Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hillary Clinton playing the race card?

lol ... "playing the race card"

Doesn't it seem like Hillary Clinton is calling "working class whites" racists. She has been campaigning the last couple of weeks on the premise that blue collar white people "dont connect" with Obamas message. So she is better candidate because blue collar whites would rather vote for Mccain than Obama. Is this newspeak for blue collar workers are racist?

Why haven't blue collar workers taken offense to the implication?

Now she is saying she is staying in the race because anything can happen, and then gave RFK's assassination as an example. Is she implying some racists wacko might try and kill Obama? Is that what she is hoping for?

Hillary Clinton playing the race card?
I wish it would somehow be revealed that all politicians are swimming around in the same ocean of deceit.
Reply:That depends upon whether or not your implication is that Obama's campaign is running a vote for the Black guy campaign.

How could the "working class whites" be racist if they are voting primarily on the issues?

The only way they could be racist is if you, and the Obama camp think they are only voting against the Black guy!

I'd say Hillary has it right, and you need to look at things a little bit farther than the color of one's skin!
Reply:Because she has been playing the race card every since Obama has beaten her in the popular votes. She is an opportunist that lies about anything to get her way. She once was shot at by snipers, she grew up in the hill of Pennsylvania in a log cabin where she learned to shoot a gun, she is not an elitist which is why she graduated from Yale, blah blah. Her lies are almost over.
Reply:First of all I think it's all a Big joke there is no perfect candidate anymore just candidate that need help themselves so how are they going to help us again! But I'm not racists I just think McCain is the best out of what we have to choose from.But if not McCain then Hillary due to the fact I think Obama is to good to be true with all thous lies.
Reply:I think they all play the card..even Obama. Seems like he focuses more on his African-American(or black) side rather than his white side. He's both! Can't he remember that?

I certainly don't wish Obama to be assasinated. how awful. May God protect him. Anyway, I think these candidates will say just about anything to make the other candidates look bad so that they can be elected. Right?
Reply:Honestly, she can say what she wants..I don't care. I'm already behind Obama and have been since Edwards dropped out. Nothing Hillary or McCain says is going to change my mind.

I think maybe she is tired, broke, and worried because when this started...everyone said she had the whole thing in the bag and it didn't turn out that way. Stress and exhaustion and desperation may be to blame for her slip of the tongue. OR maybe she just wanted to put it out there for her own reasons. Only she knows. It certainly didn't help her case any, though.

I don't like that she said was tactless and very unPC.
Reply:Hillary has been trumped on every hand.

The hard working American (wink, wink) Shilobeth is all she has left.

The RFK thing was as weak a shot as I have ever seen. It is right up there with Willy Horton.

She will make a good Secretary of State.
Reply:She keeps playing the race card over and over. She's getting desperate and delusional.
Reply:funny, isn't that what Obama do when his sob-stories doesn't work.
Reply:Hillary is my girl. Why are you so worried?
Reply:The thought has crossed my mind that Obama could be a target. One of the reasons that Colin Powell did not run for President was because he did not want to be a target. He said that publicly. what she is saying is true and freedom of speech. As far as blue collar workers go..most are in labor unions. Obama is basically non union. He doesn't use union employees on the campaign trail to set up and tear down his events unless he has to because the employees have a contract with the venue. McCain and Clinton both use union employees everywhere. Blue collar workers know this. they get newsletters from the AFLCIO telling them these things and they are true. Oprah is 100% non union. She is one of the few that had new shows during the writers strike. BET is non union. They refuse to hire union personell and vigorously fight when the employees try to organize. These are people who can easily afford to pay people better wages with better health care but they are greedy. They also hire an extra ordinary amount of blacks. It seems funny to me that people who have complained about fair work standards an equality have a different point of view when it comes to their money. Blue collar workers understand this. that is why most do not support Obama. It has little to do with race. most Dems and a lot of Republicans are sick of the current administration. They just want to make an informed and what they feel is the proper decision for the future and as tax payers and it is absolutely their right.
Reply:In this fight to the bitter end, Clinton has played every, single card that there is to play in this seeminly losing battle. Other answerers have made really good points with the union argument but I'm sorry to say that most people are not as well informed as undecided and I really don't think that is what she's referring to when she says that Obama cannot connect with them. Sure, I'm sure there are some blue collar workers who don't support Obama for the reasons stated but lack of union workers is not the reason that most are not supporting him. That is not to say that all blue collar whites are racist rather I am saying that to deny that Obama is losing votes based on his race is just as naive as saying that he's not gaining votes for his race.

For others who say that he seems to forget his white side, I find that very convenient. Anyone who had no knowlege of his background who saw him walking down the street would say that he was a black man. There can be little doubt that he has been viewed as and treated as a black man his whole life. This is the US and while we'd like for things to be different, in this country most people have to make a choice, especially people of his generation. You can't have it both ways.
Reply:She is telling the truth......White working class racist dont like Obama and everyone knows it! Its not her fault that many working class people dont appeal to Obama, she is just telling like it is! Youre statement is IGNORANT! HILLARY '08!!!

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