Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?

Once again Obama has countered what she thought was momentuem with a huge Trump card. How brillant was the timing of the Ewards endorsement?

Don't you think the Clinton's are just wayyyy out of their league?
Slimy sound bytes just won't hack it with the American People any more, except the shallow end of the pool.

Hillary and Bill don't believe that we can remember what they claim for even 24 hours.
Reply:Yes. A politician through and through. Typical.

Pretty sure Hillary knew Edwards was going to endorse Obama.

Did you expect Edwards to endorse Obama before WV?? That would've been a disaster. Obama would still have lost there and it would have looked like Edward's endorsement had no effect.

The Clintons way out of their league? A former president who beat the incumbent president and Republicans twice? I don't think so.
Reply:It could be that they're dealing with a bigger snake than themselves, who is consuming them. It's sad to watch that whole brood of Democrats and to think that people could like any of them, especially B. Hussein Obama.
Reply:Clinton would make a great president But not right now. Not Obama Either. We cant afford to have a designer president right now! I think its ignorant of them to even run. They should just step down and let a real man do the job. John Edwards!
Reply:No, I think that the Clintons are doing just what they planned from the beginning and that is too use Bills influence on the Polititions that make up the super deligates too get Hillery elected. I STILL FEEL THAT THAT STRATIGY WILL BE SUCESSFUL. call it favorable that Obama was sanctioned by a nothing one term hypocrite senator? Okay then.......I guess I'm still trying to get my arms around how low the expectations of a liberals brain can be.
Reply:I think Obama is the minor leaguer here. Edwards really supports Hillary, but Obama promised him the VP.
Reply:Funny thing is...Edwards had more positive things to say about Hillary than he did Obama.
Reply:obama is paying john edwards

Hillary for President!

Bill for first ladY!
Reply:Hillary sucks. Obama rules!
Reply:The utter childishness of both the Obama and Clinton supportters is frightening.
Reply:And obumma is wayyyyy out of his come November. Class dismissed.
Reply:Hilary sucks
Reply:They are wayyyyyyyyyy out of time.

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