Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Do Republicans ever get tired of playing the treason and socialist card?

You guys even called Bill Clinton a socialist when he first ran.

Whoever Democrats nominate for president is always labeled a marxist/socialist/communist by Republcians.

If Democrats are socialists, then you guys are fascists.

Do Republicans ever get tired of playing the treason and socialist card?
They might be tired of it, but right now, it's just about all they got.

Actually, I feel sorry for them.

Is Bill Clinton a Pathological Liar?

On WHYY radio, former President Bill Clinton was asked about a Philadelphia official who took offense at his comparing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, to Rev. Jesse Jackson, thinking it an attempt to marginalize Obama as "the black candidate."

Clinton was asked: "Do you think that was a mistake, and would you do that again?"

"No," he responded. "I think that they played the race card on me. And we now know, from memos from the campaign and everything, that they planned to do it along."

Today in Pittsburgh, Clinton was asked what he meant by saying the Obama campaign was playing the race card on him.

“When did I say that, and to whom did I say that?” Clinton asked, per ABC News' Sarah Amos.

“On WHYY radio yesterday," he was told by an NBC/National Journal reporter.

“No, no, no," Clinton said. "That’s not what I said. You always follow me around and play these little games, and I’m not going to play your games today. This is a day about election day. Go back and see what the question was, and what my answer was. You have mischaracterized it to get another cheap story to divert the American people from the real urgent issues before us, and I choose not to play your game today. Have a nice day.”


That's exactly what he said.

Is Bill Clinton a Pathological Liar?
He's a politician isn't he... ?!

Still there is absolutely no competition when he's compared with Bush is there?
Reply:Do you remember what you said yesterday?

Bill Clinton only lies about sex. Would you? Would any husband lie about illicit sex?

Is George W Bush a pathological liar?

Is John McCain a liar or a flip flopper?

Reply:The Democrats are the ones that stuck us with that liar for 8 years.

Nice job.

People view Bill, Hillary, Pelosi, and Chelsea as liars.
Reply:Yes, and it obviously runs in the family.
Reply:He's pathological in so many ways.
Reply:neh the title of Pathological Liar was given to Bush in 2004

nice try!!!
Reply:They both are. Narcissists are like that.
Reply:Who cares? He can not run again and isn't now.
Reply:That title belongs to George W Bush

nice try though
Reply:No, but George W. Bush is!
Reply:I'd have to say there are a lot of pathological lies about Bill Clinton. The right wing radio loons have been doing this for the last 20 years. They created their little strawman 'enemy of the people' and called 'The Liberal'. Anyone not fully on board with the fascisti morons that hijacked the Republican party gets smeared. Bill Clinton is just one of many that these vicious attack dogs of the GOP sic on anyone they think is even mildly against their support for the multi-national corporations, the Oil Mafia and the radical clerics of the Jesus freak right. The ditto-heads eat this #$%* up. Bill Clinton isn't perfect, but he's miles ahead of these cheap #@#$%26amp;%$# that never quit trying to bring him down. Disgusting..they should be ashamed! No kiddin'!

What is capitalism?

does anyone one know what capitalism is. would clinton cards and tesco be capitalists.

What is capitalism?
I have two apples, you have none. You want one of my apples, so I sell you one of them. That is capitalism.

Anyone who has what someone else wants and is willing to sell it to make a profit is a capitalist.
Reply:Capitalism is a society based on private ownership, competition and allowing market forces to determine prices and output quantities. It defines itself in contrast to the 20th century system of the Soviet Block and other state-owned industry based societies (and sometimes in contrast to feudalism). So it is also based on the idea of a labour market, where people are free to choose who to employ and where to seek work.

The owner of each and every company, and the owner of any piece of land, is a capitalist - he or she decides what to do with their property, based on current market prices and various projections on how to get the most return on your investment.

Capitalist societies rely on competition to ensure that goods stay cheap for the consumer. Monopolies and cartels are therefore to be avoided.

The main criticisms of capitalist societies are that they can sometimes leave unscrupulous (or oversized) companies to do things that a good system of laws and enforcement through the regulators could have prevented; and that it benefits the rich most (who can make a living off owning companies and company shares), while making employees accept that they are only entitled to a restricted share of the revenues (and no share of the profit).
Reply:An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

thats capitalism
Reply:it is an economic system which makes a private company to produce goods/services in exchange of profits.
Reply:It is all about buying and selling. Supply and demand. You buy something for £1.00. your friend gives you £2.00. for it. Your friend has what they want. You have made a £.1.00.you are happy. Thats` capitalism. Yes, Clinton Cards and Tesco are capitalists.
Reply:Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are mostly privately owned, and capital is invested in the production, distribution and other trade of goods and services, for profit in a competitive hypothetical free market. These include factors of production such as land and other natural resources, labor and capital goods. Various theories have tried to explain what capitalism is, to justify, or critique the private ownership of capital, and to explain the operation of markets and guide the application or elimination of government regulation of property and markets. However, this can be controversial because there are and have been forms of capitalism which use some state ownership such as Keynesianism, New Deal, and forms of Social Democracy. Some would not agree that such systems constitute a "free market" but are arguably capitalistic in nature.
Reply:Capitalism is a form of state based upon free commerce. The government allows companies to do business in their own way and leaves the companies alone.

The expectation is that the companies will do the right thing and protect the environment while building their businesses. Companies are also expected to pay employees fairly and properly so that families can survive on those incomes. Of course, we know that companies are not that responsible in the real world.

If you read Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations you will learn all about Capitalism.

Take care,

Reply:Capitalism is an economic theory that allows a person to sell his or her possessions to anyone he or she chooses. Capitalism touts freedom of competition, (anyone can sell anything at the price they chose, regardless of who's selling it) the right to keep ones own profits, instead of giving them to the government, and the right to own personal property.

Clinton Cards, and Tesco are defiantly capitalist. They both make profit (capital) and trade with whoever they want freely. Britain on the whole is Capitalist.

The alternatives to Capitalism are Socialism, where the government owns commodities and the citizens own the government, and Communism, which is similar. Socialism is more directly democratic than Communism, but Communism is based on the principle that the best person for the job gets the job, and therefore, democracy is kind of irrelevant. In both Communist and Socialist states, capital (property and money) belong to the government, and trade is regulated. Socialism is less intense than communism, and as a result things like medical care can be socialized, the government owns it, there is no corporate profit to be made, and the citizens pay into it and get care for free.
Reply:Capitalism is one of the greatest evils in the world. It is a system of economy in which capital is privately owned. The bourgeoisie control the means of production and distribution with little or no government interference. IT leads to the bourgeoisie being in tyrannical control and the proletariat being trapped in wage slavery.
Reply:thats the oppiste of communism communism bad

running shoes

What do you feel is the answer to the health insurance crises within the United States?

I was in the hospital last week with a viral infection and I don't have health insurance from my employer. Lucky for me I have a medicaid card that will pay for my hospital stay but there are way too many people that can't afford health insurance, their employer doesn't offer coverage, and have no means of paying for a hospital stay. All of the people running for president (on the GOP) don't want the government to be involved cause it would increase taxes and they don't want to force employers to insure their employees either. Hospitals should not be forced into taking a loss cause the patient doesn't have insurance. This is one of the few things I agree with Hillary Clinton on and normally I'm a conservative republican.

What do you feel is the answer to the health insurance crises within the United States?
All I can say is that it's a disgrace that the United States of America is incapable of providing health care for it's citizens. I won't even bother with the argument that we can spend billions on a war but not on our own citizens.

If somebody wanted to reform the government (i.e. reduce the horrific waste in money) there would be no need to raise taxes. We're already providing great health care to all those federal employees. That's right kids, you are paying for George and Dick's insurance, all those congressmen, and even the guy that audits your tax form. I won't even mention medicare and medicade.

Meanwhile, the average working stiff has been brainwashed into thinking his taxes will go up, even though he's paying anywhere from half to 2/3 of his own premium supplied by his employer.

I see no reason at all why we can't have some type of universal health care, except for the fact once those idiots in Washington get their hands on it, we're all doomed.
Reply:Cut the Insurance Companies out of the loop - they are soaking up all the money.
Reply:Most health problems stem from people refusing to take care of themselves, especially self-abuse (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, over-eating, promiscuity, dangerous living, refusal to eat properly...).

If people do not want to live according to healthful guidelines, why should any one else have to pay for their medical care?

If you take all the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, half are below average, yet still treat people. So, less than half of health care is average, which is not that good.

Drugs cause more problems than they resolve.

Solution? Live properly, be responsible for your own actions.

I have never been covered by health insurance; can't afford it.
Reply:Where do you think this money will come from? It will come from OUR pockets.. and it will be MORE than we're paying now. What will we have gained from it?

The #1 problem is the lawsuits hospital face.. deal with those and see what the situation is then.
Reply:GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT!!! government regulating and control over the health industry has skyrocketed prices and the quality has shot down. If you want national health care go to a VA hospital and let me know how you like it.
Reply:Put an end to the frivolous law suits. Adapt a "loser pays" methodology; it would still allow legitimate suits to be filed, and, if our courts weren't so tied up with insane law suits, the suit would be resolved much, much faster.

BS law suits have driven the cost of malpractice insurance - even for the best doctors - right through the roof. Not only have these law suits helped drive the cost of health care up so much, but the prohibitive costs are starting to drive doctors out of practice.

As someone with a chronic health condition, I have to say that I do NOT want the govt taking over my health care. Good gravy - it took me fifteen years to get a diagnosis with excellent private benefits; I'm sure I'd still be waiting for the feds. Plus, someone close to me has MS pretty badly - the only relief she's found is from experimental drugs. Do you think the feds would make experimental drugs available to her and others in her situation? I don't think so.
Reply:Tort Reform is a big one. Unlike goldwater republican stated we need some government intervention in the way our insurance companies practice. Also how about letting small businesses cluster together so they can buy health insurance for their comapnies.
Reply:Three things: The medical industry including doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc. have to charge less for their services. They are grossly overpaid. The other is that the prescription industry have to cut the cost of medicine and other medical related supplies. Lastly, there should be reasonable control against malpractice.
Reply:Most people can't afford to buy a house. Should the government provide them?

Social programs caused this problem. More of them is not going to fix it. Take your pet to the vet. There is no insurance. He can give your dog the same medications humans take for a fraction of the cost. Go to the eye doctor, the dentist. Why aren't the costs spiraling upward in these areas? Could it be because very few of their services are covered?

Medical insurance should be for catestrophic care only. Think about it. We all have auto insurance. What does it pay for? Damages that result from accidents to vehicles or people. It doesn't pay for tires, batteries, brake pads and oil changes. Could you imagine what the price of these things would be if it did? People would be running in getting new parts and serviced whether they need it or not. Why not, they don't have to pay.
Reply:My solution?

Take a balanced approach.

First of all, instead of finding new cures and such, start doing research on how medicine and health care to the average person can be made more affordable. If heart surgery cost only 100 dollars to perform, would you need to pay for insurance? No, for the need for insurance arises when people need something, but cannot afford it. Insurance companies are like financial communes with a private corporation calling all the shots (usually not to your benefit but theirs) where people pool their money together to help one another out. Kinda like a bunch of people living in one apartment and a accountant subleased his room to them.

Second of all, create a health care system designed to treat infectious disease only. This hospitals would be used to treat any thing that is a communicable disease, may it be the common cold, the flu to AIDS or anything that can be considered a threat to the public at large. This would seem cold, but things like cancer and heart attacks would not be covered by this public health plan for this are not problems that can be infectious. The idea behind this is if these infectious diseases are taken care of, in the long run eventually the cases will cease to exist, thus eventually in the long run will reduce the need for such a program. While at it, we should design these hospitals to be able to handle an epidemic or a bio-terror attack. No hospital in the US currently is equipped to detect or handle the workload or the massive trauma in such an emergency. We should focus on this now.

Get rid of the campaign contributions. Lobbying is why medicine is so expensive for the pharmaceutical corporations constantly lobby politicians to pass laws in their favor and such financial influencing works, thus laws get passed the increase these corporations' profits, at every ones' expense. In fact, finding a way so any one can afford to run for a federal level election and still get as much air time as the major candidates are now would be a major start to improving a lot of things in our country.

The last option I have thought of is do it yourself.

Since mentioned early, insurance companies are nothing but a bunch of people pooling their money together to reduce everyone else's expenses, why not cut out the greedy, corporate middle man? Either get together with extended family members you can trust or with members of your communities and pool money together to cover each other in case some one in the group does gets injured or ill. The advantage of this is you are all keeping an eye one each other and know each other, so you know right away who really needs the money or not. This way you will not have insurance adjusters refusing your claim when you fall deathly ill, just to have an increase in profit at the expense of your life nor would you have to deal with the long lines and wait times dealing with the goverment for approval who don't even give too shakes about you, much less knows that you exist. I however suggest talking with a legal expert or an experienced mediator who has extensive legal knowledge to find a way to set such a thing up

in order to keep all members in check and trustworthy.
Reply:Well how on earth did you receive any treatment if you have no health insurance?

Why is it that you received the healthcare that you needed even though you had no insurance, but no one else does? Could it be that in reality, the "crisis" is way overblown for political purposes? The cases of people not receiving care because they had no insurance are few and far between. Why do you not rely on your own personal experiences, but instead rely on the bull sh#$ fed to you by politicians with an agenda?
Reply:Just like medications, Wal Mart started selling some for 4$ a prescription. Now other drug suppliers are doing the same. It will have to come from the private sector. All the government does is F#CK THINGS UP!

The media bias against Sen. Clinton?

This is ridiculous. Did these people not notice at the start of the Clinton campaign she was already crowned the nominee by the MSM? Obama's had his fair share of bad press over non-issues like Rev. Wright just like Clinton's non-issue over "Snipergate." The media fluxuates in good guy/bad guy get over it. Your thoughts on why they played the media hates us/sexist card?

The media bias against Sen. Clinton?
The media hasn't really played the sexist card. More like the racist card. The bottom line is, our country would be a lot better if we didn't have a bunch of fools in it.. The media consists of fools, and right now our government is filled with irresponsible people. The only way we can make things better is to first start with ourselves. Until we do that, then the media will dictate what we should do and naturally people will follow..
Reply:Simple, its all about money. NBC and MSNBC are owned by GE. The CEO of GE is an obama supporter, and donated to his campaign as did most of the employees of GE. IF they would have reported all there is to know about obama, he would not have gotton a vote. You can say so what-but you let the media pick the candidate, and your vote was worthless.
Reply:Give me a F'ing break--the media IS biased !Run by FAR LEFT LIBERAL LOONS thats no secret--take a look at MSNBC,NBC...the Huffingtonpost,dailyKos,moveon.org--ALL BIASED--if you think they are not,you have to be one of the most gullible people on YA.
Reply:I feel that except for FOX, all the media outlets were pro-Obama and anti-Hillary...mainly due to who owns the outlets...these liberal owners got orders from headquarters (the DNC mostly) to crucify Hillary and wax poetic about Obama...simple really...everyone who is non-biased noticed this...
Reply:There sure was. http://cmpa.com/Studies/Election08/elect...

Reply:Conservatives have been telling you for years, so I guess now you can see that the mainstream media will always support the most liberal candidate.
Reply:most of the media is for obama! tune into fox once in a while, just to see something fair and balanced, "o'riley" mccain 08
Reply:I think that this is one of those just because I am not in the lime light the media is against me.
Reply:Clinton is backing Obama. This is old news.
Reply:i'm voting for mccain
Reply:the media gave fair shares on both. But media really do not like clitons which perfectly fine by me.

I am not doing the stories
Reply:Doesn't really matter, they both got slammed. I'm not opposed to Clinton being VP. But whoever Obama wants is fine with me.

Obama 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is Fox News or Fox Lies obsessed with smearing Senator Obama with controversy?

Why are Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Clinton’s etc etc scare of the qualified black man running for president? They have to spread false rumors, lies, half truths and inject the race card/race baiting.

Why is Fox News or Fox Lies obsessed with smearing Senator Obama with controversy?
Jaz you can tell by the answers your getting, what kind of people your're dealing with. What's sad is so many more feel this way but they wont admit it. They'll grin in your face and call you a ***** behind your back. They'd rather have another 100 years of Bush than vote for Black candidate that's 100x more qualified to do the job. That's some serious psychological issues going on there. What's really sad is they think they're normal.
Reply:They are reporting facts. I don't think anyone is afraid of a qualified black man. I would vote for a qualified black man or woman in a second. The thing that scares people is not that Obama is black, but that he is not qualified. I don't care what color his skin is or what gender he is, he is not qualifed to be head of state.

Race is only an issue for people like you who love to play the "race card," as you put it. You assume that Obama is not liked because of his skin color and not because of his own obvious racism and ineptitude.
Reply:Dearest *New girl * "friend" JAZ:


Isn't Fox~

"Fair %26amp; Balanced"? :-(

Seriously ......

I feel you PAIN~ girl!

We must remember that~

Fox %26amp; many naive voters are

"Scared" of Sen. Obama.

(The TRUTH Hurts!)

Thus ........

the FEAR Factors/Smears are Amp'ed UP!

(Race, Religion etc.)

The excitement %26amp; success of Sen. Obama's

Candidacy is too much for them. Many

are really JEOLOUS of the effective

Campaign he is waging. Front-Runners

usually always get RIPPED UP!

It's much "easier" for Fox to Smear %26amp; LIE!

The Majority of our Electorate Vote By

Their FEARS~ instead of Intelligence!

Fox Staffers are the same!

Does this make ANY Sense to you?

Keep Posting Jaz!

PS: Personal to Jaz!

Re: "Slow Or FAST?"

I like it SLOW TOO~

EXCEPT I am *NOT Out Of Practice!

Reply:I find fox to be fairly unbiased. All they are doing is getting peoples opinions on everything. I watch fox news all the time and all they do is point out the things that actually are a stretch from a candidate. They slammed clinton about Bosnia and he commercials. I think your being too judgmental just because things are being said against someone you are supporting.
Reply:the global elites are trying to stack the deck prior to the national elections, so they don't have to worry which party wins the White House.

If you get to choose between two choices they approve of, you still feel like you have power over your government, and accept the outcome.

Some of you better get your heads out of the dirt, and wake up to what is actually taking place.

Newscorp(FOX) is bigger than most people think. And the owner is partnered with the Clintons on many of there projects.

FOX news stirring up contraversy about the Clintons, does nothing but gains them support.

Is anyone here really stupid enough to believe that people who own and are connected with multibillion$$ corporations gives a hoot about liberal vs conservative, or Republican vs Democrat for anything other than to lead the masses around like a bull by its nose??!
Reply:The Fox Network is a clear example of someone not wanting to give up power. This network is so bend feeding off fear, and division. Obama represents change in a lot of ways; this is something that Fox and a great deal of corporations don't want. Don't worry like my grandfather use to always say " A truth will stand-up when everything around is falls down."
Reply:first of all, it's a presidential campaign.. lots of smearing happens all the time on BOTH sides of the aisle.. with that being said, there's nothing smearing about Obama's voting record, there's nothing smearing about Obama's association with a known terrorist, there's nothing smearing about Obama's long-standing relationship with the likes of Wright, there's nothing smearing about Obama's refusal to denounce Wright's viewpoints, there's nothing smearing about Obama's foreign policy, and there's nothing smearing about Obama's tax plan... all of his negatives speak for themselves.. it's not smearing if it's true and meaningful..
Reply:It seems to me that he has done a good enough job on his own of creating questions about his credibility. I find it hard to believe that he attended that church for twenty years and did not know what Rev. Wright stood for. Apparently so does Rev. Wright.

Maybe the fear is not of a qualified black man running for president, but for this man to become president. I would happily accept ANY qualified person at this point.
Reply:I don't think I would use the term "qualified black man running for President" and Barak Obama in the same sentenced.

Most of the people injecting the race card into the campaign are the more liberal pollsters saying people aren't voting for Obama because he is black.

Me? I just don't see Barak being a good President based on his policies and what he has said
Reply:How is he qualified? Fox is the most unbiased news source. They have opinions from both sides.

Just face the facts: Obama is not experienced enough to be president. His empty promises easily sway people like you. Please tell me 3 accomplishments of Barack Obama.
Reply:Qualified? Now, Condi Rice is qualified. Obama is just a good speaker and that's about it. Heck half the folks on this forum have just as much experience as he does in running something. Senators barely know where their towns are in the state they are elected in for crying out loud.
Reply:I don't like his tax increases and redistribution of wealth. That never works, and usually makes it worse for more people. Those who own their own companies will certainly cut back and maybe even lay people off. I don't see any "change" there. I live in Upstate NY and we have the highest taxes, spend the most on education, have every government program under the sun, and guess what? Companies are gone and we have the 2nd highest poverty rate.

raising taxes does not raise more revenue...

Reply:Because Fox cares more about the republican party than they care about America.

Fox news and their allies are the ones who are playing the race card and race-baiting. The last thing they want is for race *not* to be a factor. The dirty hypocrites.
Reply:Fox News the National Inquirer of news. They are the month piece of the far right. They avoid the issues and attack the persons character. Why are the views of John Hagee ignored by Sean, Bill and company?
Reply:Just to clarify for you - in your list of people, only one is with Fox News. Since you didn't give an example of a lie one can only assume you don't have any examples. Therefore, your assertion is false.
Reply:because viewers are obsessed with it; when the viewers have completely picked over the topic it will be dropped; it sometimes takes a fair amount of inspection to decide where the lies, half truths, and racism is
Reply:The problem is not his race. The problem is that he is not qualified to be President. I have heard nothing that has not been true. If you have specifics I challenge you to post them.
Reply:Who do you work for? How do you make your money? What is your mortgage payment? How much taxes do you pay? I am try to figure out how many people like you are out there, and how you think? How are we producing people like you?
Reply:Please cite OBJECTIVE examples of the rumors, lies, half truths, and race-baiting. Otherwise, you're just stating your biased opinion.
Reply:Because they do it at some point to each of the canidate's. They always have and they always will. Doesn't matter that he is black he doesn't get a free ride from press smearing just like the rest don't either.
Reply:It's because Obama is the only candidate who will bring about real change. The right wing extremists don't want an intelligent liberal to get anywhere near the White House because he will likely succeed and set back the extreme right.
Reply:I would love to see the false rumors, there aren't any. If a qualified African American was running then we would see if anyone was afraid but since one isn't we don't know..
Reply:Did you know there's something called the remote. Didn't think you Obama supporters were that swift anyway.
Reply:those are OPINION programs and it's called sensationalism. that is why most them shout and scream while attacking any view they don't share.
Reply:Obama has ruined his own campaign. He didn't need help from news organizations.
Reply:Sorry Obama is not qualified.
Reply:Wow, maybe if you listen to them when not high on crack you would know what you just said is a load of horse droppings.
Reply:Why does Obama hate Whites?
Reply:Fox News ain't all that credible.
Reply:Obama has done this to himself. Stop being a victim.
Reply:Because they know he will whip McCain in a general election.

Clintons Supporters Should Support Mccain and insist we be given Affirmative Action status, do you agree?

Since we is so uneducated, we need a hand up. We need a United Clinton Supporter College Fund, and first choice at Govt Jobs, and I wants me one of them Food Stamp Cards, and some free housing.

Clintons Supporters Should Support Mccain and insist we be given Affirmative Action status, do you agree?
Hey ObamaHat, that is very creative. Unfortunately, ( from the answers that I read ) they do not get it... Yeah, college educated people ( Obama supporters according to the press ) do not have any sense of humor. But do not worry, they will sober up in November.
Reply:I don't want an Affirmative Action President.

I don't want Oprah's Book Of the Month Club President.

I don't want a President who took the Black Value System Pledge. http://tucc.org/black_value_system.html

I don't want a President who attends a Black Liberation Theology Church.
Reply:blame yourself for what you are in life and why should hillary supporters support mccain, that would be an act of betrayal
Reply:I don't think McCain is for affirmative action.
Reply:This mockery is embarassing to those of us who legitimately take issue with Obama's platform
Reply:I like food stamps!
Reply:If you are looking for a handout instead of a hand up....talk to Obama.
Reply:LOL, I agree!
Reply:If you think that McCain is similar to Hillary, by all means you should vote for him.
Reply:ooooooo quit being a bunch of winey biotches!!!
Reply:And you'll get it too. You and your descendents just need to go through 400 years of slavery and then 100 years of second-class citizenship first.
Reply:nope. i support Obama now. McSame is not fit to be president.
Reply:I wouldn't blanket Hillary's entire constituency with that claim, but I can certainly tell that you are a moron.

Help for melasma

Trying to confirm: May 2008 ID cards will be mandatory to buy, sell or trade anything.?

Cash will not be enough if you dont have the ID card. I heard that this law was signed into effect when Clinton was president and goes into effect in May 2008.

Trying to confirm: May 2008 ID cards will be mandatory to buy, sell or trade anything.?
mark of the beast as foretold in the Bible. Cashless society.

If it sounds to absurd to believe, trust you instincts.
Reply:No. They will not be required in 2008.

In recent news it seems the "idea" of the card has been pushed back to 2013, but in reality there is so much opposition it is highly unlikely that the law will be enacted at all.

Here is the long version.

Wonder what difference there is or if there is one?

Before during and after Falkands war accidently met many sholders online playing cards. So far have met non from Iraq. Wondering if anyone has. Also wondering if military has impossed blackout, which Clinton did not. Know desert is different environment than woodlands of Europe, but in baracks there shouldn't be that great of a difference.

Wonder what difference there is or if there is one?
This administration is very fobic towards Islamic people.

Like Johnston was towards the communism threat.

They do wire taping and fear a snake under every rock.

They want to kill any threat to national security.

Clinton Administration used more diplomatic methods and made friends with them and used very little fire power. So it kind of defused a bomb. Lessened the threat.

As soon as Bush took office he threaten and over powered and scared the bajeabers out of the people in the middle east and they rose up and fought back. They only way they knew how.

Hoping that USA would use more diplomatic methods.

Didn't happen and never will. Bush is to do what I say or else.
Reply:What is your question???
Reply:Who was President during the first World Trade Center bombing, USS Cole bombing, African embassy bombings, and Khobar Towers bombing? Just to name a few. Yeah, its all Bush’s fault. Radical Islamic terrorists don’t care who the US president is. They want to kill us all regardless. Bush finally took the fight to them. The Sept 11th planning was during the Clinton presidency too. Lay off the Kool-Aid Shell…
Reply:Almost a year ago the department of defense restricted access to some internet services from a military computer. Yahoo, MSN hotmail are just a few of them. It is impossible for the military to screen messages and emails through these that sensitive information could be released. I'm sure that there are still some card games going on, but probably not on the net.

Will blacks stop calling Bill Clinton the 1st black President since the Clintons are playing the race card?

I always thought it was funny that African Americans were so fond of Bill Clinton. I wonder how many of them are now angry that the Clintons are running a 'Rove-like' campaign to smear Obama.

I'd never vote for Pastor Wright, but last I checked he wasn't running, and if Obama was white, he'd be the new JFK. Being half black definitely must cost him votes. To say that he's running strong just because he's black is 'Rovian logic'.

Will blacks stop calling Bill Clinton the 1st black President since the Clintons are playing the race card?
Were you old enough to have seen the Clinton's in action ? They would sue you if they found out what you asked. Rove is a student of the Clintons.
Reply:The bottom line?

These idiots, especially the Clinton's, are so power hungry that they will say and do anything to get into and stay in POWER.

That is all they want....... POWER.

The Democratic Party is imploding.
Reply:Yes, I think so.


Blacks are Just Now realizing that Bill Clinton IS NOT BLACK.

They didn't know it until now!!!!

Blacks actually believed that Bill Clinton was Black---- until Obama told them that he wasn't.
Reply:I think you have it backwards. The Clinton's have done more for the black community than Mr. Obama has done. Which is nothing except represent a slum lord in Chicago. Get you facts straight befor you talk from your A*%26amp;

Clinton is losing, but what if she....?

OK lets face it. Clinton is in a really bad position right now. She can't hurt Obama with charages of plagiarism, of his inexperience, of him using the "race card", and of him being all flash but no substance. But what is she points out that when Obama was state legislator, he often chose "present" instead of a "yes" or "no" vote? Clearly, it can show that Obama is a rather indecisive politician. Why doesn't she criticize him on that?

Clinton is losing, but what if she....?
She already brought that up in OTHER debates. he explained that in Illinois, if you wanted a bill to be re-edited, you have to choose present! Saying yes or no on it means you cannot re-edit that bill..

That's the way it works..so she couldn't knock him on that!
Reply:Because she has bad campaign staff.
Reply:She has... And it didn't work..
Reply:She can't cast too many stones, since she is running on 35 years of experience that doesn't exist! So what if she was first lady in Arkansas and the US. That doesn't count as experience. Obviously she didn't stay close to Bill and confide in him and he in her--otherwise she would have kept him in line from cheating on her. I don't count years as a corporate lawyer as experience either. She has only the experience in the Senate, and her bills she has championed have no substance, just like her. I have heard her speak in person, and came away with "huh?"--she had nothing to do but speak--ironically the charge she levels against Mr. Obama. In a couple of weeks she will be out of the picture.
Reply:because she knows she is losing, i don't get why she just doesn't quit
Reply:Good question, but the trouble is, she's so far behind now, I don't think it'll make any difference WHAT she does. Stick a fork in her, she's done!
Reply:You should research the present choice that Illinois has in their voting process. It means different things in different states. She has also missed several votes, especially when the campaigning started.
Reply:Her only problem is the media should be the one questioning him. It should not be up to her but they refuse to touch him. But the are more then willing to say negatives about her
Reply:She's the most indecisive politician I have ever seen.

When will the people actually see that they both suck. The only politician that is fighting for the people is Ron Paul. Call him racist call him crazy but the man is trying to save the people from the power of the banks.
Reply:because most of his supporters could care less about his record or his plans
Reply:Sadly enough, those who support Obama are strictly doing so because of his skin color. He doesn't stand for anything but the vague term of change. And what could be the complete opposite of Bush? A young black man with no experience and a good speaker. At this point, he has too much momentum to be stopped on the Democratic side. Hilary should just go back to chasing violent video games.
Reply:A politician that shows up and does nothing, how harmless is that? You may have very well talked me into voting for him.

Look at it this way, everybody knows about the tiger that escaped from the San Francisco zoo. Did you know a tiger also escaped at the Honolulu zoo? The reason that didn't make news was that the tiger just went for a stroll, he voted present, rather than voting, yes I'll eat that human, or no I won't refrain from eating that human. Isn't that a much nicer tiger? Governments work that way too.
Reply:After March 4 Texas and Ohio Primaries Clinton will be the nominee for sure!

Texas for Clinton.

riding boots

Do you think that Hilary Clinton is a hypocrite for saying Obama is playing the race card?

Here is a woman who changes her accent depending upon which group of people she is in front of. If she is in front of southerns, she immediately adapts an twang..etc.etc..

"Up to this point Obama has not only neutralized the race issue, but he's used it to his political advantage. But if the Democratic campaign is seen as a battle between black and white, rather than change vs. more of the same; you can book that plane ticket to Denver for Hillary Clinton. A racially charged campaign while likely to upset African-Americans will almost certainly play dividends among working class and Hispanic voters who are far more likely to be turned off by direct racial appeals. (It hardly seems a coincidence that it was working class voters who made the difference for Hillary in New Hampshire.) The Clintons are smart enough to only raise this issue implicitly, allowing the media and political pundits to run with the ball, which of course they are dutifully doing."

Do you think that Hilary Clinton is a hypocrite for saying Obama is playing the race card?
She's completely wrong. When has Obama played the race card? He hasn't, because he knows Americans are more willing to vote for a black candidate who doesn't need to reaffirm that he's black every time he gives a speech. Hillary's willing to create tension over both race and gender to hurt Obama's campaign.
Reply:more like a lying hypocrite.

she played the gender card and faked some tears in new hampshire and got a win there.

when she was called out on it, SHE decided to play the race card in order to take the spotlight off herself.

nothing she does is without motive. she made the ridiculous comment about Dr. King and LBJ to smear Obama's campaign.

obama has decided to take the high road and ignore her foolishness. of course, hrc didn't like this and SHE'S the one who keep saying obama is using the race card.

how sad. how sad that she first used fake tears and now she's using a hard lie to try and get to the white house.

should she get the nomination, i'll be voting for a republican for the first time in my life.

i don't want an individual who will use deceptivenss to win the white house. this nation has had that to happen to us already, and we all know how that debacle turned out.
Reply:yes .............Obama is not playing the race card.......she wants the nation to think that, so they won't vote for him.......
Reply:I don't like Hillary she plays the female race card, and Obama is playing the color race card although very discreetly!!
Reply:This is a Clinton political tactic. We as the American people need to stop falling for it. We need a change. Barack Obama is the way. If Senator Obama wanted to play the race card then he could have done so long ago.

Since he is winning on his own merits, Clinton needs to raise the race card herself and then play the "victim" as if Obama did it.

Reply:No I think Obama is just desperate so thats why he keeps bringing it up. Either way both of them suck.
Reply:Never take a politician on his/her words and at the same time expect them to even sell their mothers to get votes.Hilary is in it and therefore no exception.
Reply:It looks as though people will have to decide whether they are sexist or racist.
Reply:Absolutely Not.....Nobody plays the race card more than Obama. It's gotten to be such a double-standard when ANY innocent negative true fact about Obama is immediately falsely branded as racist. If ANYONE says that they do not support Obama because of his lack of experience %26amp; qualifications.......They are also immediately falsely branded a racist. Even Bill's " fairytale " comment which had NOTHING to do with racism.....is also immediately branded as being racist.----------- On the other double-standard side; Obama gets a " free pass " on the fact that he belongs to an admitted Black Separatist Church !!! ---- Can ANYONE imagine the furor that would be heard around the world if Hillary belonged to a White Separatist Church ??? ---- The true hypocrite is Obama who plays the race card.
Reply:Obama is not the one who made the comments.

She is the one and Bill is the one. Bill knew he had made an error, otherwise he wouldn't have called Sharpton's show.

FTR- I think that Bill's fairytale comment was about something else. I've watched the tape.

Her accusation that Obama's camp has "played the race card" is insulting. It is not as though anyone needed help to have a negative response to her comment about MLK.

The reality is that the President wouldn't have made a decision to even address equal rights if it had not been for MLK.

Also her point was, that we don't need another "speaker". It takes a President to get things done. Well, guess what Barack is running for President- wouldn't he have the same power as she to effect change if elected. MLK may have run for President and been able to make the CRA a reality if he had lived in Obama's time. He needed the president because the country was too racist to allow his dream to go all the way to the White House.

And LBJ had King wire-tapped- while he was president. Nice.

Hillary Clinton had said King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I would also add that I am no sure that all would agree that King's dream of racial equality has been realized.
Reply:Yeah yeah yeah. and Huckster plays the bible card, McCain the Patriot POW card, Paul the IRS card, Guliani the terror card...Edwards the im just a common guy card, only Thomason and Kucinich don't have a card to play. . . that comes from not playing with a full deck!
Reply:He hasn't had to use it until now. NObama sees this will be his only opportunity to attack Senator Clinton by taking her words out of the context. If there is one candidate that is being most hypocritical, it's Barack Hussein NObama out of all the candidates. So much for a "uniter" huh??

Clinton '08
Reply:You just played your card....
Reply:Obama has to pretend to be a "Uniter", but his actions and affiliations tell the true story. He cannot get up there and tell the American people his real agenda, or who he supports, or what he supports - for that matter. Obama's hidden supporters (like Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan - don't forget Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) have a change in mind all right - but it will not be a change of unification but separation of the races. Talk is cheap - and Obama does a lot of talking. The proof is in the pudding - the proof is in his past - and the proof is in the racist friends that are pushing his campaign.
Reply:Why? You just now pulled the gender card on Clinton yourself.

Obama, bill clinton and feb 5?

can obama still appeal to white voters with his message of

"change we can believe in" given that the clinton's have cowardly chosen to play the race card and will obama support hillary if she wins.

Obama, bill clinton and feb 5?
The Clintons are low. Period. I already wrote to the DNC last week to tell them that if Hillary gets this nomination, they will have lost my vote. I'd probably vote for McCain over her. And believe me I am not the only one.

By the way, in the hypothetical GENERAL ELECTION head-to-head polls, Obama fairs better than Clinton against all possible republican candidates. And these are averages of all available polls.
Reply:Not likely, Obama won in a favorable State that gave Jessie Jackson 2 victories during his two presidential campaigns. Jackson lost in the other big states.

Senator Clinton will very likely rebound on Super Tuesday due to her diverse base (whites, blacks, Hispanics %26amp; other minorites). Hillary still has the lead in the national polls.

Senator Clinton has a 4-1 lead over Obama in Hispanic support. She has the endorsement of the Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles. Hillary won Nevada with a lot of support from Hispanics, including many who went against their Culinary Union's endorsement of Barack.

When it come down to Feb. 5 most voters probably will go for experience, competence and qualifications over "talk" and inexperience. Yes, Obama will support Hillary should she win and he'll likely try to unite the party around her more - it's in his own best interests - for later down the road.

Obama is the one who used people's emotion about race to win a contest.

Unfortunately many blacks in SC fell for it and now they will have to deal with the afetrmath.

In the long run he will be exposed.
Reply:Hillary will win for sure.. just watch/

The south carolina Priamary results just re-affirms how racially divided we still are in 2008 ( 4 out of 5 blacks voted for obama ) was it for his values or ideals or his skin color?

thank you..

if obama wins it will be like MONDALE/FERRARO 1984 election all over again
Reply:I'm white and like Obama, and could care less about race? I think it's really dumb for someone to vote based only on that. Woman shouldn't feel obligated to vote for Hillary. Just stupid logic. Plus it's 2008, I don't think race will be an obstacle for Obama.
Reply:you know they will never let it happen.

People that are saying that race does not matter are fooling themselves or are insulting black American's intelligence.

Vote for Obama even if he will not get to be president but because it is a way of telling every black children that :

they are part of the American dream!

they too can grow up to be president some day!
Reply:if that happens , it will prove how American is still racially unstable and way behind the rest of the world.
Reply:JFK's daughter seems to think so. He inspires me to believe bigger and go to the moon!

Where can i find free music downloads with no credit cards?

my brother is graduating from college and i need atomic dog by george clinton

Where can i find free music downloads with no credit cards?










absolutely free
Reply:email me at fungusbrains1@yahoo.com

although it's illegal

Reply:Of course free and legal does exist. Read a bit about Creative Commons...

Big record companies are obsolete nowadays.
Reply:I have always used Limewire %26amp; I have never had any problems w/ it. Im happy w/ Limewire.
Reply:Technically, free %26amp; legal music downloads do not exist. However, if you really need just one song, try Limewire. Its one of the better P2P file sharing systems(but its still illeagal).
Reply:It's completely illegal to get copyrighted music for free. However, there are methods to get the songs, but be forewarned, you CAN get arrested if caught.

If you're going to download music using a P2P program, DO NOT USE LIMEWIRE. Limewire is one of the most unstable, dangerous, spyware-ridden programs you can use for downloading files. If you use it and do not immediately set very advanced settings, you WILL get a virus within minutes. I promise you that.


Paul v. Clinton a 17 mil Lawsuit went to court yesterday. Did you know? ANd HRC refuses to accept supoena?


Remember the You Tube video?

Uncensored: The Video Hillary Does Not Want You

To See ...



includes many links to other issues...

Clinton refuses to accept a Supoena thru Lawyers

and will wait for a Process Server as she campaigns

across the country to catch up with her...

Court date delayed 30 days. Now yesterday we had

John McCain v. NYT all day ? Deflection perhaps.

I am wondering how this makes us feel as Americans.

Last summer people woke up and Clinton's lost their

lead in the polls. As still more toss millions into the

Hillary '08 piggy bank? Online via credit cards no


Paul v. Clinton a 17 mil Lawsuit went to court yesterday. Did you know? ANd HRC refuses to accept supoena?
clinton %26amp; clinton lied for personal %26amp; financial gain?

i am shocked. shocked, i tell you.

Reply:Interesting for sure, I have never heard of the case, I am not a Hillary Supporter, but right now it all seems a little one sided to me, so I cant pass judgement on her just yet.
Reply:It would seem your viewpoint is biased.

So no, I'm not outraged. Nor will I support HRC or McCain.
Reply:why is it 8 yrs later when this comes to court?

family nanny

Is it just me or does it seem like Obama and Clinton are total opposites?

I was watching the speeches last night in New Hampshire. It seemed to me that Obama became very preachy and for some reason I couldn't tell if I could trust him after hearing him speak and looking at his eyes when he spoke. He also wasn't really talking about anything new than what every other democratic candidate plans to do in office. it seemed like he was double talking when he said three things: "we will bring our troops home, we will get the job done." But then he said "we will get Al Quaida". So my question is: is he for the war or against it? How would you interpret that. Do you really think he can get al quaida while bringing our troops home? Here are some of the similarities and difference I noticed between the two tell me what you think. Obama seems to really care, he is youthful, vibrant, and unrehearsed. This makes him more of a wild card though. Can we trust that. Clinton also seemed to care, but she was also more rehearsed, more practiced and more confident.

Is it just me or does it seem like Obama and Clinton are total opposites?
Yup, you can read a lot into the body language.

Obama is unsure about himself.

His speeches are greatly peppered with uncertainties.

Hillary is no spring chicken.

She's a seasoned political fighter.

That's why she would be most suited for the job after Bush leaves the office. She would be TOUGH enough to clean up after the slob.

Hillary may be unlikeable but she gets things done.
Reply:Obama has never talked about anything substantial. In fact, he is clueless. He proposes a healthcare plan that would still leave millions out, he talks about building more nuke plants instead of green energy, he told a lady in the audience that vets should continue to be required to only have VA coverage, he wants to give driver's licenses to illegals. He's not about change.

It's just a bunch of inexperienced, foolish white college kids that cheer for him in hopes of making black friends.
Reply:They are alreay opposites by their gender, but they are completly different by their morals and they way they want to run our country.
Reply:They're two different people with the same ideas.

It's only the external packaging and the presentation that are different.
Reply:it's just you - they are very much alike they just have to come off as being different now because they are in a race against each other

barack is against the war and so is hillary
Reply:Obama still needs to prove himself. Hilary has made many positive changes and she is very well spoken. They are very different. Obama is still very wet behind the ears and I just do not trust him. I trust him as much as I trust Bush Jr.
Reply:They are siimilar, and it is more a matter of style over substance.
Reply:just you. lol ;)
Reply:there not alike thats fursure and as many say, i dont trust him either but i have problems because he is african/american, now iam not a racist but all the blacks could turn on us because in the past they have been done wrong by whites, thats the only reason. sorry i said that and i have to think about that, now racism is not as bad as it was years ago but it still goes on now. no i dont trust him but then i dont trust no one sorry. have a nice day.
Reply:I know what you mean, but I don't think they are total opposites. I actually think they'd make a great team if they could do so ... well, I suppose that they likely will work together again, huh?

I can definetely understand how Obama wants the troops home, but also determines to "get Al Qaida." The

troops were sent there on bogus claims from a greedy

devisive administration. A more directed mission with

a better plan can "get Al Qaida."

They DO need to come home, but our military is fully

capable of an honest mission against terror. The way

we are going about it now is taking more lives than saving.

He does seem to really care and have integrity. He used

to be my senator when I lived in Illinois and I've been

in his presence half a dozen times. Very honest, integritous,

sincere, charismatic, well thinking, intelligent, fair and determined. Stout enough to help make this country as honorable and noble as we were always intended from the start.

Reply:Black male, White woman, yup I would say you are on the right track.
Reply:Yes and No, they are both liberals but one is old school of thought and the other has a scary modern mentality..Neither has balance and that's what we need in office is balance ..We need the same old principals, morals and standards this country was founded on because they never change and are practical, but we need an individual with a twist and the understanding of the worlds needs and issues of today..

You can't just patch things up and close your eyes..We need tough solutions to hardcore problems that man has screwed up thus far.. Obama is a showman but I don't think he's the right material for the commander and chief ..We need to bring back the one entity back that man has done his hardest to deny and that would be God himself.. Obama doesn't have a clue what that would mean or entail ...

War is war and has been around since the beginning of the population of the world..It can create peace and raise standards and it plucks the tares from their roots... War will always be with us as long as the earth abides forever along with everything in it! What we do have to look forward to at some point is the manifestation of the sons of God and the end of the ages..Whatever that looks like?
Reply:Just you, they are both out of DNC central casting.
Reply:They are both antichrists!!!
Reply:The main difference is that Obama is a human being.

Do you Barack Osama supporters consider Clinton's victory in Pennsylvania tonight to be "racist"?

Yes, yes, yes...........You people MUST have a reason for Osama's defeat tonight. Well, will it be the tried and true race card?

Do you Barack Osama supporters consider Clinton's victory in Pennsylvania tonight to be "racist"?
they think everything is racist....
Reply:The only racial factor involved are the misnomers regarding Obama's religion, and the general asinine questions falsely charging Obama or his wife. The victory in Pennsylvanian, is marginal at best. Remember, Obama cut the 27 point led down to perhaps 6 points. That in itself is a victory to be proud.
Reply:Definitely....it was a political race...and unless you are part of that elite electoral college, representing whatever party, it probably don't mean squat. Who the American people want seems a lot less important than who the American Political Parties want

If you are looking for "race hate" type stuff blacks, whites, Chinese etc look back to Mrs Obama's college theses.
Reply:They knew they weren't going to win PA, it was already a pretty pro-Hillary state.

Instead of denying or blaming the victory, thier tactic has been to try to raise expectations, so they could spin a less-than-crushing defeate as a 'victory.'
Reply:why is it that Republicans and Hillary are shoving the race card in obama's hand constantly... which he's not taking...

and then crying about him using it, when he's not?
Reply:White people are colorblind and enjoy diversity.

Black people are poor because they have been lazy since 1865.

Reply:You know some if not most of them will. Anything is racist if it is against the racist Obama.
Reply:Obama knew he wouldn't satisfy these people who cling to their guns and bibles, and hate people like him. At least the Hill pretended to like them. What would you expect?
Reply:No, it's the intelligence card.
Reply:Why didn't Hillary win by double digits as she was supposed to? Hmmm??
Reply:Obama already played the race card in San Fran. He was making an excuse for sucking it up in Penn, in advance.

She was going to win, in fact a while she was supposed to win big, 20+ point margin big.
Reply:You win some and you lose some.

woopity-freakin deal.

Last time I checked he was still leading in what matters.
Reply:i bet it left a "bitter" taste in their mouths~!!!
Reply:yes, damn those people for voting for a white woman!
Reply:Just in case he didn't lose...Just Say No to Obama!

The Hillary Clinton lock box has been opened?

Has the moderators gathered the courage to ask Hilliary tough question's or is this just to see how tough she can handle pressure she is already going for the gender card.

The Hillary Clinton lock box has been opened?
We might find that the lock box contains...NOTHING!
Reply:Even with forgiving the fact that she's a democrat, if she didn't keep the lock box on for hubby bill, she'd be more satisfied as a woman and a nicer person.
Reply:She doesn't even know whether she should grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

The only thing in the hillary lock box are the "missing" files.
Reply:Yes they have, it is about time.

This attitude, that she did all the back ground work to keep Bill's name clean, took a back seat and was not recognized and now she is "owed the presidency"

Forget it, the public needs to know that she is not the best qualified candidate, waffles just like Bill, and still dislikes this country, because we don't know what is best for us and she does.

Example, she thinks that all her work in education in Arkansas qualifies her for something, I guess that lead to the thoughts " It takes a village to raise a child."

If it does, isn't wonderful that there are middle schools that are handing out condoms and morning after pills to the students.
Reply:Chinagirl did not like demo Tim Russert. But I have change of heart after he finally gave Hillery tough but straight and fair questions for the first time in her political career.

If she wants to brag that her college prepared her for playing with the boys in politics, she has to answer questions!

This is the superbowl of politics...not some girls softball league.

Why do Republicans deride government then a Republican Congress votes for record fed. deficits?

I'd wager, if given the chance, the Clinton's could again balance the budget AND afford health care to Americans in need. A republican Congress and Presidency ran up the federal budget deficit like drunken sailors on a holiday with credit cards, woohoo, and then, Republican broadcasters influence the flock saying "big government is bad, democrats are socialist and on and on and on". Does this seem like some kind of dreadful hypocrisy to you?

Why do Republicans deride government then a Republican Congress votes for record fed. deficits?
Definitely, and what's even worse is their willingness to waste all of that money on the unnecessary war in Iraq, and the rampant profiteering engaged in by their corporate pals. Plus China is bankrolling all of their fun, and we'll be paying them back for decades. But God forbid, we should have saved all of that money and spent a portion of it on taking care of Americans. That would be "socialist" and evil.
Reply:Talking Points

Republicans like to tout the evils of big government but typically expand government while they are in power.

The best I can guess is the "Big Government" they talk about dispissing is only relative to social programs. They have no problem expanding the military or complaining when a democrat cuts portions of the military during a time of peace they also fail to mention the other govt programs which were cut under the guidance of a democrat.
Reply:No, it sounds like...

deficit is what you get when you do things (i.e. war) and don't appropriately tax people (repubs)

balanced budget is what you get when you do things (i.e. healthcare), but appropriately tax people (dems)
Reply:O.K., lets all go back to Sept 11, 2001, and bend over and pul down our pants and say "Here you go!"

Better yet , you do it.
Reply:quit confusing that idiot in office for a real fiscal conservative.
Reply:I heard a quote recently that the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats believe government is good and then they get elected and prove themselves wrong. Republicans believe that government is bad, and then the get elected and prove themselves right.
Reply:Nothing you say is correct. I smell a liberal here.

Republicans do not deride government. This is a false statement.

The Republicans have not been in the majority since December of last year. No Republican ever voted for record federal deficits. Another false statement.

Deficits are caused by too much spending by Congress. It really does not make a difference who is in the majority. Congress spends too much.

Clinton fudged the books and started a recession with his inane tax policies before he left office.

You are deluding yourself.
Reply:Well alphabetsoup, I hate to admit when one of you are right, but you are 75% right on this. The republicans had the presidency, the house and senate, and did not reduce spending. They may argue that it's due to the war, but in all honesty, they didn't really try to cut back on anything, and we did not vote for them last election cycle (we hold our candidates responsible at election time, do democrats...if so, I'd imagine a similar fate for that crowd based on how they are handling the war).

The part you are wrong about was Clinton balancing the budget...when he had a democrat congress and senate, there was no aspirations to do that, and spending was going to be wild as ever. The republicans came in with that on their Contract with America, and they forced that agenda. Look it up, don't believe me ;)
Reply:Yes, it does
Reply:The modern-day republican party is founded on hypocrisy, lies, and corruption. Just look at what has been happening over the past 7 years(they have the presidential position and they had the majority in congress up until 06). With this said I rest my case.
Reply:Oh, in case you haven';tnoticed, since January it;'s been a Democrat congress.
Reply:i have no idea
Reply:the republicans love to say that govt doesn't work.

when they are in power, they try very hard to prove it...
Reply:personally i think democrats don't know what the hell they are doing. If they did Clinton would have gotten off his *** and tried to catch the people in Afganistan, Iraq, and Iran. But he did nothing so..what happened= 9-11!!

shoes stock

Have Hillary’s win at all cost politics turned too many Democrats, Republicans and Independents against her?

Hillary Clinton has played the Gender Card and irritated many men.

She has played the race card and irritated many minorities.

She has dismissed, disrespected insulted many small states and caucus State all across America by saying they just don’t matter as much as California and the Mexican rich vote in Texas.

Is their win at all cost politics, who have they NOT insulted?

Have Hillary’s win at all cost politics turned too many Democrats, Republicans and Independents against her?
Now this below is from a writer whose opinion I have respected for over thirty years. His information in the quotes is abouth the fifth time I have totally agreed with him 100% :

"There will be a woman president in our lifetime. I just don’t favor Hillary. My impressions of Hillary are poor ones that started forming when Bill Clinton was first elected as president in1992.

A major TV network newsman who is an acquaintance of mine traveled with both Clintons on their campaign plane as they landed in Little Rock, Ark., on the day of the election. They were coming home to vote.

Because of exit booth polling, they learned before their plane landed that Bill Clinton would beat the senior George Bush. My acquaintance was working on a post-election profile that had been planned if Clinton won. The reporter was able to see the couple first as young and almost unknown nervous seekers of the presidency, and then as gloating, self-confident victors — all on the same trip, on the same plane.

When the newsman landed, his first phone call was to a mutual friend who had served as a White House press secretary for a former first lady. The newsman said that Hillary was a monster and described her in terms unprintable here.

The assessment presaged what we all began to see as she first attempted to take center-stage on her failed health-care initiative and then proceeded to behave like an untamed shrew. She is cold and calculating — and just not presidential material.

She’s blind with ambition and generally just unlikable. That’s why McCain will beat her, if given the chance."
Reply:Thanks for understanding. Report Abuse

Reply:It's pretty bad...
Reply:From the beginning when it was announced she was a candidate, with her husband who said "Define the word sex", I was going to vote against her no matter who the Republican is.
Reply:Hillary running for President was the biggest joke ever perpetrated on the American since her husbands cigar tricks were revealed.

Why are the Obama endorser-stooges putting words into the mouths of blacksl saying blacks hate Bill?

It is so demeaning to make blacks appear as hateful people. Many of them like Bill Clinton, the "First Black President" yet these Barry Hussein Obama sychopants are issuing statements that black hate Bill for using the race card. This is unfair to these people. They know how to speak for themselves and many didn't like what the stooges are doing - painting them as a hateful race. Lots of them support Hillary despite BHO playing the race card.

Why are the Obama endorser-stooges putting words into the mouths of blacksl saying blacks hate Bill?
As an Afro-American, I'm insulted by the statements from the Former President Bill Clinton. What's equally insulting; in America, the land of the brave and free; I can't support another Afro-American without being tainted with a label of racist. Tell me; based upon this current election period; what makes it different from countries we generally point our finger at with contempt?
Reply:The way that rep who said that put it was like a threat. I read the story and my wife looked at me and said, "is he threatening that if crap doesnt cool down, he will make sure clinton looses all the black vote?"

I laughed and said, yep, thats what it sounded like to me also.

Read the story. thats the exact way his quoted words read!
Reply:Agree....I was at a sign waving rally today for Hillary Clinton. There were Black supporters for Hillary!! I think Obama is trying to drive a wedge between the people of this country. BO says he is a uniter...if anything he is working overtime to divide this country. Just like Al Sharpton is trying to insure the delegates from Michigan and Florida are not seated.
Reply:Well, we obviously know that you are not black by the statement, "This is unfair to these people". LOL

So why do you care? Are you part of the Hillary campaign machine? Is that hard to hear for you guys? I know that you had hoped that Bill would appeal to the masses as a fake black. Sorry but he's shown his true colors during this election. That fact will not be forgotten for quite some time.
Reply:That is sad that people keep manipulating others by appealing to base racial definitions. I saw them on tv talking about race supporting obama and not ever talking about the issues.
Reply:i dont think he is a brother anymore. they cancel his brotherhood card. he is no longer a brother from another mother.
Reply:You have lost your mind and in need of medical care......
Reply:You're the 1st I heard saying this nonsense. What's wrong with you?
Reply:Thank you for speaking for us blacks - we've been so lost since MLK died.

Why do the black people which are obama supporters calls Hillary Clinton 3am add racist?

news flash not every white person is a racist the white house is not owed to anyone base on race or gender if playing the race card is the only way to get obama in the white house is the wrong way to go

Why do the black people which are obama supporters calls Hillary Clinton 3am add racist?
,The only people who have pulled the race card in this entire campaign are Slick Willy, Obama himself, and his wife, Michelle. Non of their race card remarks have referred to the red phone commercial racist. That makes no sense at all to call that a racist commerical.

We, the Republicans wish to thank Hillary for paying for an ad for McCain's campaign. LOL! The only person anyone should want answering the phone at 3AM is McCain. Obama is clueless on foreign policy. Hillary would not be able to make up her mind. Slick Willy was handed Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter years ago, only he was too busy playing golf to make a decision. McCain is the only candidate running that is both qualified and prepared to make that decision. I am voting for McCain.
Reply:I've never heard anyone say that ad was racist. It wasn't about his race...they were trying to suggest he wasn't a "seasoned" leader. I think Obama's response and his calling Clinton's largely bogus international experience into question was perfect!

Obama 2008
Reply:If thats the only card you have in the deck, I'm guessing you play it.
Reply:First question - idk and haven't heard that personally.

News flash part ... YES and probably true.
Reply:They are very prone to labeling anyone who does not support him as a candidate "racist."
Reply:i've never seen anyone call that ad racist. it's stupid, not racist.
Reply:It was racist because they're were no black people in it.
Reply:I have never heard it myself, but it would be stupid if they did.



In 2001 , an Italian woman who reads playing cards , says ...?

that Hilary Clinton would be the President of U.S.A.

The woman named RENATA SOLI . She said that to Italian magazine "Che" . Dated 1.24.2001 .

Any idea about this woman , about reading playing cards ?

In 2001 , an Italian woman who reads playing cards , says ...?
Lol..what was all that crap above?:P

The fact you're referring to is reported on Renata Soli's website.



(if you can read some italian, the statement you're thinking of is ten lines above the end, in the black box)

Who is this So-Called medium? Just another so-called medium, who gained some popularity back in the past.

I wouldn't consider any interview published on "Chi", it's not much of a newspaper..

and infact, nobody knows Renata Soli (let alone knowing her by her "art name" - Elisa -)

Ps: The little said about Hillary goes literally as:

"I feel like she's going to have a lot of succes as a senator; this is just the beginning of her great political ascension. She will become president of the US. She didn't forgive her husband."

Not much of a forecast.. I'd rather say they look like some guesses even you or me could have thrown in
Reply:I read a full house last time I played poker and lost a lot of money. Thats about all I know about reading them.
Reply:I heard many people say that in the 90's
Reply:if that is her biggest prophecy, sounds like she's about to go 0-1.
Reply:As there was little doubt that Mrs. Clinton would, one day, make a run for the White House, and considering her apparent popularity and that of her husband, it didn't take a deck of cards or any other kind of mysticism to see the possibility becoming a reality. However, it seems signorita Soli missed the Obama factor.
Reply:well she may be right but that is not garanteed Yet I do not think one should read cards any more than palms fortune telling is wrong.
Reply:She must have been reading the queens only.
Reply:I guess Obama is gonna screw that up for her.
Reply:Well she was wrong, showing that reading cards is B.S.
Reply:Duet 18:9-14

9When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

13Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.

14For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do

Lev 19:31

31Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

Lev. 20:6

6And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

Rev. 21:8

8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Rev. 22:15

15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Seeing as God does not change, if it were ever an abomination to do this...and it was...then it still is...and it IS. That's what God says about it.
Reply:I read playing cards too....it's not hard to see if it's a 9 of Hearts or something...

I'm saying Barack will be the President.

safety boots

Hilary Clinton?!?

I'm just curious, 1.Is Hilary Clinton a racist? It's because when Obama talks about what he would do if he would be president, Hilary always interrupts him, and when the other candidates are talking, HIlary doesn't interrupt. 2. If Hilary Clinton becomes president, is it true that she will break up families in the U.S. that aren't U.S. citizens, because my family only has green cards, and my parents are applying to be U.S. citizens here. I asked number two because I am very worried about this.

Hilary Clinton?!?
If you're not illegal, there's nothing to worry about. Romney was the only racist one in the race, IMO.

And btw, there's only two Democratic candidates...who is she not interrupting?
Reply:idk ive never taught of it but now that u mention it...good point

maybe is that she is afraid obama might win..her
Reply:The Obama camp are the racist. They are also going to lose.
Reply:Hillary is very aggressive towards Obama because she sees him as a threat to her campaign, and she is right. He seems to be undermining her efforts quite nicely.

I dont know that she can or will split up families. I dont believe that will happen, but, I am not 100% informed on the matter either.

Welcome to America, btw...congratulations!!
Reply:Democracy has checks and balances..don't worry
Reply:No Hillary is not a racist. You will hear that about many candidates or their supporters... but pay them no attention

You and your family are safe if you are here legally. Hope they get their green cards soon and good luck to you all.
Reply:That does not make her a racist.

However, Hillary has played the race card so much that almost no African Americans will ever vote for her.

Her politics are so dirty and campaign has been run so bad and the fact that she won't release her tax returns is so sleazy that many democrats including me won't ever vote for her


Oh and 50% of Americans really didn't like her before all that because she has zero interity.

Can't trust her.
Reply:Hillary should run on the same ticket with John McCain, because they are cut from the same cloth. If the Clinton crowd steals the nomination from Obama, I will vote for Nader, or someone from another third party. I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. If the American people insist on continually voting against their own best interests...... well, I refuse to aid in this nation's rush to suicide.
Reply:no Hit-lar-ry is just impolite and dumb.
Reply:Yes Hillary thiks she's better than any and will uses what ever she can too put them down under her controling foot
Reply:She see's Obama as her biggest competition.

therefore,she tries her hardest to put him down.

im not shure about the second one.

maybe you should try going here to see if maybe you can get a clearer view on what she is all about.

Reply:hilary is a b**** and she is racist, she is a rich b**** and she only cares about being president to screw things up like bush
Reply:1. So, interrupting someone makes them a racist?

2. If you have a green card, you have nothing to worry about.

Why Did Hillary Clinton LIE at the Democratic Debates?

Hillary Clinton said that EVERY Republican at the Republican debates were for the war. THAT’S A LIE!!!!

Republican Rep. RON PAUL was AGAINST the war from the very beginning! Unlike Hillary, he didn’t believe the OBVIOUS BS propaganda coming from the White House. He even recently went on Bill Maher and stated that a big reason we are in the Middle East is to protect American OIL INTERISTS!!!! Are you EVER going to hear Hillary say such a blatant TRUTH like that??? Doubt it!!!

RON PAUL voted

AGAINST the war in Iraq,

AGAINST the National ID Card,

AGAINST the Military Commissions Act,

AGAINST the Patriot Act.

Hillary Clinton voted:

FOR the war in Iraq,

FOR the national ID card,

FOR the Military Commissions Act,

FOR the Patriot Act


Why Did Hillary Clinton LIE at the Democratic Debates?
Yes. I totally think she did.

She also lied about Bush causing the war and causing the deaths in war, and preventing the war from ending.

George did not cause the war. it was the many villans in the middle east who did.
Reply:she made a mistake
Reply:Because she was asked to debate and when she speaks, she lies
Reply:Hilary has always played the fence on issues,,she has gone with the wind,,if it blows left she sways left,,if it goes right,,,she sways right,,,sorry,,47 yrs old and have seen it for yrs
Reply:Hilary will say anything she can to push her socialist agenda and get elected president so she can have a bigger platform to push her socialism, divide the country, steal money that isn't hers, rape profits from businesses, "rape" our military by drastic spending cuts, sell out our country to the UN, and enlarge the welfare state by legallizing 20-30 million high-school drop-outs who want nothing more than to spread their socialism to the US.

She is a disgrace and a traitor to the US just like her buddy Sen. Kennedy
Reply:D - E - M - O - C - R - A - T politician

I know the others lie also but the door was just to open to not go there.
Reply:You are certainly entitled to rant on about Clinton vs Ron Paul, but I hate to inform you that Ron Paul isn't going anywhere. He's way too 'fringe' to get more than a few percentage points of the vote.
Reply:She lied because she is Hillary Clinton. It's what she does.
Reply:It's too bad that Ron Paul has no chance of getting the Republican nomination. He sounds pretty interesting.
Reply:I would much rather have Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, or Ralph Nader then the Corporate lap dogs that are so-called best choice, front runners. Key word being "front".
Reply:That is what liars do, they lie.
Reply:Is Ron Paul a cross dresser like Guiliana? Did he marry his cousin also? Hillary will raise the $500 million needed to win. Obama and Edwards will not. It's not about the person, it's about money and power, Hillary has both..
Reply:how can she get elected telling the truth? that would have her put behind bars.
Reply:Because lying is all Hillary Does. I don't like Ron Paul. I heard him on foriegn policy on Red Eye at Fox. He sounds just like a pacifist Democrat. He says we can Talk our way out of the Iraq war by holding TALKS with Iran. That is like TALKING to the fox and asking it not to EAT your chickens. Ron Paul needs some more Geritol.
Reply:I don't know if she lied or just forgot! She has a lot more on her mind than Ron Paul, a third tier candidate!

Too bad she didn't have all the voting records with her, or someone feeding her information from another area. Testing, one, two, three!

How many Republicans voted for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which got our combat troops in Vietnam?

I am against everything you say she voted for, but congress only got to vote on what Bush gave them, which was mushroom clouds and tons of gas, and a bunch of lies, that he knew were lies at the time. He knew the document about yellow cake was a forgery! He just forgot to mention it to EVERYBODY!
Reply:Hillary would not intentionally lie. If Ron Paul decides to be a Republican, she would apologize to him.
Reply:she is a liar...i hope she does't when the presidency... otherwise im going to canada
Reply:Lying is a liberal family value.
Reply:Hillary? a liar?

no way!*
Reply:Everyone already knows hilary is a a ling manipulator...
Reply:The same reason Senator McCain and the WHOLE REPUBLICAN PARTY has since its first election.
Reply:I'm not sure about some things, but she is not my choice for dem leader. I feel Obama is at least a straght shooter.
Reply:Go RON PAUL!

The only smart candidate on both sides of the spectrum!
Reply:I think it was a mistake not a lie.
Reply:She is a Democrat and a Clinton, why else?

Don't you remember the money man from Hollywood that gave his big money to Obama? "The Clintons are such uncommonly good LIARS!"
Reply:"It's my party and I'll do what I want to,

do what I want to...la da la da la da!"
Reply:how do you know when Hillary's lying?

Reply:Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican, that's why. He is not and will not be taken serious. His 15 minutes of shame are over and the Clinton's are proven liars.
Reply:Its obvious. all politicians twist the truth to work for them. you saw it on the debate you'll also see it in the republicans. you can't blame them. we created the elections to work this way, and so thats what we get.
Reply:This is typical repub propaganda. carl rove rides again!! Yah Hoo!!

How do you feel about Clintons plan for universal healthcare?

Clinton proposes that everyone be responsible for carrying health insurance, and that she 'sees a day when showing your health insurance card will be part of a job interview'. How is this to benefit the american people and keep the insurance co. and stock holders from robbing us blind?

How do you feel about Clintons plan for universal healthcare?
The healthcare issue is her 'Ace in the hole' to get people to vote for her. If she gets elected, our country will become a Socialist nation, and socialism never works. People are kept down. She we see to it that the Constitution is abolished, since she is a supported of Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).

She couldn't get healthcare into the books all those eight years her hubby was in office? What makes anyone think she will get it done this time around? No way...read between the lines, the cost of your insurance will still come out of YOUR pocket.

If you want more money in your bank account, and in your pockets, and have cheaper costs for healthcare you better look at the candidate Ron Paul, he wants to do away with the greed from the insurance companies regulating the costs of health insurance and take it back to the cost between the doctor and the patient, and the hospital and the patient - he is a OB/GYN he knows how the red tape works and how to fix this problem, and he knows how to get our shrinking dollar back to where it was so our economy won't face a recession, or a depression. He is even aware how the drug companies are pushing the new drugs down the doctors throats when it was brought to our attention that the drugs most Americans take are produced from COAL TAR! Ron Paul knows this and he doesn't like it one bit. Not only that - that saddest part of our American economy is that the US Dollar is nearly equal to the Mexican peso? How good is that! Not good at all. Ron Paul wants to make our dollar STRONG again - make our economy flourish, along with the American people too.

So, please look at Ron Paul (He is campaigning as a Republican - but is in truth a Constitutionalist - he TRULY and desperately for over 30 years now while in Congress wants to help families, children, healthcare, jobs, and to do away with Big Brother taking away every liberty which is rightfully YOURS. He can only do these things as President, not in a Congress which is controlled by corporations running our government.

For the pinnacle of her career Universal Health Care : This exchange happened the other day, some guy had the cojones to claim the Hillary Health Plan was Socialized Medicine. This triggered her usual knee - jerk response by calling him some “Right Winger“ Clinton was asked why as a candidate for president she is “still insisting” on bringing “socialized medicine” to the United States, when people are “pulling away” from similar systems in Canada and Great Britain. Worse“, the questioner said, such systems hurt rather than help poor people. Clinton answered :

“That was a string of misrepresentations about me and about the systems in other countries,” , “Number one, I have never advocated socialized medicine, and I hope all the journalists here heard that loudly and clearly because that has been a right-wing attack on me for 15 years.”

Now for all those who are afraid Government is listening to your phone calls sit back and see what Hillary wanted to do to your life if she would have had her way. This information is right out of her Universal plan and what it would consist of.

Under Clinton’s plan, you will automatically be enrolled in a government-run “health alliance.” Clinton’s plan states:

“It is the obligation of every eligible individual to enroll in a health plan. Anyone who does not meet the established deadline for enrollment automatically is enrolled in a health plan when he or she seeks medical care. Regional alliances assign patients who do not seek enrollment to a health plan; they automatically assign any newborn infant who is not enrolled through his or her parents to a plan.”

Once you are enrolled, “health-providing institutions . . . would send all patients through medical ‘gatekeepers,’ who would decide what care people really need.” Gatekeepers, I don’t know about you but that scares the s@#* out of me.

Present and future doctors will be under direct control of a new NATIONAL HEALTH BOARD. Just another government organization to keep us down and from what we need. Those who don’t obey orders can be fined, have their assets forfeited, and be imprisoned. Clinton’s plan says that “current federal authority is amended to allow forfeitures of proceeds derived from health care fraud” and “the law provides for prejudgment interest or penalties and assessments imposed by an administrative law judge‘, any doctor who doesn’t tell the government everything it wants to know about your medical history, buys services from a company the government hasn’t approved, or doesn’t open his offices to governmental inspection on demand is history.

These new “crimes” are broad enough for the government to destroy any doctor who fails to meekly obey the orders of the government. Clinton’s plan will do nothing to control most of these rising health-care costs. And it will inevitably regulate and regiment many physicians and hospitals out of existence. This means that the only way Clinton can control costs is by rationing. Rationing is a favorite Socialist pastime.

If you want proof the Hillary is a socialist, I will furnish with quotes from her own mouth - let you be the judge...


Now that we got that out of the way, lets get some quotes from Hillary herself, speaking about the petrodollar profits. “I want to take those profits and put them into an alternative energy fund that will begin to fund alternative smart energy alternatives that will actually begin to move us toward the direction of independence.” Ok she did say “take those profits”, because i don’t want to be accused of being a so called “right winger”. What other profits does she want to take.

Ok now lets see what else she has said : “Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush’s] tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

(Hillary at a fund raising speech in San Francisco; SFGate.com 6/28/2004.) So she wants to take things away for the common good? I don’t think we need any more quotes, her socialist views speak for themselves. Now I have nothing personal against Socialists but when you are one at least have the backbone to admit it!
Reply:They may be digs to you, but I posted factual quotes on the opposing candidate. Can you honestly be content about her implementing a Gatekeeper that will direct the type of care you receive when ill? Thanks for the best answer vote, I appreciate it. Peace. Report Abuse

Reply:This is an important step in the right direction.

Many of you out there are thinking too emotionaly, with lots of you just hating the Clintons.

Get the hell over it!!!

None of you are really thinking about the fact that health care is a global issue...not just an American issue.

Most of you don't understand the "virul" world and the threats it will pose to us a species in years to come.

It would only take one nasty little strain of virus that is unknown to infect a few of us and utimately kill most of the worlds population.

I just don't understand how so many of you think that with our global population growing and at its highest ever that we can continue to treat health care the same!

This would be the tip of the Iceberg on reforming health care....universaly!!!

If we all breath the same air for free on a summers day walk, and we all get the same airborn virus....what???...only the rich survive????

How American is that?

Can we really start to think out of the box people?....please!?
Reply:The Clinton's plans are about control, whether it be healthcare, education, or social worker visits to your home to make sure your parenting skills are in alignment with "the village".

The Clintons want to run your life, and they intend to do that by taking away your personal choices and building up government power and control.
Reply:How many times have you heard that we are the only modern industrialized country that does not have universal health care?

How many times have you heard we are the richest country on the planet?

How many times have you heard we have spent a half trillion dollars on two bogus wars?

I can tell you one overriding reason I want universal health care in this country ---------- insurance forms and insurance companies. From impossibly complicated forms to denials, to slow pay, to no pay, to fighting with them to get what you thought was covered but by some convoluted loophole they said no, to just getting fuggged in the rear end as they reap huge profits.

I fail to understand why all you stupid anti universal health care nuts don't want at the very least basic care because as it stands now, 50% of all bankruptcy's are the result of medical bills, and 50% of those had medical insurance that ran out.

How fuggged up do you really want to be and how fuggged up do you want to be to yourself?

If you scream personal responsibility, well guess what, you can personal responsibility those 50% who had medical insurance that ran out to death, as they lost everything they worked for and all you do is sit there and scream bloody murder.

You people are truly inhuman. And the really sad part, is you are being inhuman to yourselves, but you don't know it.



Reply:If I wanted Socialism I would move to a Socialist country.

Why can't the Clintons do the same?

The socialist weasel is going after "Universal Health care part 2." It was bad last time and it's worse now. It's expensive and it will destroy health care.

EVERY time the government runs a program there are huge wastes and inefficiencies. This will happen if Hillary stupid idea is law.

Why do you think people come here from other countries for treatment? Because we don't have socialized medicine. THAT IS WHAT HITLERY IS PROPOSING!
Reply:Can we afford it? The answer is no. This will be another tax burden for the working, tax paying, legal citizens of this great country. The libs are more then happy spend money with no concept of where it is going to come from or the long term financial consequences. Another free handout with no questions asked. Another reason for a new crop of illegal aliens to invade our country and overload the system. Wake up America.
Reply:The word 'universal' just doesn't sit well with me, and I bet the Klingons would object as well.
Reply:This is the stupidest idea. Think about the other government agencies that are run by the government. They are all run into the ground. And who is going to pay for this? A lot of money is going to be needed and that will come from us. I have health insurance. It is not that hard to obtain. Oh yea that is probably why I go to work everyday. I don't sit at home expecting the government to take care of everything for me. I like the fact that I decide how my hard earned money is going to be spent. I don't know what is wrong about our health care right now. Why do people not want to pay for their health? People don't complain about paying $5 for coffee at starbucks or the fact that people who don't want to pay for their health and yet they have a cell phone or brand new car. Please let me decide what happens to my money.
Reply:It would do wonders for the country, just imagine, if you are sick, you will be treated, and the first question you hear, is NOT, and how will you be paying this account.
Reply:Clinton Takes $1 Million From Insurance Cos, Plans to Force All

Americans to Buy Private Coverage

Reply:Universal health care is one of the worst ideas in human history. Monopolies are bad, nobody disputes that. A monopoly with guns and the power to throw you in jail (government) is worse. So why would anybody want to put a government monopoly in charge of our health and lives? It's just plain dumb.

I already have insurance, why punish me because other people don't? I currently have the freedom of choice (United, Humana, Blue Cross, Aetna, etc.), why steal my freedom and force me into a government monopoly?

Universal health care is inefficient, immoral, and just plain stupid.
Reply:I don't like anything that government mandates as MANDATORY. I feel I'm losing a personal freedom
Reply:It may not be the best proposal but it is one more than the GOP is offering. Our health care system is broken. Many on both sides of the aisle have said so. It is quite obvious if one looks around outside their safe little cocoon. The Democratic Party Presidential front runners have suggested plans to help solve the health care problems. The Republicans have offered nothing. Do the Republicans want the problem to continue or get worse? It sure seems they do.
Reply:I think its a step in thinking about the healthcare problem in America. With that being said. I cant believe Mitt Romney is such a hipocrate he sponsored a similar plan in his state but I hear him on TV talking about how his plan is so different. Talk about a hipocrate.
Reply:I hate that anti-capitalistic republicans want insurance companies to steal profits off of us without advertising and selling us a decent plan. Instead insurance companies lobby and lobby and lobby some more with the money they steal from me, the 10,000 a year they take out of my income! So, this is what we get, a way for the insurance companies to still steal from me? Of course I don't like her plan, but at least she's attacking the issue.
Reply:Somebody's got to do SOMETHING about the health care crisis in this country. We are one of the richest nations in this world but yet we have people who lose their homes, their good credit, even their lives just because they don't have insurance or because the healthcare system is so freakin' corrupt that MONEY is worth more than a LIFE. How can you put a price on human life? At least universal health insurance can stop people from dying and being sick just because they don't have enough money or insurance to pay for it.