campaign have proven only that).

I think this is healthy for America to view. Many Democrats are finally seeing the Clinton's for what they really are.
Reply:"Independent" said it extremely well. I canno add anything to that. Bravo!
Reply:no more 'politics-as-usual' or 'politics-of-destruction'

enough of 'divisive politics' by BOTH parties.

Reply:Hillary did not enter the race card in this political run it was entered by Obama the day he decided to run for president. I know he can't help it but be African American but that in itself brought the race issue to the table.

To get back to the obvious issue everybody refers to today and that being the comment Hillary made about MLK, I say that people should stop reading into the words and simply listen to the words. I am convinced that Hillary did not intend to lower the importance of MLK but she made a valid point that you can have as great as political ideas as you want unless you have the people to make it a law you got nothing. Her message means one thing only, she can bring change, she has the tools, the people and the knowledge to do so.

Race? well race is an issue 24/7 in our country regardless of politics, we just need to learn to live with it and wipe the race issue all together, we are all American, but as long as we continue to call ourselves African American, Hispanic American, Euro American and so on ... this issue will never leave us, ever.
Reply:I say NOT.

Im tired of this racial BS. Ignore these baiting techniques and keep it clean.


Obama 08
Reply:To tell you the truth, no! HRC has no reason to do that. You know, it makes me sad, not mad to see these kinds of things. The only reason HRC is winning is because of Bill, period. She just wants to say, "My husband was president, and I am too! Isn't this so exciting! I get to be powerful!" You could say I am crazy, but your probably a grown up who thinks he knows everything. When you go through tough times, mom and grandma got cancer, my dad is almost paralyzed, foreclosure, no healthcare, poor education, you have no choice but to go against the status quo, because the status quo is not working for me or many other people in this country.
Reply:First off, you are a complete fool to vote for osama obama, as he has a muslim upbringing, regardless of his color. As far as hitlery vs. osama obama, i say let them rip each other apart. As we all know, the demon-rats are the party of personal destruction, of dependence upon the state, and of taxation beyond reason. In the end, we also see that the demon-rats are the TRUE party representing racism %26amp; sexism. You'd think the sheeple that vote "d" would be intelligent enough to see that, but if they were, they'd be voting "R" anyway! While many of you don't like Bush, don't worry. The demon-rats will screw up this election, just as they've screwed up the last two.
Reply:Obama front runner? Who u try to cheat - the young kids on YA? Where have u been hiding lately?

Get real.

Do you know that Hillary is beating Obama in over 45 state polls, and in the national poll, and delegate counts?
Reply:It was Obama's camp the cried foul. He's turned off a lot of undecided voters. I'm praying for McCain to get the nomination so I'm not forced to vote for either of them . . .
Reply:I wish she would dry up and blow away.
Reply:Hillary should be ashamed of her self
Reply:She wasn't using the "race card". She was taken out of context, as is usually the case with things like this.

What she was simply saying is that you have to have a president that can actually make things happen and not just talk about making things happen.

Simply put, if it weren't for Dr. King, the Civil Rights movement would not have happened like it did with certainty... and he is to absolutely be given credit for his tremendous amount of work and determination in the face of such adversity...

However, if President Johnson had simply dismissed Dr. King and the Civil Rights Act, that dream would not have been able to become a reality when it did. What she was saying is that you need a president who will get the job done.

It's embarrassing to think that anyone cannot see that, and I wish that people would stop insinuating that the American people are idiots, who can be fooled by such rhetoric.

Want to see what we can do with taking things out of context? Ask Jimmy Kimmel with his "Unnecessary Censorship".
Reply:I don't really see anyone giving it attention,...well except for you, the righties, FOX, and Rush limbaugh...
Reply:Obama did not cry foul, he said simply this:

....Obama said Sunday her comment about King was "ill-advised."...

The Clintons took the term "ill-advised" and turned it into a "racist attack against Hillary and drawing 'race' into the election". The AP, Reuters, Washington Post and NY Times took the exaggeration and ran with it.

The Clintons can manipulate the media better than anyone, even better than Rove.

This is what the Clinton smear-machine has always done. They always paint themselves as victims, as the stalwarts of progress that these other "villains" out there try to prevent. In this case, Barack is now the center of the Clinton attack-machine.

It is dirty-politics, plain and simple. Good old fashioned dirty politics, to paint yourself as a victim, and your opponents as "demons".

The Clintons will win.

They are richer, dirtier and more politically tied to the establishment than Obama. After they won, they'll have to pay out all the political favors they used up to win. Which means we'll see the same old tired politicians, soaking up our tax money, getting lots of ambassador appointments and ripping off the American people.
Reply:I think they are both rediculous. multiple times obama has pulled the "race card" to get the black vote. it is ALL he is running on, and hillary has pulled the "sex card" to get the women's vote. its not right to make what gender or race you are have ANYTHING to do with it. they both have very weak platforms other than that.
Reply:Front runner? For what, late night pizza delivery?

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?

Top campaign contributors...

Clinton DLA Piper Law firm

Clinton Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Clinton Morgan Stanley Financial services

Clinton Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Blank Rome LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Merrill Lynch Financial services

McCain Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Greenberg Traurig LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama UBS AG Financial services

Obama JPMorgan Chase %26amp; Co Financial services

Obama Lehman Brothers Investment management firm

Paul US Army Armed services

Paul US Navy Armed services

Paul Google Inc Technology, Web site

Paul Microsoft Corp Technology

Paul Us Air Force Armed services

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?
Paul rocks.

Knew that.
Reply:There's a problem if the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force are contributing to Paul's campaign. I believe that violates campaign finance laws. Furthermore, the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force are federally funded by U.S. tax payers and therefore they shouldn't be spending a single dime on political campaigns.

Perhaps the contributions come from individuals who serve in the armed forces, but that's not what the listing implies.

As for the point about the presidential candidates... I think it says this: Clinton, McCain and Obama are considered "serious" candidates and are therefore likely to draw money from company PACS (many of whom donate to every serious candidate, although perhaps to differing levels) while Paul is not considered a serious candidate and will therefore have to rely on individual contributions and contributions from a few companies who are willing to contribute regardless of the candidate's prospects at winning.
Reply:site your sources please, I don't think the Armed Services as a group are allowed to publicly back a candidate, they're supposed to keep it to themselves.
Reply:That they are all bought and paid for?, except, well, do i need to say his name.

Some of us can't be bought, not for sale.
Reply:Nicely put. I only wish he had a chance of getting elected this government really needs to get gutted. To many fat cats that would fix the election though.
Reply:T79a is correct as the mother of three Navy Chief's I can tell you they are not suppose to back any candidate publicly, they are to keep opinions to themselves at least while on active duty.....
Reply:Very telling but Clinton is out so that gives us Obummer, McSame or Dr. Ron Paul a voice of reason. Write-in a vote for Ron Paul 2008!
Reply:It tells me McCain is a b*tch to the lobbyists.
Reply:looks like we have capitalist roaders and imperialists on the roster.
Reply:Nothing, but it lets us know that you are biased and incorrect.
Reply:Didn't you already ask this question before?
Reply:It tells me that as Americans we must unite and elect Paul.
Reply:google likes ron paul?
Reply:Ron Paul %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; we need him.
Reply:Easy- Clinton and Obama are full of baloney; Paul is a nut case and McCain is a successful American who stands up and tells you the facts- not what you want to hear about himself.
Reply:Why did you leave out McCain's military service, but listed Pauls?

Also, Google is run by leftwingers

Who is playing the oppressed card the best, McCain (ageism), Obama (racism), or Clinton (sexism)?

Gotta be Obama

Who is playing the oppressed card the best, McCain (ageism), Obama (racism), or Clinton (sexism)?
McCain avoids the issue that he used to live in Bedrock. It calls attention to his senility.

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?

Once again Obama has countered what she thought was momentuem with a huge Trump card. How brillant was the timing of the Ewards endorsement?

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?
Not brilliant at all.

Brilliant would have been getting Edwards' endorsement before the WV primary.

The fact that Obama waited until after the primary is an amateurish move.

This endorsement does not counter Clinton's momentum.

Now, what is with all the political trolling?
Reply:she will win in 4 years...I said 2 years ago she would loose the frist time..that she would win in the next 4 4 years i think she win and be president
Reply:Hillary was way out of her league as a Senator from N.Y.!

riding boots

Will President Bill Clinton 60th birthday party celebration be a surprise?

August 12, 2006 I wish I could be there (in the house) to present him a card and gift.

Will President Bill Clinton 60th birthday party celebration be a surprise?
Too late, you spoiled the surprise.
Reply:You DO????? Have you no pride?
Reply:He doesn't know when his birthday is?
Reply:Yeah man I heard Monica Lewinsky is popping out of a cigar shapped cake.
Reply:Probably not, He probably already knows what day his birthday is, so he will not be surprised.
Reply:I'm surprised anyone would care. He's scum!
Reply:If it was a surprise he'd probably get a heart attack
Reply:Lord! I hope not! The man has a heart condition!
Reply:I'm not Sure., but I hope So.
Reply:It will be a surprise to me that Hillary didn't kill him. They fought like cat and dog all the time they were in the White House.
Reply:I'm pretty sure he knows he'll be 60.
Reply:Will Monica play with his cigar?
Reply:It will be a surprise if Hillary shows up :D

Probably no more surprise than Dubya's 60th was last month.
Reply:Even I think he is smarter than that. My birthday is Monday %26amp; I know it is going to be party time, even though I said no party.
Reply:Being that you already know about it, what do you think?
Reply:are you insane?
Reply:It wont be a surprise, I'm pretty sure he knows when he'll turn 60.
Reply:no one really cares....

Was the race card played on Bill Clinton?

A number of people from Obama's campaign, the media, and his followers (examples on YA abound) have been talking about how the demographics of PA are/were unfavorable. This is why they lost. This is why they did not expect to win.

Conversely, a lot of people have been talking about how very favorable the demographics of NC are for Obama. Everyone is expecting him to win, and by a considerable margin. A number of his more staunch supporters on here have said "Just wait for North Carolina..." etc. etc. (One even went on to elaborate with comments that were truly racist *cough*Gale H*cough*) Why are they expecting to win by 10 in NC when they lost by 10 in PA? Magic? No.

After Obama won HANDILY in South Carolina, what did Bill Clinton say that was so bad? Jesse Jackson won SC twice? That's a statement of fact. A significant fact considering AA voters are voting for Obama like 9 to 1. He was alluding to Obama's demographic edge, using an example to do so.

Was the race card played on Bill Clinton?
At one of the debates hosted by MSNBC, Tim Russert questioned Sen Obama on the issue of the "race card."

Russert held up several pieces of paper that Obama's staff was distributing to the media as talking points on Bill Clinton. The public does not see this. It's a strategy to go negative on Hillary by making race an issue on anything said by Bill Clinton.

You can see the question on YouTube. Obama has used race from the start, something the media tends to stay away from.
Reply:After the rotten generization of the person above, (M Str8)

I am almost afraid to comment


I think its rather disgusting that black Americans have thrown the Clintons under the bus after the 30+ yrs of hard work they have put in to get racial equality for them


a "brother" is running, one with very little experience (that doesn't matter to them) and one that has controversy all around him regarding his own racism (its ok he's black)
Reply:Yup, it was, and very successfully, too. Just like they pulled it out and played it on Gerry Ferraro.
Reply:More Black, black, black,White,white white. Bill put his foot on his mouth that's all.
Reply:Bill's feelings were hurt because up until now black people liked him but they turned on him...
Reply:What does a race card look like? Car someone explain this to me?
Reply:Do we really want a liberal, closeted racist leading our country?

(Shocking percentage despite the fact that African-Americans make up only 17 percent of our population)

FBI Uniform Crime Report.

Weapons violations are committed by Blacks at nearly 5 times the rate for Whites;

Blacks are caught receiving or buying stolen property at nearly 5 times the rate for Whites;

Blacks are involved in prostitution at almost 4 times the rate for Whites;

Blacks are arrested for drug crimes at over 4 times the rate for Whites;

Blacks are more than three times as likely as Whites to be caught at forgery, counterfeiting, and fraud, and almost three times as likely to be caught at embezzlement;

Blacks are more than 3 times as likely to be thieves as Whites;

Blacks are more than 4 times as likely to commit assault as Whites;

Blacks are almost 4.5 times as likely to steal a motor vehicle;

Blacks are more than 5 times as likely to commit forcible rape as Whites;

Blacks are over 8 times as likely to commit murder as Whites;

Blacks are more than 10 times as likely to commit robbery as Whites;

Nearly 25% of all Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 are in jail or on probation - this does not include those wanted or awaiting trial;

For all violent crimes considered together, Blacks are almost 5.5 times more likely to commit violent criminal acts than

Glen Johnson v Chad Dawson, Clinton Woods v Antonio Tarver?

Both fights are due to take place on the same card in Florida on 12 April 08. Who wins each fight and how? And do the winners face each other for the right to fight B-Hop? And this only leaves Danny Green uncommitted for a fight with Roy Jones Jr in the immediate future - is this a worthwhile fight for RJJ - Green is the WBA champion.

Glen Johnson v Chad Dawson, Clinton Woods v Antonio Tarver?
Any Light heavyweight you put in front of Chad Dawson will lose. He is the next great fighter and should be a star by the end of this year.
Reply:Dawson's beat nobody besides Adamek, who won a vacant title and fought lower quality fighters. So to say Johnson, who's been in with FAR better opposition and a number of wars should get destroyed is probably not too accurate. I think Dawson would win in his toughest fight to date. Late stoppage or UD.

I agree with the Woods UD prediction. Tarver just looks old.

I don't see why the winners would face one another to fight B-Hop given that it's likely Calzaghe wil be the man to beat come April 19th. I'm guessing Joe will put B-Hop into retirement or give him a wake up call that it's time to retire after maybe one or two more bouts. I think Dawson beats Woods by KO and would be interested in seeing Dawson-Calzaghe. I'd like to say Calzaghe wins that one but it'll probably come a little too late.

I think RJJ would prefer a bigger money fight and would say it's more worthwhile for Green if he can get something arranged with Don King.
Reply:Chad Dawson should destroy Glen and Clinton Woods should win a decision over Tarver.....

U see Roy Jones jr is on his way out and he wants that last big money fight....he deserves it

Tarver whole boxing career was to beat Jones Jr.....thats why he's not a threat to noboby else but Roy Jones Jr.

Glen Johnson is getting old and he's not looking that that warrior of old.

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?

Top campaign contributors...

Clinton DLA Piper Law firm

Clinton Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Clinton Morgan Stanley Financial services

Clinton Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Blank Rome LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Merrill Lynch Financial services

McCain Citigroup Inc Credit cards, financial services

McCain Greenberg Traurig LLP Law and lobbying firm

McCain Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama Goldman Sachs Investment bank, securities

Obama UBS AG Financial services

Obama JPMorgan Chase %26amp; Co Financial services

Obama Lehman Brothers Investment management firm

Paul US Army Armed services

Paul US Navy Armed services

Paul Google Inc Technology, Web site

Paul Microsoft Corp Technology

Paul Us Air Force Armed services

What does this tell you about our presidential candidates?
I'll answer your question with a question. What do all these people (listed below) have in common? Answer: All of these current or former Presidents, Vice-Presidents, CEOs, Directors, etc. of these well known banking institutions are also current or former members of the Council on Foreign Relations (and many are also current/former members of the Trilateral Commission and have held high-ranking positions in government). I've only listed last names through (partially) those starting with the letter "K." The entire list can be found here:

*Emily Altman, Morgan Stanley Director, International Government Relations: Morgan Stanley (1994)

*Wintrop W. Aldrich, Chase Manhattan Bank President (1930-34)

*Richard Braddock, Citicorp President %26amp; COO (1990-92)

*J, Carter Bacot, Bank of New York CEO (1982-98)

Bank of New York President (1974-84)

*Kenneth Chenault, American Express CEO 2001-

American Express President (1997-2001)

*James Dimon, JP Morgan Chase President and CEO 2004-

Bank One Chairman and CEO (2000-04)

Smith Barney CEO

Travelers Group President and COO (1993-98)

Citicorp President of Citigroup

American Express Assistant to Sandy Weill

* Robert R. Douglas, Chase Manhattan Bank Vice Chairman (1985-93)

Chase Manhattan Bank variously EVP, General Counsel, Secretary (1976-85)

* Stephen Friedman, Goldman Sachs General Partner (1973-94)

Goldman Sachs (1966-73)

*Richard S. Fuld, Jr., Lehman Brothers CEO (1993-)

Lehman Brothers President and COO (1993-94)

Shearson Lehman Brothers President and Co-CEO, LB Division (1990-93)

Shearson Lehman Brothers Vice Chairman (1984-90)

Lehman Brothers (1969-84)

Member of the Board of Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Member of the Board of Lehman Brothers (1984-, as Chairman, 1994-)

*William B. Harrison, Jr., JP Morgan Chase CEO (2000-05)

JP Morgan Chase President (2000-04)

Chase Manhattan Bank President and CEO (1999-2000)

Chemical Bank Vice Chairman Institutional Banking (1990-

Member of the Board of Chase Manhattan Bank (1991-2000)

Member of the Board of JP Morgan Chase (2000-06, as Chairman, 2001-06)

*David W. Heleniak, Morgan Stanley Vice Chairman

*Thomas S. Johnson, Chemical Bank President (1983-89)

Chemical Bank (1969-83)

See charts of "Who owns the Fed" at the site listed below to see how these companies interlock:

I think US Army/Armed Services; US Navy/Armed Services; Google, Inc.; Microsoft Corp.; US Air Force/Armed Services are self-explanatory.

What does this tell us about the candidates? If nothing else, this tells me that Clinton, Obama and McCain are, as evidenced by their top/largest campaign donors/contributors, without a doubt linked to the CFR and, no doubt, will work to push the CFR/globalist agenda.

According to FEC reports, Ron Paul has received more military donations than the other three remaining Republican candidates combined. This tells me that our soldiers have overwhelmingly donated to the only candidate who has promised to end the war/situation in Iraq and bring the troops home, now. Many soldiers tell why they are supporting Ron Paul:

Google, Inc. employees donated to RP's campaign as did Microsoft Corp. employees (they must not agree with their globalist employers concerning really important matters). The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organization's PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families.
Reply:I'm voting for Ron Paul regardless. But after I saw these two vids and the lack of media coverage condemning it I realized his only chance is for citizens to break the system and TAKE IT BACK! Otherwise the powers that be really are "choosing" the president. Watch the vid and what happens to Nader before ya call me crazy. He did do an awesome job exposing it but the Media is about as free as the 2nd amendment. Warped.
Reply:Hmmm...that Paul is for America and the American people and the other three are for the rich corporations? You notice with McCain, Obama, and Clinton you see bank, bank, bank, bank? They don't give a crap about you and me. Ron Paul is the only one who does
Reply:That politics is all about money, regardless of who you are or who you claim to stand for. Somewhere money is involved and once money is involved, people or groups think that their views need more attention than others.
Reply:The three who have the best chance of winning will have finance and law firms constantly kissing their asses, while Ron Paul has the backing of two large technology firms and the military.

I'm going with the military...Ron Paul '08!
Reply:It tell me that

Ron Paul is the

only candidate that

does NOT have,

nor would NOT accept


from corporations that

are members of the CFR

(Council on Foreign Relations)!!

America truly needs Ron Paul!!
Reply:It tells me that the candidates are supported by large corporations or government agencies, to be marketed and sold like a can of beans.

Is this a news flash?
Reply:Goldman sach's really supports democrats(obama/clinton) , CitiGroup is so indecisive they Buy into both parties(clinton/mccain), and the armed services really likes Paul
Reply:What amazes me is Paul's supporters. N ow just why would the Military support Paul when he wants out of Iraq? Kinds blows Rush Limbaugh's theory about phony soldiers out of the water huh?
Reply:Looks like Paul would be the best. Too bad he can't win. 2nd would be Mccain. Atleast he won't weaken the military and raise taxes.
Reply:It does not tell me anything about them. It can tell me about the ones who are making the donations though.
Reply:If the person votes his/her beliefs, what these connections matter?

But you know the answer to this question is: they don't.

Rush Limbaugh - Write in '08 (hate me yet?)
Reply:Lobbyists STILL ABOUND...........I see no change in any political process with the major three contenders. Sickening. Bought and paid for I would say.
Reply:That the banking / financial industry wants to be bailed out again.
Reply:Golly! I would consider hiring Obama for a Cashier position if he passed a drug test.
Reply:This tells me to vote for McCain.
Reply:It shows that there's not going to be any "change" in 2008 regardless of who a person votes for.
Reply:They get all their money from the same firms and banks, so no difference.

Reply:It tells me Paul is probably the most honest.
Reply:Paul rocks!
Reply:support our troops vote Ron Paul!
Reply:that obama looks pretty good stacked up against clinton/mcbush--because their lobby list is a lot longer than you give credit for.

OBAMA '08!
Reply:i think arnold schwarzeneger should run for president..

who agrees?

family nanny

Why Did Bill Clinton Lie About His Remarks on Race Card?

Why Did Bill Clinton Lie About His Remarks on Race Card?
Bill Clinton lying?!?!?!

You mean, the man who debated what the meaning of "is" is?

Hint, he is a politician, they ALL lie.
Reply:You're obviously a young person too young to remember the Clintons' storied legacy in the black community or you're the typical black Obama voter, suffering from amnesia. Posts like this and people like Jeremiah Wright have taken this country alot further backwards than most white people. NOBODY has done more for black people since the Kennedys than Bill Clinton. You should be ashamed!

Reply:Faye: I agree with the previous writer. Either you are a young Black votes who wants Obama (because he looks black or what?). Basically Clinton was the 1st President to be called the 1st Black President in America. During his Presidency he supported many important Blacks and had was heavely supported by Blacks during his 92 and 96 campaign. Bottom line: The media manipulated the information that its feed to viewers and reader - for RATINGS!
Reply:Gee, didn't Bill Clinton use the race card when he said that Sista Soulja was a person of influence? You don't remember her. she was a part of the group Public Enemy. she said after the LA riots that blacks should have just taken to the streets and killed white people. he made a speech about this obscure goofy black person. in a few years, you won't remember Jeremiah Wright. Do you remember Willie Horton? Every election cycle, they trot out the obscure goofy black bogeyman. Say Farrakhan----BOOOOOOOO
Reply:I can understand being a fervent supporter of your selected presidential candidate. The truth is racism is very much alive in America. We hold these feelings in our hearts, talk about it in private and even act upon it if given the chance. The big uproar occurs only when someone is caught or call on his/her words. Racism is too "taboo" to talk publicly about without being judged. My point is: Perhaps The Clintons are not racist, but it is possible to inject race in order to paint your opponent in a negative light, thus, pulling the white voters in due to excessive seeds of doubt planted. The Clinton campaign has used race constantly, they can deny it, but it is a documented fact. Our words will outive us... Here's an article I found that will break down every racist comment made and by whom.
Reply:He was shaking hands with the public and simply told them he was not playing games with them and if they had the question and answer to get back to them. He did not lie.....sheshhh try another one Obama Zombies! Are we worried about the election and that Hillary will win due to your radical nominee who has more skeletons then all the other candidates combined. Just wait till he is called to the stand on the Rezko case.....your cult leader will end up in jail on either that shady dealing or maybe another one.

BTW.....the obama campaign has played the race card as does his supporters which is silly as they are the racists...well most of them. Bill and Hillary are far from being racist.....he was the first black President in many peoples eyes. Guess some of you forget that eh?
Reply:Awe, I don't know can you tell me why Obama sat in a church for 20 years listening to Wright? Then lie and said he did not then he did then he couldn't disown him. You know like in his Great RACE speech, then he disowns him, then he said he was not going to the church anymore? Like which is it. Oh yeah, Ovictim says whatever he thinks his Victims want to hear.
Reply:Bill Clinton lying, why is that surprising?

He lied about Monica Lewinski.

He lied about Paula Jones.

He lied about Jennifer Flowers.

He lied about lying.
Reply:why did he lie about lewinsky

why did hill-dog lie about many questions so little time
Reply:Sorry but are you surprised Clinton lied?

He lied for the same reason he lied about Monica to protect Hillary. (LOL)

how is combining the 1800's with the 1990's?

We will balance between those times, how is Einstein doing with the Atom Bomb?
Reply:The Clintons think lying is Standard Operating Procedure.

I vote for Kristal as Best Answer!!!
Reply:Whether he lied or not does not matter as he is not running for office.
Reply:He didn't lie. MSNBC lies. Sorry!
Reply:i dunno...why did obama lie about denouncing rev. wright???

Is it surprising to you that Bill Clinton has accused Obama of using the "race card" against him?

Is Bubba's thinking a little twisted here?

Or is it just the usual Clinton tactics of look at the white box, it is black said Bill

Is it surprising to you that Bill Clinton has accused Obama of using the "race card" against him?
it's called pass the buck

Hillary learned it from Harry Truman
Reply:Obama's been playing the race card his entire life! how else would he have gotten as far as he as so quickly? He and his behind the scenes handlers knew the time was right to use the "race card" to their political advantage and use it as always to silence the Truth and to cultivate a flock of blind followers many who are on a self indulgent white guilt trip.
Reply:nothing is surprising in politics . Look at some famous celebrities who said that they will not enter in it because the media and the opposition will use any tactic to win.

I personally think the two Candides should unite because together they will make an excellent team which will help in reviving the economy .
Reply:What I think is Bill Clinton is basically running the campaign for hillary. so pretty much hillary is not the one running, bill is.

oh and i am not surprised. people were bound to do the "race card" thing. People try to ignore the racial differences but Bill just has to bring it up again. Great job Bill!
Reply:What surprises me most is the obvious bias of the article. The author misquoted President Clinton in the article to strengthen the point being made. Just LISTEN to the actual interview. The chopped up quotes printed in the article are incredibly misleading.
Reply:Obama, in my personal opinion is racist.

So, no, while I DESPISE both Clintons, it doesn't suprise me that they would accuse Obama of that.
Reply:I think old Bill needs to answer to all the pardons he signed before getting Impeached from office .. That would be a good place for Obama to start smacking back..You know old Bill cannot survive without his Coke drug runners or local nighttime limo hoes.
Reply:Yes -Obama has most definetly use the race card, what planet are you on? 90% of the black people are voting for him cause of that race card. Its sickening what Obama does!

helppp mee pleaseee i would really appreciate itttt;...
Reply:Surprising? Nope. This would almost be laughable if it weren't so darned twisted. Typical Bill.
Reply:Clinton is just stating the obvious. Wait until the Obama campaign comes around and calls Clinton a racist.
Reply:I am very rarely surprised by much, especially so when it comes to politics.
Reply:Institutional racism. . .look it up!
Reply:Just the same old Huey Long backwoods slime ball politician rhetoric.
Reply:He does people believe in Obama because he can do a speech but at the time of doing what he promised he'll be screwed
Reply:Liberals are hilarious.
Reply:Mr.Clinton has been proven a liar.A liar to not only the people of the united states,but as well his nation.
Reply:Just as twisted as the oj trial lol
Reply:the clintons are fightign for there lives they are kinda like using anything to get there
Reply:No. With his background, Bubba should go and hide.
Reply:no they are both stupid

Is it really hillary thats playing the race card?

Obama supporters say that in clintons commercials obama is made to look darker, therefore clinton is playing the race card. When the fact of the matter is that nearly all images in the ad are dark, including those of Ms. Clinton. And dark images are a common technique used in attack ads.

Who are the REAL racists in this???

Is it really hillary thats playing the race card?
The real racist here are the Clinton's. And their supporters don't even know it.

Its in Barack's least interest to draw attention to his race, that's why he never wanted to run as the "black candidate". it was the clintons who tried to make him look like the black candidate. Lucky for him, they failed miserably and he has triumphed.

Vote for Hope!

Italian Americans for Obama 08!
Reply:That is the most idiotic thing ever. Everyone, knows he is black. And, the people who vote for him(not me) don't care. Duh
Reply:The recent racial comments are the straw that broke the back, hillary will concede now.

Has Biliary Clinton played the race card one to many times vs. Obama??

u gotta believe Bilary put her husband up to these dirty politics:

Has Biliary Clinton played the race card one to many times vs. Obama??
The clintons are scary!!!!?

1.James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an

apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key

witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a

Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown . The murder happened just after she

was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3- Vince Foster - Former White House counselor and colleague of Hillary

Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the

head, ruled a suicide.

4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to

have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the

investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull

resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being

investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with

prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days

later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.

5- C. Victor Raiser II- Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund

raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992

6-Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found

dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by

Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor".

7-Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the

woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey

died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped

her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in

several Clinton fund raising events.

8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little

Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little

Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He

allegedly threatened to reveal this information.

After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his


9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had

a "Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who

visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas

10-James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging

suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11-Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found

dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was

ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if

she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with

Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible

corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12-Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiance of Kathy Ferguson.

Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiance, he was found dead in June,

1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his


13-Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by

jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a

convicted drug distributor.

14-Florence Martin - Accountant %26amp; sub-contractor for the CIA, was related

to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three

gunshot wounds.

15- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was

Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the

head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16-Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978

until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17-Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport

and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists,

apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with

Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June

22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet

Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19-Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust

Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony

August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20-Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron

Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her

bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of


21-Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang

special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane


22-Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care

Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane

crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council

personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

23-Barry Seal -Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas , death was no


24-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton

in the trunk of a car left at his

repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25-Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a

purported suicide and his report was never released.

26- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994

when his plane exploded.

27-Kevin Ives %26amp; Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case.

Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport

drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said,

due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys

had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case

died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.



28-Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a

truck, 7/88.

29-Keith McMaskle - Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

30-Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump

in April 1989.

33-James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death

was due to "natural causes".

34-Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his

pickup truck in June 1990.

35-Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed

in a set-up robbery July 1989.


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr.

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel

40-Major General William Robertson

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams

46-Conway LeBleu

47-Todd McKeehan
Reply:**** Obama..that freak is going to screw our country.
Reply:The Clintons are willing to win at any cost. They are scary.
Reply:KK are u serious with all of these things on the clintons if you are where are u getting this information from
Reply:The underlying problem is that liberals are fundamentally racist. They are the only people in the US obsessed with race.

Conservatives mostly defend themselves against the obsessive attacks of liberals, otherwise, you'd never see this phenomenon among us.
Reply:She never played the race card at all, the dirt comes out of Obama!! Not Hillary
Reply:And who, pray tell, is this "Biliary Clinton" of which you speak? I am aware of a Hillary Clinton who is running for president but no "Biliary Clinton."

They schemed to keep a racial divide among the voters of this country.

Divide and Conquer was their strategy.

But smart voters saw right through their divisive tactics and rejected it.

We need a united America to solve the ills that plague this country.

All of the divisiveness is tiresome.

And KK, that's some scary stuff you've written. Statistically, it's impossible to believe that all those people associated with the Clintons just happened to die.

Not buying it.
Reply:I absolutely think the race and religion card has been as abused as 'Vote 4 me because I am a woman'. I want to know why Obama is bad and Clinton is so good? From my perspective Senator Obama could be hot pink with purple polka dots and he is still a human being. He is bright and eloquent and for the most part has decent ideas about the future.

With that said, I really liked Bill Clinton as a president despite who he fooled around with while being the president. I liked the economy and the lack of a 97 trillion dollar deficit.

Our great great great grandchildren will not be able to clean up after this administration.
Reply:thank i saved that site it's very interesting to see that the Clinton's have pit some blacks and whites against each other because of race .i mean against the very peoples who got his @ss elected twice it was the african american voters that why the clinton have lost the black vote thier true colors are showing now . but let be real if these voters are that naive and can't see through the clintons dirty politics then thier not mature enough to be voting in this election
Reply:She has not, Hilary and Bill have done more for helping people of color then Obama ever has WAKE UP AMERICA

KK is a little crazy
Reply:actually, if you recall, obama was the first to play the race card. but whatever i dont like either of them.
Reply:Obama got the ball rolling. Its just the Clintons dish it back 10 times harder than Obama did.
Reply:If Hillary want to get out of this hole she dug herself into, Bill needs a muzzle! Hillary will do ANYTHING to win.
Reply:Hilary is wayyyyy to smart! She's orchestrated this whole thing from the beginning and she will continued to "program" Bill to do and say what she wants "done and said!"
Reply:watch this video madtv made of Clinton ten years ago, IT

Reply:Every time they play the race card, it makes them look a little more racist. I suggest they attack the man on the merits.

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