Saturday, November 19, 2011

If Hillary Clinton gets Universal Health care?

and we all have to start carrying around our Health Cards on our person whenever we leave our own homes (Did you even know that was a requirement in her previous "PLAN"?)

Is it true that in order to have a unique UPC bar code for humans, the only number not yet taken is 666?

does that make us common citizens the beast

or is it health care that already has been the beast all along?

If Hillary Clinton gets Universal Health care?
In a state dominated by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, a privately owned central bank is a beast of a military industrial complex. If politicians don’t have to consult citizens or tax them directly to fund government programs, such as wars and welfare, then maybe politicians can, and do, implement whatever programs they wish. After having the central bank expand the money supply in response to demands for welfare from subjects and demands for warfare from a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, the state may declare that it has become impossible for the central bank to honor a previous guarantee to exchange a paper currency for a fixed quantity of a commodity with an intrinsic value such as gold; and that from now on paper currency will enjoy legal tender status based on the full faith and credit of the state. In practice this means that the state may now have the central bank print an endless supply of cheaply printed paper to be used in exchange for valuable goods and services. By trading an endless supply of cheaply printed paper for valuable goods and services, a beast of a military industrial complex makes available to the state money required to finance a continuing series of wars.

Expansion of the money supply leads to more paper currency chasing after the same goods and services. More paper currency chasing after the same goods and services leads to inflation of the asking price for goods and services. Inflation enables a beast of a military industrial complex to embezzle the purchasing power of savings as the quantity and quality of goods and services that may be purchased by a fixed quantity of paper currency decays over time. Inflation may also drive up the price of labor such that subjects find themselves being pushed into higher tax brackets; and end up paying a larger percentage of their income to taxes. Massive spending programs paid for by the state with loans from the central bank may lead subjects to a future where in the majority of their taxes are being spent on making massive interest payments on an even more massive national debt.

By frequently invoking dubious threats to national security and or interests, a mercenary plutocratic predatory few use war and military spending to justify taking a lion's share of tax money and to disguise and or justify a strategy of redistributing national income in their favor. Maybe this strategy of redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top is carried out by a combination of drastic hikes in spending for warfare, and equally drastic tax cuts for the wealthy. Drastic hikes in spending mainly benefit a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. Drastic tax cuts for the wealthy are made mainly to help a mercenary plutocratic predatory few garner support for a continuing series of wars from those amongst the wealthy who do not profit from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. This combination creates large budget deficits. Large budget deficits create a massive national debt that forces the state to use an ever greater portion of taxes collected from subjects to make interest payments. As a result spending for welfare is cut and the rich grow considerably richer at the expense of middle and low income people.
Reply:America deserves Universal Health Care.
Reply:That is completely stupid. And as much of an anti-Hillary person I am, I must admit the fear of 666 does not even make it on my long list of problems with Hillary or reasons to vote against her. Grow up.
Reply:Wow what a freak show,

but it sounds biblical there are two heads to the beast and one lies and promises the world everything then that beast dies "it was lying". The second head as I recall consumes the first head. Then the new Beast promising world peace delivers hell on earth and WAR.

Plus you have to take the mark to get goods and service and health care is a good a service. Without the mark card you would be denied work, plus your employeers will demand to swipe the card for medical reasons and you will be known by all.
Reply:your free colonoscopy will show your true colors
Reply:No more than having to carry a drivers license or other form of ID does....this is about a dumb a post as Ive seen.....congrats
Reply:If Hillary get her way these are thing that WILL happen.

1. Most of the really good doctors will either simply retire or

not accept Government provided health insurance plans.

Don't believe it ? Check and see how many now already

don't accept Medicare as payment.

2. Access to state of the art equipment like MRI, PET and

CAT scans will go from being done immediately to taking

weeks if not months.

3. Quality of health care will decline for all due to #1.

4. All other health related care costs will go up do to the

interference of the government programs
Reply:Old Scout what do you have against America?
Reply:its not true...nonono
Reply:You can't be serious. Are you 5? Did you grow up on a farm with your mother home schooling you?

This has to be a joke.

Just in case it's not a joke:

Don't worry, everything is fine. Health Care is NOT the boogy man and is it not gonna GET you.

Oh yeah, and 666 is just a number that comes after 665 and before 667.

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