Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why do African-Americans supportive of Hilliary Clinton, seem to play the race card?

Any influential african-american supporters of Hilliary, rave on Hillary's consistent help to black america and/or how Obama is not black-enough. Interestingly enough, Obama is bi-racial is this a step in the right direction rather than further divisions along race, red state/blue state, nationality, etc etc. America is united I thought?

Why do African-Americans supportive of Hilliary Clinton, seem to play the race card?
If Obama is elected - you will see division like has not been seen since the black fight during the civil rights movement. Obama does not keep the company of people that would be considered Uniters (Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright) - and we are indeed judged by the company we keep. Obama can be anyone he wants to be depending on his audience. Obama played the race card a long time ago - and if a person wins the game based on who plays the race card to their advantage, Obama has the Ace of Spades. If voters are smart enough to vote on substance - Obama will lose hands down.

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